The U.S. began investigating airstrike in Syria after reports of the deaths of 42 people

The U.S. began investigating airstrike in Syria after reports of the deaths of 42 people Moscow. March 22. INTERFAX.RU — the Us military launched a formal investigation into the impact of military aviation in Northern Syria after local residents reported the death of over 40 people, reports CNN TV channel with reference to two representatives of the U.S. Department of defense. “The investigation will try to establish more precisely exactly what happened,” — said the TV channel sources. According to them, the investigation was initiated by the joint special operations command, which carried out the mission. “The investigation will ultimately be reviewed by the head of the U.S. Central command, General Joseph Votela, which oversees all military operations in the region. Votel can either accept the results (of the investigation — if), or send them for further consideration by the military legal authorities”,- said the representatives of the U.S. Department

Tillerson called on the Senate to ratify the membership of Montenegro in NATO

Tillerson called on the Senate to ratify the membership of Montenegro in NATO WASHINGTON, March 22 — RIA Novosti, Alexei Bogdanovsky. U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson urged U.S. Senate to ratify membership of Montenegro in NATO, reported Reuters, citing a letter to Tillerson to the Senate. The letter is dated 7 March. According to the statement, Tillerson, membership, Montenegro will have a positive impact on the stability of neighbouring countries and will meet the interests of the United States. “The ratification of membership of Montenegro in NATO — it is in the interests of the United States,” the letter reads. Republican senators Mike Lee and Rand Paul spoke out against a quick formal vote on the matter. Paul said that the adoption of Montenegro means new financial obligations of States with a large debt. Influential Senator John McCain, the head of the defense Committee of the Senate, said that

Putin was appointed Director of the Federal bailiff service of Dmitry Aristov

Photo: RIA Novosti The President of Russia Vladimir Putin has appointed the head of the Federal bailiff service (FSSP) Dmitry Aristov. This was reported on the Kremlin website. “The President of Russia Vladimir Putin by his decree appointed D. V. Aristov Director of the Federal bailiff service and chief bailiff of the Russian Federation, relieving him from his post”, — stated in the message. Aristov previously held the post of Deputy Minister of justice. 15 February, Putin appointed head of the Federal bailiff service Arthur Parfenchikov, the acting head of the Republic of Karelia.

Turkey increases defense spending

Turkey increases defense spending WASHINGTON, Mar 21 — RIA Novosti. Turkey will increase defense spending in 2017, and thus closer to the goal to allocate 2% of its budget on defense, said Tuesday the Minister of foreign Affairs of Turkey Mevlut Cavusoglu. “We are working to achieve the goal of allocating 2% on defense spending. In 2017, we will increase our defense budget, as in previous years,” he said, speaking in Washington.

The DPRK commented on US plans to impose new sanctions

The DPRK commented on US plans to impose new sanctions North Korea is not afraid of the US plans to adopt a new package of sanctions, which allegedly aimed to cut off North Korea from the global financial system, and will continue to “accelerate” its nuclear and missile programs. About this Reuters said the Deputy representative of North Korea to the UN in Geneva Jo Myong Us. Earlier, on March 21, sources Reuters reported on the preparation by Washington of sanctions against North Korea, which, according to them, this time will affect banks and financial institutions. The introduction of such measures, as said the interlocutor of the Agency, will allow to cut enterprises conducting trade with North Korea from the global financial system. “I think it has to do with the visit of Secretary of state (USA Rex Tillerson) in Japan, South Korea and China,” — commented on these reports

The Russian foreign Ministry has promised to deal with the detention of the journalist of UNIAN

The Russian foreign Ministry has promised to deal with the detention of the journalist of UNIAN MOSCOW, 21 Mar — RIA Novosti. The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova promised to investigate the situation with the arrest of a Moscow police journalist Ukrainian Agency UNIAN Roman Tsimbalyuk. Previously working in Russia Tsymbalyuk said on his page in Facebook that he was detained by Moscow police. According to Tsimbalyuk, the incident occurred after he recorded an interview with one postgraduate student, Moscow state University, which, as previously reported by some media, during the celebration the “Spring festival”, dedicated to the third anniversary of the reunification of the Crimea with Russia, hung out the window of the dormitory of the Ukrainian flag.

The minkowksi will consider further development of the resort “Mamison”, “Armkhi” and “Tsori”

Photo: RIA Novosti The Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev instructed the Minkowksi Russia, Ministry of economic development of Russia together with JSC “resorts of the North Caucasus” the government of the Republic of Ingushetia and the government of the Republic of North Ossetia — Alania to discuss further the question of the development of the resort “Mamison”, “Armkhi” and “Tsori” in the framework of the project on creation of tourist cluster in the North Caucasus Federal district. The decision on the further development of resorts is to be transferred to the government of the Russian Federation until 1 July 2017, according to the website of the Cabinet. March 10 meeting of the government Commission on the socio-economic development of the North-Caucasian Federal district (NCFD) in the Philippines discussed the issue of creating a tourist cluster that includes the all-season complex “Arkhyz” in Karachay-Cherkessia, Elbrus in the CBD, “Veduchi” in

Putin: Russia and Kyrgyzstan has considerable experience of fruitful cooperation

Photo: TASS Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Almazbek Atambayev on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. The text of the congratulatory letter published Monday on the Kremlin website. “For the past quarter of a century the Russian Federation and the Kyrgyz Republic have accumulated significant experience of fruitful cooperation in various fields. Moscow and Bishkek are actively cooperating in the framework of the Eurasian economic Union, CSTO, CIS, SCO and other multilateral institutions,” – said in greeting. Putin expressed confidence that States would continue to strengthen strategic partnerships, to effectively coordinate efforts to promote “mutually beneficial integration processes in the Eurasian space and ensuring regional stability and security.” “This fully meets the interests of the friendly peoples of Russia and Kyrgyzstan”, – said Putin. The President wished Atambayev good health and success and citizens

Golodets asked Putin to raise the minimum wage

Golodets asked Putin to raise the minimum wage Moscow. March 21. INTERFAX.RU Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets asked the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin with a request to give an instruction to raise the minimum wage (SMIC). “I ask You, Mr President, give the order, including the Ministry of labour, because it is a key question for productivity,” said Golodets at the meeting of the presidential Council of the Russian Federation for strategic development and priority projects on Tuesday. Raising the minimum wage will immediately give us the output from our system the low-productivity workers Mestalla Golodets Golodets added that the government is ready to provide assistance to “these people (occupying low-productivity jobs — if) has been previously retrained and did not feel any difficulties”. A week ago Golodets drew attention to the fact that almost 5 million people work in Russia, though it remains below the poverty