Poklonskaya is suggested not to bring a case against Poroshenko, and to renew existing

Natalia Poklonskaya © Alexander Shalgina/press service of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS SIMFEROPOL, January 13. /TASS/. State Duma Deputy, former Prosecutor of the Crimea Natalia Poklonskaya proposed to resume against the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko the previous criminal case filed against him and several other Ukrainian politicians in February 2014 in connection with the violent seizure of power. So she commented on the TASS the appeal of former Deputy Prosecutor General of Ukraine Renat Kuzmin to bring against Poroshenko the case of treason. This statement Kuzmin made on his page in Facebook.

Planned rotation: Ministry of defense denied the rumors about the buildup of forces in Syria

Photo: RIA Novosti Russia continues to reduce its forces in Syria, six su-24 bombers have returned to their bases. This was stated by the representative of the Ministry of defense Igor Konashenkov, commenting on the American media about the buildup of Moscow’s forces. FoxNews channel previously reported “increase Russia’s military presence in Syria.” Journalists referred to the American officials, who argued about the transfer of four su-25 and groups of contractors. The withdrawal of troops continues Igor Konashenkov said that the defense Ministry continues to carry out the assignment of President Vladimir Putin on the reduction of the groups in Syria. According to the General, six su-24 bombers have already relocated from the base of Hamim in Russia. In the near future will return home other aircraft as well as pilots and engineers. In addition, the defense Ministry spokesman recalled that from the Mediterranean sea to the base in Severomorsk

Vasilyev has denied lobbying the government in the selection of candidates for the post of his deputies

Minister Of Education And Science Olga Vasilyeva © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, January 13. /TASS/. Minister of education and science Olga Vasilyeva denied information about what positions in the office deployed hardware struggle, and several government officials, including Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets involved in lobbying for their candidates. “There is information that is very strange about the so-called reshuffle and appointments. The information is not true. I’m sorry that affected the names of respected people,” said TASS, the head of the Ministry of education.

Biden questioned the use of US nuclear weapons first

Photo: © EPA/VALDA KALNINA USA today is hardly be in a situation where they will have first to use nuclear weapons. This opinion, speaking in Washington the Carnegie endowment to promote world peace, expressed by Vice-President Joseph Biden. “Given all of our non-nuclear and the nature of today’s threats, it is difficult to imagine a plausible scenario in which the use by the United States nuclear weapons would be the first necessary step and will have sense,” he said. The Vice President noted that at the moment the United States are participants in 22 international agreements on non-military uses of nuclear materials. Biden also referred to the Contract on reduction of strategic offensive arms (start I), which was signed by the presidents of Russia and USA on 8 April 2010 in Prague. According to him, this was “the most ambitious agreement in the field of arms control”. “It’s not a

Russia has no plans to return to the format of “big eight”

© EPA/KARL-JOSEF HILDENBRAND MOSCOW, January 13. /TASS/. Moscow is not going to go back to work in the format of “big eight”, said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “This theme (the return of the “eight” – approx. TASS) could not be discussed in Moscow”, – he said. Answering the question TASS whether Russia’s invitation to the summit, “eight”, a Kremlin spokesman said: “We never heard from heads of state who continue to gather in the format of “seven”, any statement which would izyaslavs intention to invite Russia or any other country.”

OSCE Chairman on 18 January to meet with Lavrov

Photo: RIA Novosti OSCE Chairperson, Austrian foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz on January 17-18, will pay an official visit to Moscow. “The Chairman Kurtz will arrive on January 17 in Moscow, on 18 th meeting with the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia (Sergey. — RT) Lavrov”, — quotes RIA Novosti news Agency the statement of the OSCE. Previously, Mr. Kurtz stated that the special monitoring mission (SMM) of the OSCE in Ukraine will expand the zone of its control of the entire Donbass and will control in the first place the cessation of hostilities.

Zakharov: meeting in Astana on Syria should serve as a milestone on the road to peace

Maria Zakharova © Dmitry Serebryakov/TASS MOSCOW, January 12. /TASS/. The meeting on January 23 in Astana on the Syrian settlement of Syria must become a new milestone on the path to peace in this country. This was stated by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. “We hope that the meeting in Astana will become a new milestone on the path to peace and will give an impulse for constructive work by all parties to resume the political process in Geneva,” she said. In mid-December last year, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan discussed with President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev the possibility of holding in Astana the meeting of the parties to the conflict in Syria. Nazarbayev endorsed the idea, noting that his country initially supports international efforts aimed at peaceful settlement of the conflict in Syria.

Lavrov will meet with Secretary General of the Executive Committee of the Palestine liberation Organization

Sergei Lavrov © AP Photo/Petros Giannakouris MOSCOW, January 13. /TASS/. The Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on January 13 to discuss middle East settlement with the Secretary-General of the Executive Committee of the Palestine liberation Organization Saeb by Arikata. As reported by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova on the meeting with Lavrov Arikata the main topic will be the prospects for unblocking the negotiation process. The same will be discussed in the consultations between Arikata and special presidential envoy on the Middle East and Africa, Deputy foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov and special envoy of the Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation for the middle East settlement, Director of the Department of Middle East of the Russian depodesta Sergey Vershinin.