The Federation Council approved a life sentence for the recruitment of terrorists

The Federation Council approved a life sentence for the recruitment of terrorists MOSCOW, 26 Dec — RIA Novosti. The Federation Council approved on Tuesday a law toughening the punishment for terrorist recruitment up to life imprisonment. Also, the criminal code of the Russian Federation introduced the concept of “propaganda of terrorism”. Document toughens responsibility for financing terrorism, as well as for inducing, recruiting or other involvement of the person in committing one of the crimes provided by following articles of the criminal code of Russian Federation: 205 “act of terrorism”, 205.3 “training in order to carry out terrorist activities”, 205.4 “organization of a terrorist community and participation in it,” 205.5 “Organization of activities of a terrorist organization and participation in activities of such organizations”, part 3 and part 4 of article 206 (hostage-taking), part 4 of article 211 (hijacking an aircraft or water transport, associated with committing a terrorist act),

Russia recognized the inability of the Navy to protect the country

Russia recognized the inability of the Navy to protect the country Doctor of military Sciences, captain Konstantin Sivkov called the main problem of the Russian Navy, which emerged during the Syrian operation. Article expert has published “Military-industrial courier”. Sivkov noted the understaffing of the air group of the aircraft carrier “Kuznetsov”, because, according to the expert, was “lack of trained pilots”. “Obviously, it is a lack of training of flight and command structure was the cause of two known accidents occurred during landing on the deck of the ship that led to the loss of two fighters, that group of 14 cars very much,” — says Sivkov. The expert noted an insufficient number of “full combat-ready ships distant sea and ocean zones” at the disposal of the Russian fleet. The current in this area of the Ship strike group (GAC) included in the best case two or three units of

Most of the calls of “mining” of objects in Russia came from abroad

Machine the fire service and police at the building of government of Sverdlovsk region, which was evacuated because of an anonymous message about the mining, September 2017 © Donat Sorokin/TASS MOSCOW, December 26. /TASS/. The Secretary of the Russian security Council Nikolai Patrushev said that from September 2017 telephone terrorists “mined” 2,5 thousand objects in Russia, and calls came from the USA, Ukraine, Turkey and Japan. “Since September because of deliberately false reporting of acts of terrorism on more than 2,500 facilities throughout the territory of the Russian Federation were evacuated about 1 million people, – he declared in interview to the newspaper”Arguments and facts”. Calls about the mining was done in 75 regions of Russia”. “The investigation showed that the vast majority of menacing phone calls about the explosion was received from abroad by means of IP telephony, in particular, from Turkey, Ukraine, USA and Japan, – said Patrushev.

The Federation Council approved a law raising the minimum wage to a living wage

The Federation Council approved a law raising the minimum wage to a living wage MOSCOW, 26 Dec — RIA Novosti. The Russian Federation Council on Tuesday approved a government law on raising the minimum wage (SMIC) to the level of the subsistence minimum. According to the law, from 1 January 2018, the minimum wage will be set at 85% of the subsistence minimum is 9 thousand 489 rubles, and starting January 1, 2019 it will always be set to the size of the subsistence minimum for the second quarter of the year preceding the establishment of the minimum wage. Information about the subsistence minimum are reviewed on a quarterly official publication and posted on the official website of the authorized Agency. The measures, including raising the minimum wage, a new demographic measure that will allow a certain way to overcome poverty in Russia, you need to see how they work,

Ukraine introduces biometric border control with Russia

Ukraine introduces biometric border control with Russia Russian citizens who wish to enter the territory of Ukraine, with the new year, will be required not only to present a passport, but also to undergo a biometric and document the purpose of the visit. According to the Minister of foreign Affairs Pavel Klimkin, in the future, the Ukrainian authorities are considering the introduction of a visa regime between the two countries. Advisor to the Minister of internal Affairs of Ukraine Zorian Shkiryak said on his Facebook page that on December 27 in some sections of the Russian-Ukrainian border will be introduced biometric control for the citizens of Russia. Talking about “places of possible illegal border crossing authorities of Ukraine” — the fingerprints it will test mobile systems control. From 1 January 2018, the biometrics will have to pass all the citizens of the Russian Federation, says Shkiriak. According to the official

In the state Duma introduced a bill on clarification of the migration registration of foreigners

In the state Duma introduced a bill on clarification of the migration registration of foreigners MOSCOW, 26 Dec — RIA Novosti. The Russian government submitted to the state Duma a bill introducing a refinement in the migratory account of foreign citizens and individuals without citizenship, it follows from the electronic database of the lower house of Parliament. The bill amends the law “On migration registration of foreign citizens and individuals without citizenship in the Russian Federation”. Legislative initiative, in particular, proposes to clarify the concept of “place of stay of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation” and “the party accepting the foreign citizen in the Russian Federation”. According to its authors, this will eliminate the legal uncertainty in the question of who is responsible for the breach of duty on the production of a foreign citizen registration at the place of stay. The project was developed in response to the

The pre-election Congress of the party “Fair Russia” held in Moscow

The Chairman of the party “Fair Russia” Sergei Mironov at the ninth Congress of the party “Fair Russia” © Mikhail Tereshchenko/TASS MOSCOW, December 25. /TASS/. The Congress of the party “Fair Russia” supported the candidacy of the current head of state Vladimir Putin in the presidential elections of the Russian Federation, opened in Moscow on Monday. It is attended by 198 delegates. As stated to journalists by the leader of the party Sergey Mironov, the main issue of the forum is the adoption of the format of the party in the upcoming March 2018 presidential elections. “The Presidium of the Central Council of the party “Fair Russia” will propose to the Congress to nominate its candidate, and to support incumbent President Vladimir Putin,” Mironov said.

The Kremlin is concerned about possible new sanctions, the answer will be given on the principle of reciprocity

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, December 25. /TASS/. Possible new sanctions against Russia cause Moscow’s concern in their response it will be guided by the principle of reciprocity, said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “It certainly causes our concern,” – said the representative of the Kremlin on information on possible new Russian sanctions.”