Macron has promised to eliminate all threat of the Islamic Association

Macron has promised to eliminate all threat of the Islamic Association MOSCOW, 19 Mar — RIA Novosti. The candidate for President of France, former Minister of the economy Emmanuel macron said in an interview with the newspaper Journal du Dimanche, as he intends to ensure more effective protection of France against terrorism. “It played out on the international stage, in the theater of military operations, as in Mali, Syria, Libya and inside the country, with zero tolerance for security issues… I cope with Islamist associations that do not comply with the laws of the Republic, in addition to the state of emergency,” said macron in response to the question of how he intends to improve the protection of the French people against terrorism. He also noted that additionally offers to hire 10 thousand policemen and gendarmes According to Macron, the weaknesses of the intelligence services can be strengthened with the

Rogozin called the foreign Minister “brake”

Rogozin called the foreign Minister “brake” MOSCOW, 19 Mar — RIA Novosti. Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin called “brake” the Minister of foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin for his tweet about the Crimea. Klimkin wrote on Twitter that three years ago the Crimeans “took away freedom”, and promised them to return it. Well, brake! They are both free — Dmitry Rogozin (@Rogozin) March 19, 2017 Statement Klimkin commented on the member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation Alexei Pushkov. Klimkin promises to “bring freedom” to the residents of the Crimea. But they have chosen freedom from blockades, attacks, torture and persecution. The train left, Klimkin — Alexei Pushkov (@Alexey_Pushkov) 18 Mar 2017 Crimea became part of Russia in March 2014 following a referendum. According to a recent opinion poll, 97% of Russians agree that “Crimea is Russia”.

The representative of the President of Turkey has declared “turkophobia” in Europe

The representative of the President of Turkey has declared “turkophobia” in Europe The representative of the President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Ibrahim Kalin, said that in Europe rises “turkophobia” when Turkey indicates its mistakes, reports Reuters. In March, Erdogan called “Nazis and descendants of Nazis,” the authorities of the Netherlands for the Amsterdam refused to allow the land in the country of the plane of the Minister of foreign Affairs of Turkey Mevlut Cavusoglu. He planned on 11 March to take part in a rally in the city of Rotterdam, to persuade Dutch citizens with dual nationality to support the change in the Turkish Constitution that relate to the expansion of the powers of the President. Mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb on March 10 said that Cavusoglu will not be allowed to campaign in support of the head of the Turkey. In turn, the President of Turkey on 12 March during

The Kremlin has called the theme of alleged Russian influence on the election of a broken record

Photo: RIA Novosti Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov has declared to journalists that the Kremlin is not watching the debate about alleged Russian intervention in the US presidential election, it’s a broken record. Peskov asked what the Kremlin is thinking about hearings in the U.S. Congress about “the Russian intervention in the American elections.” “We have a lot of worries in the Kremlin and in these debates we do not follow. Any new language we would not hear and hardly hear a broken record with futuristic songs”, — said Peskov.

In the Kremlin told, one can learn about health Medvedev

Photo: RIA Novosti Press Secretary of the Russian President commented on the absence of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev during a meeting of the Russian security Council. In response to a journalist’s question about the head of government, Dmitry Peskov, said that with such matters it is better to contact the press-Secretary Medvedev Natalia Timakova. March 14, Russian President Vladimir Putin during a meeting with members of the Cabinet of Ministers reported that the head of the government Dmitry Medvedev ill with the flu. Putin noted the fact that the epidemiological situation in the country is on the decline, but still cases of influenza a lot. “the epidemiological situation, such as talking on the wane, however, the situation is still serious. Here Dmitry Anatolyevich not saved,” – said Putin.

Pushkov commented on the accusations Flynn in contact with a Russian student

Pushkov commented on the accusations Flynn in contact with a Russian student MOSCOW, 19 Mar — RIA Novosti. Senator Alexei Pushkov called a new stage of paranoia, the prosecution of former national security Advisor of the USA Michael Flynn in contact with a Russian student, which he did not notify the Pentagon. Previously, the newspaper the Wall Street Journal, citing sources wrote that Michael Flynn has not notified the Pentagon that he talked to a Russian student in the Cambridge security workshop in the UK in 2014 when he was appointed Director of the Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of defense. “In the United States retired Flynn has been charged with “contact” (!) a citizen of Russia: he spoke to her at some reception. A new level of paranoia,” wrote Pushkov in his microblog on Twitter. In USA retired Flynn has been charged with “contact” (!) a citizen of Russia:

Germany has raised the level of readiness to repel cyber attacks

Germany has raised the level of readiness to repel cyber attacks Moscow. March 19. INTERFAX.RU — Federal German Agency for information security has increased the level of readiness to counter any possible cyber attacks during the parliamentary elections scheduled for September 2017, according to Sunday newspaper Welt am Sonntag. According to him, the Ministry is in constant contact with the employees of services related to elections, political parties, other interested persons and organizations, which discusses ways to ensure cyber-security. The newspaper did not mention the nature of the attacks on government sites, however, reported that measures to improve cyber security strengthened after reports about interference of hackers in the us presidential elections.

The Egyptian President’s first visit to the United States in 2014

The Egyptian President’s first visit to the United States in 2014 Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi for the first time since his election, will visit the U.S. in early April at the invitation of President Donald trump, reports Reuters referring to the Egyptian national newspaper Al-Ahram. The visit, Sisi will be held during the first week of April. Sisi became President in 2014. Former US President Barack Obama never asked him to visit the United States. After the change of power in Egypt in 2013, which in 2014 became President of CECE, the relations between the US and Egypt went into decline. In 2015, the United States took the decision to resume arms supplies and the allocation of the annual military aid of $1.3 billion.

In the state Duma proposed to cancel the labor patents for the inhabitants of the DNI and LC

Photo: RIA Novosti The Deputy of the state Duma of the Russian Federation Andrey Kozenko has drafted a bill to repeal the labor patents in Russia for the residents of Donetsk and Lugansk national republics. “Last week I submitted to the expert Council of the faction “United Russia” in the State Duma a bill to abolish the necessity to obtain work patents for the citizens of the DPR and LPR on the territory of the Russian Federation,” said Kozenko at the founding meeting of the integration Committee “Russia — Donbass”, which takes place in the Livadia Palace in Yalta. In his opinion, this will be another step in the process of integration of Russia and the Donbass. As the press service of the MP, Kozenko believes that the abolition of work patents not only interested in the self-proclaimed Republic, but also hundreds of Crimean enterprises. Thus the Deputy notes that

Zakharova on the request of Yanukovych to send troops: “This is not a letter. This statement”

Photo: RIA Novosti Maria Zakharova confirmed that the former head of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych really appealed to Russian authorities with a request to send troops to the territory of the country. The words of the official representative the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian radio station “Moscow Says”. “This is not a letter. This statement of Yanukovych. He never denied that he signed”, — said Zakharov. Zakharova also said that this document was read in 2014 in the Security Council of the United Nations (UN) former Russia’s permanent representative at the organization Vitaly Churkin. On March 16 the press Secretary of Russian President Dmitry Peskov said that Moscow did not receive a letter from Yanukovych with a request to send troops to the territory of Ukraine. In January 2017, several media outlets published pictures of the letters entitled as “Declaration”. The request to send Russian troops to Ukraine, the