The Communist party considers the Director of the state farm. Lenin as a candidate for the presidential elections

The Director of the Lenin state farm Pavel Grudinin © Sergey Fadeichev/TASS MOSCOW, December 22. /TASS/. The candidature of the Director of the Moscow Lenin state farm is actively being considered by the Communist party for nomination for the presidential elections 2018. This was stated to journalists on Friday, the Communist leader Gennady Zyuganov, answering the question about the candidate from his party.

Zyuganov refused presidential ambitions

Zyuganov refused presidential ambitions Communist party leader Gennady Zyuganov proposed to nominate the Director of “Sovkhoz imeni Lenina” Pavel Grudinina as a presidential candidate. About this on air of “echo of Moscow” said the Deputy of the state Duma, member of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist party Valery Rashkin. “This is the first stage of the discussion, Zyuganov nominated Grudinina. Friday will continue the discussion with the participation of Pavel Nikolaevich, then there will be a meeting of the secretaries of the Central Committee Plenum and Saturday we leave to the Congress,” he explained. Rashkin said that “the Chairman of the party will be required to participate in the election campaign. Another question — in what capacity,” he added. November 7, Zyuganov said that all party organizations put forward his candidacy as the candidate on elections of the President of Russia. However, the final word will

Raul Castro has named the date of his retirement

Raul Castro has named the date of his retirement The Chairman of state Council and Council of Ministers of Cuba Raul Castro has said that he will leave his post in April next year. The statement he made on December 21 at a meeting of the National Assembly of people’s power, reported Juventud Rebelde. “When April 19 will be formed the new composition of the National Assembly of people’s power, ends my second and last term as head of state and government. Cuba will have a new Chairman,” said Castro. 86-year-old Raul Castro heads the country since 2008, when the post left his older brother Fidel, who ruled Cuba for 50 years.

The European Union has threatened Ukraine cancellation bezveza

The European Union has threatened Ukraine cancellation bezveza The European Commission has published a report on the mechanism for suspending the regime of visa liberalization for Ukraine. About it reports “Russian newspaper”. Initially, a prerequisite for the lifting bezveza called Ukrainians not to return home after the allowed three-month stay period on the territory of the European Union. Now put forward additional political conditions. To preserve the visa-free regime, the Ukrainian authorities should pursue “anti-corruption reforms” and not to interfere with the Prosecutor’s office, National anti-corruption Bureau and National Agency for the fight against corruption. Visa-free regime between the EU and Ukraine started to operate June 11. Ukrainians can stay in the Schengen area not exceeding 90 days within half a year. Thus they have no right to work or study in Europe.

Pujdeme declared the victory of the Catalan Republic

Pujdeme declared the victory of the Catalan Republic BARCELONA, December 22. /TASS/. The former head of Catalonia Carles Pujdeme argues that the results of the elections in the region the victory of the Catalan Republic. The speech of the former leader, who fled to Belgium, was broadcast on Friday, the TV channel La Sexta. “Catalan Republic defeated monarchy 155 articles (of the Constitution that allowed the government to limit the autonomy of approx. TASS),” he said. As stated removed the head of the region, the results of the expression show that the Prime Minister of Spain, Mariano Rajoy lost. “The Spanish state suffered a defeat,” he said. “We need to restore the legitimate government (of the region), stressed Pujdeme. — Tonight, we’ve earned the right to be heard.” “The majority of Catalans demand a referendum (on independence),” — said the former head of autonomy, according to which “Europe should take

In Catalonia has processed 90% of the ballots in the parliamentary elections

In Catalonia has processed 90% of the ballots in the parliamentary elections BARCELONA, 22 Dec — RIA Novosti. Of the party campaigning for the independence of Catalonia, according to preliminary data, provide an absolute majority in the Parliament of the Autonomous community, according to the calculation almost 90% of the votes. Despite the fact that first place in the elections still holds centrist party “Citizens” with 36 mandates (25,4%), the three separatist parties “Together for Catalonia”, “Left Republicans of Catalonia” and “the Candidacy of national unity” able to obtain 70 seats out of 135. Party “Together for Catalonia”, the first number of the list in which the former Chairman of Generalitat Carles Putteman, which is located in Belgium and in respect of which issued a national arrest warrant may get 34 seats (21% of the vote). Party “Republican Left of Catalonia”, headed by the former Deputy head of Generalitat Mr.

Poklonskaya proposed to deprive deputies of the mandate due to conflict of interest

Poklonskaya proposed to deprive deputies of the mandate due to conflict of interest The head of the state Duma Commission on control over reliability of data on incomes and expenses of deputies Natalia Poklonskaya has prepared amendments to the document on early withdrawal of parliamentary mandates. She wrote about this on his page in Facebook. “I propose to provide for the early termination of Deputy powers for violation of the Deputy’s duties for the prevention and settlement of conflict of interests,” she said, adding that “the initiative [already] sent the Advisory Council at the relevant Committee of the state Duma”. His proposal Poklonskaya explained that “to date, in respect of all officials of different levels provides for liability for such violations in the form of dismissal in connection with loss of trust”. “The only exceptions are members of the Federation Council and deputies of the State Duma”, — he added,

The Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist party will determine the candidate to participate in the presidential elections of 2018

MOSCOW, December 22. /TASS/. The Communist party will hold on Friday the plenary session of the Central Committee of the party, the main issue which will determine the candidates for nomination to the presidential elections of 2018. The plenary session will be held on the eve of the XVII party Congress – the Supreme governing body, which, in turn, will be the next day, Saturday. As reported TASS a member of the Central Committee of the Communist party, state Duma Deputy Alexander Yushchenko, at the plenary session “will decide on the candidacy of the party in the presidential elections, which will then be approved already by Congress.” “At the Congress, discussions will be held. What will make a decision on the plenary – the decision will be at the Congress”, – said the politician.

In the United States has accused Russia of provoking the conflict in the skies over Syria

In the United States has accused Russia of provoking the conflict in the skies over Syria The Pentagon, commenting on the recent rapprochement between the Russian and American fighters, made a statement that Russia deliberately violates the agreements on the prevention of incidents in the skies over Syria. This is with reference to the official representative of the US Department of defense Dana white according to CNN. “Russia is incapable of genuine deconfliction in Syrian airspace. Some of these incidents were not simply a mistake,” said white. December 15, the Pentagon said that the pilot of the Russian su-25 forced the pilot of American F-22 dangerous to maneuver to avoid collision. The incident, according to the U.S. Department of defense, lasted 40 minutes.

Tymoshenko has called Poroshenko “the drunk then bad”

Tymoshenko has called Poroshenko “the drunk then bad” MOSCOW, 21 Dec — RIA Novosti. The former Prime Minister of Ukraine, leader of the party “Fatherland” Yulia Tymoshenko has criticized the country’s President Petro Poroshenko, calling him a “drunk, bad”. She declared it on air of TV channel NewsOne. The MP said that Ukraine needs a “de-monopolization” of power, noting that if one person decides uncontrollably, holding courts, law enforcement agencies and the Parliament, it is “the end of a democratic country.” “Then, sorry, drunk, is bad, then there is no time, then engaged in business — no, friends, not run a country”, she said. Tymoshenko has repeatedly made harsh statements in the address of the current Ukrainian President. Previously, she accused him of harassment of opposition media and money laundering in the supply of goods for the army. In October the leader of “Batkivshchyna” announced readiness to participate in presidential