Shoigu has said it is ready to restore military ties with Japan

Photo: RIA Novosti The Minister of defense of Russia, army General Sergey Shoigu assured his colleagues from Japan in readiness for the restoration of military ties between the two countries. “I am convinced that this meeting will contribute to the strengthening of friendly relations between the armed forces of the two countries and development of mutually beneficial military cooperation. I would like to assure our Japanese colleagues in readiness for constructive work to restore military ties,” — said Shoigu on Monday at the Russian-Japanese consultations in a format “two plus two”. According to the Minister, the recovery meetings in the format of “two plus two” is a great opportunity to find mutually acceptable solutions to the problems of global and regional security. He expressed gratitude to the Japanese side for the good organization of these consultations.

At the permanent representation to the UN collected four volumes of condolences in connection with death Churkin

The book of condolences at the permanent mission to the UN © REUTERS/Stephanie Keith UN, March 21. /Offset. TASS Oleg Zelenin/. The book of condolences, opened at the permanent mission to the UN in connection with the death of Vitaly Churkin, has four volumes. This was stated on Tuesday by the acting permanent representative of Russia Pyotr Ilyichev, speaking at a memorial meeting of the General Assembly. According to him, the Russian Embassy continues to receive messages of condolence from his former colleagues of the diplomat, who died a month ago. “It is impossible to count all the phone calls and the messages received by our staff. Open in connection with the tragic events at the permanent mission of the condolence book has four volumes. We are deeply grateful to all those who mourn with us and found the opportunity in one form or another to convey their empathy, to

Social pension index from 1 April

Social pension index from 1 April MOSCOW, 21 Mar — RIA Novosti. Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev signed a resolution on adjusting social pensions starting 1 April of 1.5%. The corresponding document was published on the official portal of legal information. In late February, the labour Ministry has proposed to index pensions by 1.5% in line with the growth rate of the living wage in 2016. According to authorities, this will improve the level of pensions of about 3.9 million people, of which nearly 3.1 million recipients of social pensions. However, this proposal met with objections from the economic block of the government, and discussed the question of pensions doindeksatsii 0.38%. Previous indexing took place in February: then retired pensioners grew by 5.4% in line with actual inflation. Helpthe Government will release “national bonds”. What is it? Do I need them?The Ministry of Finance in April 2017, to issue

North Korea made a video about the destruction of a US aircraft carrier

North Korea made a video about the destruction of a US aircraft carrier MOSCOW, 21 Mar — RIA Novosti. North Korean media have published a propaganda video in which armed forces of the DPRK allegedly destroying the American aircraft carrier, the magazine writes Daily Mail. Female voice-over happily reports that “the knife will pierce the throat of an aircraft carrier and the bomber will fall from the sky, hit by a stream of fire.” The material for the photo montage as a record of joint exercises of the armed forces of the United States and South Korea, called Foal Eagle, which began in March 2017 and is still going on. Earlier, North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN threatened to turn the U.S. “into ashes,” the impact of a nuclear bomb if the Americans “will release at least one bullet in the side of North Korea.” Relations between Pyongyang and Washington escalated

Sergei Lavrov celebrates his birthday on the plane back from Tokyo

Sergei Lavrov celebrates his birthday on the plane back from Tokyo On March 21, the Russian foreign Minister 67 years old. MOSCOW, March 21. /TASS/. The Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov said on Tuesday his birthday on the plane, in the company of a pool of Russian journalists, returning from Tokyo where he visited. This was reported by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. “Birthday Lavrov said in a great company and on top,” she wrote, posting on his page in social network Facebook the photo of the Minister in the company of Russian journalists. In Tokyo, the Minister participated in the meeting of foreign Ministers and of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation and Japan in the format of “two plus two”. Sergey Lavrov was born on 21 March 1950 in Moscow.

Shoigu noted progress in Russian-Japanese relations

Photo: RIA Novosti The Russian defense Minister, army General Sergei Shoigu noted progress in Russian-Japanese relations, noting that the strengthening of defence ties between the two countries should not lag behind the dynamics of political contacts. “Despite the difficulties, the cooperation between our countries is developing consistently,” — said Shoigu on Monday during a meeting with Japan’s defense Minister Tomomi Indoi. According to the head of the Russian military Department, “in 2016, the bilateral relations have intensified”. “It is important that we managed to secure the progressive nature of their development”, — said Shoigu. He recalled that at the end of last year was the official visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Japan. “According to the results there was signed a large number of documents concerning different spheres of cooperation. In accordance with the decision of the December summit on the deepening of relations in the field of politics

The government instructed the justice Ministry to study the issue of changing “article Dading”

Photo: page Ildar Dading in Facebook The Russian government instructed the justice Ministry to study the question of possible adjustments to article 212.1 of the Criminal code, providing punishment for repeated violations at rallies. This was reported by “Izvestia”, the Deputy head of the Ministry Dmitry Aristov. According to him, the Agency received a letter from the government with the request to examine the decision of the constitutional court concerning the article. Now the justice Ministry will study the issue of a possible change in legislation and to prepare relevant proposals. Assessment Aristova, their development will take about three months. The only person who was convicted under article 212.1, — the opposition activist Ildar Dading. In December 2015, he was sentenced to three years in a penal colony on charges of participation in uncoordinated protests in Moscow in March, 2016, the term was reduced to six months. On February 22

The Kremlin welcomed the expansion of U.S. jurisdiction to other countries

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, March 21. /TASS/. Russia negatively concerns to attempts of the United States to extend its jurisdiction to other States. This was reported to journalists the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “The Russian side refers to this quite negatively,” he said. “The process itself the jurisdiction of the United States on other States and on nationals of other States, we do not welcome”, – he explained.

U.S. Secretary of state chooses Moscow

U.S. Secretary of state chooses Moscow Rex Tillerson will come to Russia, but will miss the meeting of NATO. U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson 12 April for the first time in his post will visit Moscow, where he will hold talks with the Russian leadership. This was reported by Reuters with reference to its sources in the state Department. The Russian foreign Ministry information did not refute, however, expressed surprise in connection with “the constant leaks of sensitive information from Washington.” Statement of Mr. Tillerson’s visit to Moscow appeared simultaneously with the information that he will miss a meeting of foreign Ministers of countries—members of NATO which will take place on 5-6 April in Brussels. At this time, the head of U.S. diplomacy with President Donald trump will meet in Washington, the Chinese leader XI Jinping. First that the Secretary of state Rex Tillerson is planning to visit Russia,

Died former Deputy first Minister of Northern Ireland McGuinness

Died former Deputy first Minister of Northern Ireland McGuinness MOSCOW, 21 Mar — RIA Novosti. The former Deputy first Minister of Northern Ireland and one of the leaders of the party “Sinn FEIN”, “grown” from the terrorist organization “Irish Republican army”, Martin McGuinness has died at the age of 66 years, radio station RTE. According to the radio, McGuinness, died Tuesday morning in hospital surrounded by family. In December, the policy was diagnosed with a rare heart disease. At the end of January Mcginnes, representing the coalition government’s second largest party “Sinn FEIN”, resigned. It soon became known that McGuinness, over 50 years, remaining one of the leaders of the Northern Irish nationalists, announced that he is leaving politics.