The head of German intelligence said about the increased threat from Russia

The head of German intelligence said about the increased threat from Russia BERLIN, 17 Mar — news, angelina Timofeeva. The head of the Federal intelligence service of Germany (BND) Bruno KAHL said of the “increased threat from Russia,” adding that it is, in particular, and about the increased combat power. “The Russian threat grew. So we take it very seriously. It is not only a propaganda threat, it is a return to the agenda of the entire theme of conventional weapons,” said Pascal in an interview with the weekly der Spiegel, adding that it is “about the military and weaponry”. “Russia had doubled the combat power on the Western border. It is not only “Iskander”. There are many aircraft in the area of the Crimea, the conventional armed forces. All this can be viewed as a defense from the West. This should be seen as a potential threat,” he said.

Netanyahu explained the RAID launched by Israeli aircraft in Syria

Netanyahu explained the RAID launched by Israeli aircraft in Syria Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that air force planes struck targets in Syria to prevent advanced weapons falling into the hands of the Lebanese movement “Hezbollah”. A statement from the office of the Prime Minister was distributed on Friday, March 17, reports TASS. “Our policy is consistent: in case of detection of attempts to transfer advanced weapons “Hezbollah”, and if we have intelligence, if we have the operational opportunity we do the work to prevent such a development,” — said Netanyahu. “This is what happened, and that’s what will happen,” he added. About the RAID by Israeli aircraft in Syria became known on Friday morning. In Damascus said that four Israeli aircraft violated the air border of Syria, one of these machines was shot down by air defense forces. According to the military, another aircraft was damaged. It was explained

The head of German intelligence did not rule out Russia’s interference in the country’s elections

The head of German intelligence did not rule out Russia’s interference in the country’s elections BERLIN, 17 Mar — news, angelina Timofeeva. The head of the Federal intelligence service of Germany (BND) Bruno KAHL urged not to exclude the possibility of Russian interference in the election campaign in Germany. “We should at least expect it (the intervention) could happen. We have experienced in the past not only in Germany but also in other regions of Europe, where soon will be elections,” said Pascal in an interview with the weekly Spiegel. He added that “there is reason to believe that the attacks on the servers of the German Bundestag of Germany made under the Russian influence”. Answering a question from Spiegel, the correlation of these statements with the findings of the report, published in the early years of the BND and the Federal office for the protection of the Constitution (counterintelligence

Zyuganov saw in the mayor of Novosibirsk potential for the presidential campaign

Photo: RIA Novosti Communist party leader Gennady Zyuganov has made to the list of candidates for participation in presidential elections of the mayor of Novosibirsk Anatoly Lokot and gubernatora the Irkutsk region Sergey Levchenko. This was reported by a member of the Presidium of the party Central Committee Sergei Obukhov Thursday, March 16, reports news Agency Regnum. The list, compiled by Zyuganov, was 21 people. Among them also the Deputy of the state Duma, elected from the Altai region, Sergei Shargunov, said Obukhov. According to him, the party from the list will select five or six people at the Congress, which will take place in may. The following December the Congress will announce the candidate’s name. March 1, the newspaper “Izvestia”, citing sources in the presidential administration said that the leader of the Communist party may withdraw from his candidature for the presidential elections to be held in 2018. According

Putin met with the head of the believer Church

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday held talks with the Metropolitan of Moscow and all Russia of Russian Orthodox old believers ‘ Church Cornelius, said the press-Secretary of Russian leader Dmitry Peskov. He noted that as at meetings with representatives of other faiths Putin discussed with a Bishop of the issues of life, activity and prospects of development of the religious community, reports TASS. In January, the Primate of the Russian Orthodox old believers ‘ Church, Metropolitan Cornelius asked state Duma deputies to assist in the return of the temples, which was sold in the early 90-ies to third parties.

Moscow has prepared a draft on the South Kuril Islands in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation

Igor Morgulov © EPA/JULIEN WARNAND TOKYO, March 18. /Offset. TASS Cyril Agafonov. The Russian side has prepared a proposal for joint activities of Japan in the South Kuril Islands, which must not contradict the laws of the Russian Federation. This was stated by Deputy foreign Minister Igor Morgulov before consultations with his Japanese counterpart Takeo Akiba, do the.

French media found out who gave Fillon expensive suits

French media found out who gave Fillon expensive suits PARIS, March 17. /Offset. TASS Sergey Shcherbakov/. The unknown giver of expensive suits candidate in the presidential elections in France, françois Fillon appeared to advocate a Franco-Senegalese descent Robert Bourges. This was reported by the TV channel BFM-TV. “Yes, I actually bought two suits for Fillon in February. It was a gift, I expected nothing in response,” said Bourges French TV channel. Last week, the newspaper Journal du dimanche accused the Fillon that he is buying too expensive clothes. According to the publication, over the last 5 years the politician spent on their business suits about €35.5 thousand. The newspaper also found that in early February a friend policy, whose name was not called, paid for two suits in the amount of €13 thousand “at the request of the Fillon”. This information interested investigators. The relevant materials were attached to has

The Pentagon commented on reports about the US attack on the mosque in Syria

The Pentagon commented on reports about the US attack on the mosque in Syria Moscow. March 17. INTERFAX.RU — US aircraft launched strikes not at the mosque in the North of Syria, and the nearby building where there were dozens of militants of the terrorist group al-Qaida, said Friday the official representative of the Pentagon, USA Jeff Davis. “The mosque is still standing and relatively intact,” he said, promising to publish photographs from the scene. Earlier it was reported that the airstrikes of the coalition led by the United States, on Thursday evening, on the border of the provinces of Aleppo and Idlib have killed civilians in the village of al-Jin. As specified, the result of the air strike on a mosque killed at least 46 Syrians. Syrian Observatory for human rights said that the bombing took place during evening prayer, when, according to local activists, the building could be

Trump refused to shake hands with Merkel

Trump refused to shake hands with Merkel German Chancellor Angela Merkel is visiting the White house is her first official meeting with the new US President Donald trump. Despite the traditional close relations between Germany and the United States, the current leaders disagree on many issues, including NATO and immigration. Trump has welcomed Merkel at the entrance to the White house, they shook hands and smiled for the camera. However, after the meeting has occurred awkward scene: photographers asked the leaders once again to shake hands, however, the American President, apparently, did not want to.