LDPR and the Communist party will be able to earn at the last presidential election

LDPR and the Communist party will be able to earn at the last presidential election Profile Committee of the state Duma approved an amendment to the bill on party funding, which proposes to increase the value of the votes of voters from 20 to 152 rubles. The law will be considered by the state Duma in the second reading on Thursday, reports “Interfax”. It is noted that the initiative also received the amendment, which proposes to apply the increase in the cost of voting against the next elections, the liberal democratic party and the Communist party after the elections of 2018 will be able to get for every vote not 20, and 152 of the ruble. Thus, the funding parties will increase by 7.6 times. Another bill under consideration in the state Duma, proposes to give subsidies to political parties, which participated in the election of 2018, in the amount

Expert: trump intends to accelerate the implementation of the deal with North Korea on the denuclearization of the region

Expert: trump intends to accelerate the implementation of the deal with North Korea on the denuclearization of the region MOSCOW, June 13. /TASS/. The President of the United States Donald trump is not going to delay the implementation of the transaction for the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula in exchange for the lifting of sanctions against North Korea and plans to reach the first results in six months. This was stated on Wednesday, a senior adviser to the Washington-based Center for strategic and international studies (CSIS) Edward Luttwak on the site of the International discussion club “Valdai”. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий “In Singapore was not approved by the joint plan of action, he said. But trump has his own accelerated schedule, which is designed for six months. At the final press conference, he said that within six months will be ready to admit publicly to either your success or failure.” According to the

Alexei Kudrin called unfulfilled most of the may decrees 2012

Alexei Kudrin called unfulfilled most of the may decrees 2012 The head of the accounts chamber Alexey Kudrin in the report in the State Duma said that the majority of the set in the may decrees of Vladimir Putin’s 2012 objectives are not achieved. “The most serious indicators of failure to deal with the economy: the index of labor productivity in 2016 amounted to 99.8%, labor productivity was falling in 2016. According to the government, in 2016 the rate of productivity growth relative to 2011 was 3.8%. That is, from 2011 to 2016, total productivity grew by 3.8%. And target it is expected to grow by 1.5 times by 2018” — quoted Mr. Kudrin TASS. According to the estimates of audit chamber, the share of investment was 21.9% against a target of 27%. At the same time, as noted by Mr. Kudrin, the requirement to raise wages, by contrast, are

The deputies of the ruling coalition in Norway nominated trump for the Nobel peace prize

The deputies of the ruling coalition in Norway nominated trump for the Nobel peace prize The deputies of the Norwegian progress Party, member of the ruling coalition, was nominated for the Nobel peace prize to U.S. President Donald trump. According to the broadcasting company NRK, the us President should be awarded for their efforts in resolving the problem of denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. “Started a process that aims to provide the planet a peaceful future. He’s still unstable, so we must do everything possible to ensure that he brought good results,” said NRK co-author of the initiative and former head of the Ministry of justice of Norway Per-Willy Amundsen. According to policy, awarding Donald trump would be a clear indication of the position of the world community on the Korean question. Recall the Nobel peace prize was received by former President Barack Obama. In 2009 the award was presented

Yaroshenko was transferred to another place of detention

Yaroshenko was transferred to another place of detention Earlier, the Russian was kept in prison “Fort Dix”. WASHINGTON, June 13. /TASS/. The American authorities decided to transfer condemned in the USA for 20 years the Russian citizen Konstantin Yaroshenko in another place of detention from prison “Fort Dix”. About this on his page in Facebook said on Wednesday the Russian Embassy in the United States. During the download an error has occurred. “According to the Embassy information, the Russian citizen Konstantin Yaroshenko, unfairly convicted in the USA for 20 years, transferred from prison “Fort Dix” in new Jersey to another place of detention. Currently, the Russian is in a temporary detention center in new York,” — said the Embassy. It noted that “the Embassy together with Consulate General of Russia in new York keeps the situation with the translation of a Russian citizen in control”. “We continue to render all

The Macedonian President refused to sign an agreement on renaming the country

The Macedonian President refused to sign an agreement on renaming the country Macedonian President George Ivanov refused to sign the agreement reached on the eve of the Prime Ministers of Macedonia and Greece an agreement on renaming the country. About Ivanov declared today in an address to the nation broadcast by the national television. In his words, “personal agreement” premiers Zoran zaeva and Alexis Tsipras is “flawed” and undermines the country’s position in the world and does not give legal guarantees of Macedonia, while “Greece was able to achieve their maximalist demands”. “The Treaty violates the Constitution, laws, destroys state institutions. I’m not going to legitimize the political initiative,” — said the President in address to the nation. “My position is final and no pressure, blackmail and threats will not make me change the decision. I will not support and will not sign a dangerous agreement,” Ivanov concluded. Zaev and

Nebesa urged the UN security Council to think about the easing of sanctions imposed against DPRK

Permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia © Valery sharifulin/TASS UN, June 13. /TASS/. The UN Security Council should consider steps to ease sanctions against the DPRK. This was stated in the media by the permanent representative of the Russian Federation at the world organization Vassily Nebenzia, commenting on the possibility of easing the restrictions after a summit of leaders of the United States and the DPRK.

Direct line with Vladimir Putin has become the most unpopular since 2011

Direct line with Vladimir Putin has become the most unpopular since 2011 Company Mediascope presented the results of the monitoring of the audience direct line with Vladimir Putin, which was broadcast on “Russia 1” “Russia 24”, “Mir” and “channel”. According to RBC with reference to the research company, the program looked to 5.78 million Russians. This is the lowest result since 2011 — then the stream has attracted 4,018 million viewers. A year ago, the audience of a straight line made up of 6.2 million people, two years ago — a Record 7.1 million was 2015, then answers the President watched of 8.38 million viewers. Note, prior to 2011, the average size of the audience, a straight line was 3-4 million The most popular this year were the broadcasting of the “First channel” (2.77 million). On the second place — “Russia 1” (2.42 million), the third is “Russia 24” (459

The French have found a new use for Russian mercenaries

The French have found a new use for Russian mercenaries The soldiers of the so-called PMC Wagner are in the Central African Republic and help to protect the country’s President Faustin-Arcania Touadera, writes the French Le Monde. It is noted that the alleged mercenaries have unrestricted access to the work schedule and environment leader. The soldiers of the so-called private military companies (PMCs) Wagner located in Central African Republic (CAR) and to help protect the country’s President Faustin-Arcania Toider. Reports about it “New newspaper” with reference to the French Le Monde. According to her, the mercenaries are based on the estate, Berengo that was previously the residence of the President, and then of the country’s Emperor Jean-Bedel Bokassa. It is located 60 kilometers from the CAR capital city Bangui. The French newspaper writes that the country were targeted five military and 170 of the Russian civil instructors “for training military

Trump called fools journalists NBC and CNN

Trump called fools journalists NBC and CNN The US President believes the American media unreasonably seek to belittle the importance of the Treaty with the DPRK. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий The US President Donald trump said that some of the American media is deliberately trying to downplay the significance of the agreements signed by the American leader and the head of the DPRK Kim Jong-UN, in Singapore on June 12. “The main enemy” of the U.S. trump called false news, “with such ease are published by fools.” So funny to watch the Fake News, especially NBC and CNN. They are fighting hard to downplay the deal with North Korea. 500 days ago they would have “begged” for this deal-it looked like war would break out. Our Country’s biggest enemy is the Fake News so easily promulgated by fools! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 13, 2018. “It’s funny to watch the lying media,