Congress of the LDPR nominated Zhirinovsky’s presidential elections

Advertising Skip the ads {{$root.cfg.modules.slider.galleryTable_4828207.stepNow *12 +1}} 6 of {{$root.cfg.modules.slider.gallery_4828207.sliderLength-1}} LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky © Mikhail Japaridze/TASS © Mikhail Japaridze/TASS © Mikhail Japaridze/TASS Vice-speaker of the state Duma Igor Lebedev © Mikhail Japaridze/TASS © Mikhail Japaridze/TASS © Mikhail Japaridze/TASS Editor’s choice Lavrov opened a memorial plaque to the Russian Ambassador in Turkey Andrey Karlov 19 Dec, 11:04 Moscow hosted the match in honor of the 70th anniversary of HC “Wings of the Soviets” 18 Dec, 23:23 The Russian team became the winner of the Cup of the First channel on hockey 17 Dec, 19:17 Team Russia hockey team defeated Canada for the First channel Cup 16 Dec, 19:23 Team Czech Republic defeated team Canada on the First channel Cup hockey 15 Dec, 21:55 Science plus industry: as the St. Petersburg Polytechnic trains 15 Dec, 16:41 1 … {{item.num+1}} … {{$root.cfg.modules.slider[‘gallery_4828207’].sliderLength – 1}} {{$root.cfg.modules.slider[‘gallery_4828207’].sliderLength – 1}} + LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Putin signed a law on fines for messengers

Putin signed a law on fines for messengers Moscow. 20 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on fines to 1 million rubles for violation of the duties prescribed in the law that regulates the work of the messengers. The document is published on the official Internet portal of legal information. According to the law, for the failure of the organizer of the service instant messaging duties established by the law on information, information technologies and protection of information is assigned an administrative fine on citizens in the amount from 3 thousand to 5 thousand rubles, officials — from 30 thousand to 50 thousand rubles, legal entities — from 800 thousand to 1 million rubles. Persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity shall bear administrative responsibility as legal entities. This summer a law was passed regulating the activities of messengers, introducing into law the

The CEC will notify the Assembly of the initiative group to nominate Putin

The CEC will notify the Assembly of the initiative group to nominate Putin MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. The CEC will submit the notice of collection of 26 December the initiative group of voters to nominate Vladimir Putin for the presidential elections. About it RIA Novosti said the head of the movement “Victory Volunteers”, a member of the Public chamber Olga Emelchenkova. The decision to meet was taken at a meeting of the organizing Committee, which was held at the Moscow Museum of Victory. At the request of the Director Stanislav Govorukhin Emelchenkova invited about thirty of the Russians. Conducted meeting the head of the center of gifted children “Sirius” Elena Shmeleva. The meeting was also addressed by acting Secretary General Council of party “United Russia” Andrei Turchak, head of the Executive Committee of the popular front Alexey Anisimov and other public figures. The participants of the initiative group

The Kremlin does not agree with the wording of UN General Assembly resolution on Crimea

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Sergey Fadeichev/TASS MOSCOW, December 20. /TASS/. The Kremlin believes the wrong UN General Assembly resolution on Crimea, said the press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov. “We believe this language is incorrect and do not agree with them”, – said the representative of the Kremlin, commenting on the document. The UN General Assembly on Tuesday by a majority of votes adopted the resolution condemning alleged human rights violations in Crimea and allegedly “illegal establishment by the Russian Federation laws, jurisdiction and administration” on the Peninsula. Russia in the document, which in November was approved by the 3rd Committee of the GA, called the “occupying power”.

Crimea is ready to receive members of the General Assembly supporting a resolution of Ukraine

SIMFEROPOL, December 20. /TASS/. The deputies of the Parliament of Crimea is ready to appeal to its colleagues – deputies of the parliaments of the countries that supported the resolution of the UN General Assembly on Crimea, and invite them to come to the Peninsula to get acquainted with the real situation in the region. This was stated on Wednesday, TASS, the head of Crimean Parliament Vladimir Konstantinov.

The state Duma adopted the law on the punishment to 10 years for telephone terrorism

The state Duma adopted the law on the punishment to 10 years for telephone terrorism Now the maximum penalty for a false mining is five years of imprisonment. Moscow. 20 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — the state Duma meeting on Wednesday adopted in the third and final reading a law providing for punishment of three to ten years in prison for telephone terrorism. Currently, the maximum penalty for such a crime (article 207 of the criminal code, knowingly false report about an act of terrorism) is up to five years of imprisonment. The new law provides four levels of penalties depending on the severity of the consequences and dangers that followed reports of the impending explosion. Now these steps are only two, furthermore, is not separately allocated, the punishment for false report about mining of social facilities and authorities. The first tier of liability — if an act of hooliganism received a

39 friends of the President who will nominate Putin

39 friends of the President who will nominate Putin The names of the members of the initiative group to nominate Putin. “Газета.Ru” found out the first 39 names that will be included in future initiative group to nominate Vladimir Putin for a fourth presidential term. These people gathered on 19 December at the Museum of Victory, to prepare the meeting of the whole group, which will include 600 people. Earlier on Wednesday at the forum of the popular front, Putin made a speech, which experts believe was his first policy statement. The evening of December 19 at the Museum of Victory was a meeting of the organizing Committee of initiative group in support of the nomination of the President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. All it consisted of 39 people. The invitation they received from the face of the famous Director, co-chair of the onf Stanislav Govorukhin through a member

The US announced plans to impose a ban on missile development of Iran

The US announced plans to impose a ban on missile development of Iran Moscow. 20 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley said at a UN security Council meeting that Washington plans to be submitted to the security Council a number of measures on toughening of sanctions against Iran in connection with Tehran supplies weapons to Yemeni rebels, the Houthis. “We can develop sanctions against Iran in response to clear violations of the embargo to Yemen,” the diplomat said. According to her, the fact that Saudi Arabia persist on the rocket fire from the rebels, is the “red alarm” to the UN security Council. According to Washington, the Houthis used for attacks on Saudi Arabia missiles manufactured and supplied by Iran. In accordance with existing restrictions, Tehran is prohibited to produce missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads. N. Hayley offers to introduce a complete ban on