Lavrov: the talks between the foreign Ministers and the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation and Japan was substantial

© Vitaliy Belousov /RIA Novosti/ POOL/TASS TOKYO, March 20. /TASS/. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov called the talks in the format of “two plus two” with participation of Ministers of defence and foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and Japan is very meaningful. “We are grateful to our Japanese colleagues for the invitation, hospitality and the very informative talks,” the Minister said. “Dialogue in this format contributes to the solution of the tasks set by our leaders, and in developing relations of new quality between Russia and Japan in all directions, in all spheres and in the interests of the Russian and Japanese peoples, not third party,” he said. Lavrov also said that it is a comprehensive full-fledged development of Russian-Japanese relations, translating them into a new quality “will allow much more efficient and easier to solve any difficult questions”. However, as the Minister said, the

Dmitry Aristov appointed Director of the Federal bailiff service

Dmitry Aristov © Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS MOSCOW, March 20. /TASS/. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin has appointed Deputy justice Minister Dmitry Aristov Director of the Federal bailiff service of the Russian Federation – chief bailiff of Russia. As have informed in a press-service of the Kremlin, the head of state signed the corresponding decree. The former head of service Arthur Parfenchikov has previously been acting Governor of Karelia. Aristov was born on 12 January 1972 in the year of Solikamsk of the Perm region. In different years he graduated from the Kiev Suvorov military school of the Ministry of defence, Yaroslavl higher military financial school, Military financial and economic University of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation, Moscow state Institute of international relations of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. 31 Aug 2012 he was appointed to the position of Deputy Minister of justice of

Putin has appointed a new Director of the Federal bailiff service

Putin has appointed a new Director of the Federal bailiff service The service was headed by Deputy justice Minister Dmitry Aristov. Moscow. March 20. INTERFAX.RU — the President of Russia Vladimir Putin has appointed Dmitry Aristov Director of the Federal bailiff service and chief bailiff of the Russian Federation, relieving him from his post, reported on Monday the press service of the Kremlin. Until recently, Aristov was appointed Deputy Minister of justice. The position of the head of the FSSP was released after February 15, Putin appointed the former Director of service Arthur Parfenchikov acting head of Karelia is sent in the resignation of Governor Alexander Khudilainen. Since then duties of the head of the Federal bailiff service was temporarily promoted to first Deputy Director of the Federal bailiff service Sergei Sazanov. Dmitry Aristov was born on 12 January 1972 in Solikamsk, Perm region. In 1989 he graduated from the

All presidential candidates ran withdrew

All presidential candidates ran withdrew MOSCOW, 20 Mar — RIA Novosti. All three candidates for the position of President of the Russian Academy of Sciences withdrew. For the post of President of the RAS claimed acting head of the Academy Vladimir Fortov, Chairman of the Board of the Russian Foundation for basic research Vladislav Panchenko, the Director of the Institute of molecular biology. Engelhardt Alexander Makarov. Earlier Makarov and Panchenko proposed to improve the procedure of elections of the head wounds, making them transparent. As said FORTS, the organization’s Charter may be reviewed within six months. Vladimir Fortov holds the post of head of ran in may 2013.

The Russian foreign Ministry reiterated the call to Israel’s Ambassador after Israeli air strike in the Syrian Palmyra

The Russian foreign Ministry reiterated the call to Israel’s Ambassador after Israeli air strike in the Syrian Palmyra Moscow. March 20. INTERFAX.RU — Deputy foreign Minister, special presidential envoy for the Middle East and Africa Mikhail Bogdanov confirmed that the Israeli Ambassador Gary Koren Moscow was summoned to the Russian foreign Ministry. Discussed the incident with the blow of the Israeli air force on targets near the Syrian city of Palmyra. “Yes, he was asked about it,” Bogdanov said, answering a question “Interfax” about whether or not the head of the Israeli Embassy was summoned to the foreign Ministry on Friday in connection with the incident. Informed about the call in the Israeli Ambassador to the foreign Ministry in connection with avenueto the Israeli air force carried out on the night of 17 March, the newspaper reported The Jerusalem Post. Under statements of the Israeli media, Israeli planes attacked near

Matviyenko called fiction rumors about the “deal” between Russia and the West on Crimea

Photo: Reuters The speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko said that the rumors spread by foreign media, about “a deal” between Russia and the West over Crimea are “fiction from beginning to end.” She wrote about this in his blog on the official website of the Federation Council. “Recently, some foreign media spread rumors about a deal between Russia and the West by the formula: “Crimea in exchange for the lifting of sanctions”. It’s from beginning to end fiction,” wrote Matvienko. She noted that Crimea and Sevastopol are an integral part of Russia. “Our country and its territories does not sell” – said the speaker of the Federation Council. Earlier, the press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that the Kremlin will not agree to a deal with the United States, which involves the revision of the status of the Crimea in exchange for the lifting

The labour Ministry of Belarus has prepared amendments to the “tuneage” decree

The labour Ministry of Belarus has prepared amendments to the “tuneage” decree Moscow. March 20. INTERFAX.RU — the Ministry of labour and social protection of Belarus, said the prepared amendments to the so-called “tuneage” decree. “We have a package of proposals (amendments to the decree “On prevention of social dependency — if), which we worked out and submitted to the government,” said labor Minister Irina Kostevich the TV channel “Belarus 1”. According to the Minister, all offers come from the practice gained during the implementation of the decree. The decree “On prevention of social dependency” establishes the obligation of citizens of Belarus, permanently resident foreign citizens, persons without citizenship, who was not involved in the financing of public expenditure or participating in such financing less than 183 calendar days, on payment of a fee in the amount of 20 basic units (1 basic unit is Br23, or $12 equivalent). For

Putin approved the composition of the Public chamber of the Russian Federation

Putin approved the composition of the Public chamber of the Russian Federation The new version of OP on the presidential quota included, in particular, academician Leo Bokeria, representative of Russian Orthodox Church Vladimir Legoyda, singer and public figure Diana Gurtskaya, chess player Sergey Karjakin. MOSCOW, March 20. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin confirmed members of Public chamber (OP). On Monday has informed a press-service of the Kremlin. “To offer members of the Public chamber, approved this decree, together with members of the OP of the Russian Federation, delegated by public chambers of subjects of the Russian Federation, to begin the formation of the Public chamber of the Russian Federation”, — stated in the decree of the President. The new version of OP on the presidential quota included, in particular, academician Leo Bokeria, Chairman of the Synodal Department for Church and society and the media Vladimir Legoyda, journalist Valery Fadeev, Director