Open-ended working group of the government has not supported the petition for annulment “of the law Spring”

Mikhail Abyzov © Dmitry Astakhov/press service of the Russian government/TASS MOSCOW, January 19. /TASS/. The expert working group at the Federal level under the chairmanship of Minister for Open government Mikhail Abyzov rejected an initiative to abolish anti-terrorism package of laws (the”law of Spring”). The decision was taken at a meeting of the working group.

The state Duma can return to the preliminary examination of bills

Photo: RIA Novosti The working group of the state Duma headed by first Deputy speaker Ivan Melnikov (Communist party) by the end of January shall submit to the Council the lower house of the outcome document, which contained the requirements to make to the state Duma draft laws. While agreed upon two main points: the intra fractional examination of the documents and consideration of regional initiatives at the Council of legislators. Also considering the options for public discussion and use of statistical data to support legislative initiatives. The group, created at the request of the Council of the Duma included representatives of the Duma apparatus and the deputies. While party quotas for participation in the working group was not — in particular, it is not representative of “Fair Russia”, although the two are independent of each other source in the lower house assured “Izvestia” that “revolutionaries” could, if desired, to

Brawl on the plane, metro and tram will appreciate on criminal charges

Photo: TASS/Alexander Nekrasov Criminal, not administrative liability will threaten those who caused the uproar not only in aircraft but also in metro or tram. Such amendments to the bill Avialeasing (amended) the Duma Committee on state construction and legislation today intends to recommend the adoption of the second reading. It is primarily about adjusting the Criminal code. The Duma Committee on state construction and legislation modifies the second reading amendments to the criminal code, envisaging punishment for the bullies on the transport. The Committee plans to consider at its meeting on the project, which was submitted to the state Duma in the summer of 2011, United Russia, Vladimir Vasilyev (at the time was head of the security Committee) and Vladimir Pligin (he was Chairman of the Committee on state construction and legislation). The document for the second reading to change significantly. According to the preliminary version of the text, will

A hostage situation

Photo: Alexander Koerner / Getty Images The arrival of American forces to Eastern Europe, marked in Poland the extraordinary state holiday, was a continuation of a new NATO policy that emerged after the events of the spring of 2014. Which threats will be able to protect new members of the Alliance, the American team and what threats it will create itself out “”. The military threat from Russia to the countries of Eastern Europe and the Baltic republics have long become common place in the public rhetoric of NATO, especially in the Eastern part of the Alliance. Associate it only with the events of 2014 in Crimea and in the Donbass is incorrect: the inclusion in NATO of Eastern European countries and the Baltic States was perceived by the politicians of these States as a guarantee against the hypothetical “Russian invasion”. The events of the last three years, however, added

Foreign Ministry: Venezuela implements the scenario of “color revolution”

© Mario Tama/Getty Images MOSCOW, January 20. /TASS/. The situation in Venezuela is developing according to the scenario of “color revolution”. This assessment of the events in the country on Friday gave the Russian foreign Ministry. “The situation in Venezuela continues to deteriorate, – said in Russian depodesta. – The radical wing of the anti-government camp, who stood at the helm of the national Parliament, increased aggressive rhetoric and took a course on “civil disobedience.” Preparations for the demonstrations planned for the coming days, which are fraught or pre-orchestrated in this way – clashes with law enforcement and provoking violence and victims.”

“Y”: Volodin may return to the leadership of “United Russia”

Photo: RIA Novosti Chairman of the state Duma can return to the leadership of “United Russia”, reports “Kommersant” with reference to sources in the party. According to them, in the Congress of “United Russia” is planned to be re-elected for five years, all manual. According to one of the senior members of the party, the candidacy Volodin can also be considered in this Congress. This information was also confirmed by another source in the party. Official comments from the party on this issue has not been received. Earlier it was reported that Volodin has instructed to reform the state Duma website.

Obama linked anti-American rhetoric in Russia with the Putin presidency

Photo: RIA Novosti President Barack Obama expressed confidence that after the return of Vladimir Putin to the post of President of the Russian Federation in Moscow began the “anti-American rhetoric.” “After Putin’s return as President has intensified the anti-American rhetoric,” said the outgoing President of the United States on Wednesday at his final press conference. According to him, “this has led to the return of the spirit of hostility and the deterioration of relations”.