Kadyrov said on his inclusion in the sanctions list of the USA

Kadyrov said on his inclusion in the sanctions list of the USA The head of Chechnya said that would not go to USA even for all the foreign exchange reserves of the country. Moscow. 20 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — the Head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov believes that it has made in the sanctions list of the U.S. Treasury, as it struggled with international terrorists, among whom were the Pets of U.S. intelligence. “I can be proud of, if displeasing to US intelligence. Actually USA can’t forgive, that has dedicated his life to the fight against foreign terrorists, among whom was the fosterling of U.S. intelligence. In Chechnya, peace and stability. And the US pours the blood around the world!” — Kadyrov wrote on Wednesday in his instagram. The head of Chechnya said that would not go to America for any money. “Wouldn’t have gone to the US if I promised as

The Federation Council will discuss the decriminalization of articles of the criminal code, which is judged Kurgan farmer

© Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, December 20. /TASS/. The Senator from the Kurgan region Elena Perminova invited colleagues from the Federation Council Committee on legislation to consider the issue of decriminalization of article of the criminal code “trafficking of special technical means intended for secret information”. She announced this on Wednesday, TASS reported. Accused in this article of the criminal code is a farmer from the village of the Scapula Lebyazhievsky district of Kurgan region Evgeny Vasiliev, which told Russian President Vladimir Putin at a big press conference on December 14. Vasilyev, who is a disabled person of group III because of asthma, ordered from China GPS tracker “Mini A8” to follow his calf. The device is forbidden to free circulation on the territory of Russia in connection with the presence of signs referring to special technical means for secret obtaining of information. The man was detained by FSB officers in

The contact group agreed on ceasefire in the Donbass from midnight on December 23

The Plenipotentiary of Russia in the contact group on settling the situation in Eastern Ukraine, Boris Gryzlov © Valery sharifulin/TASS MINSK, 20 December. /TASS/. The participants of the contact group on settling the situation in Eastern Ukraine agreed to establish a truce in the Donbass from midnight on December 23. This was stated on Wednesday following the meeting in Minsk the representative of the Russian Federation Boris Gryzlov.

Became known date of the visit of British foreign Secretary to Moscow

Became known date of the visit of British foreign Secretary to Moscow After several postponements of the visit of the British Minister Boris Johnson will come to Moscow on December 22. This is the first official visit of the head of the foreign office in Russia in may 2012. The Minister of foreign Affairs of great Britain, Boris Johnson will come to Moscow with an official visit on Friday, December 22. It is reported TASS with reference to the representative of the Russian foreign Ministry. On Wednesday, the press Secretary of the Kremlin Dmitry Peskov, answering journalists ‘ questions, noted that the meeting with Johnson in the schedule of President Vladimir Putin doesn’t appear. Initially about the visit of Johnson to Moscow on 22 December, reported Reuters, citing two sources familiar with the matter. The arrival of Johnson in Moscow expected in spring 2017, but has been shifted from late

The EU presented Ukraine requirements for visa-free regime

The EU presented Ukraine requirements for visa-free regime The EU demanded that Ukraine take immediate action so that Ukrainians could continue to travel to Europe without visas. In the report of the European Commission said that Kiev fulfils the requisite conditions, however, the need to more actively fight corruption. Also, the EU requests the cancellation of the amendments, which oblige those who are fighting against corruption, to declare income, reports RT. 7 Dec in the US stated that they expect from the Ukrainian side steps for the establishment of the country’s anti-corruption court. Earlier, the European Commission (EC) gave a negative opinion concerning the establishment of a customs Union between Ukraine and the EU, and the head of the EU delegation to Ukraine called unrealistic Ukraine’s accession to the Schengen area.

The U.S. Treasury imposed sanctions against Ramzan Kadyrov

The U.S. Treasury imposed sanctions against Ramzan Kadyrov The head of the Republic and four Russians caught in the sanctions list under the Magnitsky case. WASHINGTON, December 20. /TASS/. The us administration added the so-called Magnitsky list five citizens of Russia, including the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov. This was announced on Wednesday, the US Treasury Department. In the sanctions list also included Ayub Katayev, Yulia Mayorova, Andrey Pavlov and Alexey Chechenya. The American administration claims that the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov, involved in the “extrajudicial killings, torture and other gross violations of internationally recognized human rights”. According to his version, these actions were allegedly taken against those who “tried to identify the illegal activities carried out by officials of the government of the Russian Federation”. On this basis, the head of Chechnya included in the so-called Magnitsky list.

The deputies did not support the UN resolution on Nazism, are covered with a concern about freedom of thought

The building of the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation © Mikhail Japaridze/TASS MOSCOW, December 20. /TASS/. The country did not support the UN resolution on combating glorification of Nazism, just hide behind concern about freedom of expression. This is stated in a statement on Wednesday the comments of the Russian foreign Ministry.

The state Duma adopted a law to toughen punishment for “telephone terrorism”

© Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, December 20. /TASS/. The state Duma at the meeting on 20 December adopted in the third final reading the draft law on increasing the maximum term of punishment for “telephone terrorism” from 5 to 10 years of imprisonment. The initiative was introduced by the speaker of the lower house Vyacheslav Volodin and the heads of its committees on state construction and legislation Pavel Krasheninnikov and safety by Vasily Piskareva.