The new President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier sworn in

The new President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier sworn in BERLIN, March 22 — RIA Novosti, Tatiana Firsova. The new President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier, elected on February 12, on Wednesday took the oath of office in the Bundestag, at a ceremony in the plenary hall was attended by former President Joachim gauck with his partner Daniela Schadt. Candidacy for President earlier in the year suggested that the ruling German coalition. In June the current President of the country, a human rights activist and pastor from the GDR, gauck said he did not want to nominate his candidacy in the next presidential term, explaining the decision to age. Gauck was born in 1940, with a high degree of probability he was re-elected on this post. Steinmeier deputies chosen by the majority of votes for his candidacy voted 931 person, there was a total of 1 thousand 239 valid votes of members

Macron urged France to avoid a rapprochement with Russia

Photo: RIA Novosti France should not come closer to Russia, she needs independence and working with European partners, said on Tuesday night the presidential candidate of France, former Minister of the economy Emmanuel macron. “We have with US a long story. Together we have built peace in the world… Today I want to offer more independence. Not to get close to Mr Putin. I want to build independence with responsibility, with a real European policy,” said macron. The debate, held in the 34 days before the first round of the election, was broadcast live on TV channel TF1. Participation in the debate took five candidates: the leader of the party “national front” marine Le Pen, the former French Prime Minister Francois Fillon, former Minister of economy of France, the leader of movement “Forward,” Emmanuel macron, the former Minister of education, representative of the “Socialist party” Benoit Amon and the representative

“We need to lift sanctions and to destroy the walls”

Photo: NEWS/Alex Maishev The mayor of the Italian city of Rimini Andrea Gnassi and Minister of tourism of the region Emilia-Romagna Andrea Corsini gave an exclusive interview to “Izvestia”. Italian politics has been in the newspaper and talked about the need to abandon anti-Russian sanctions, the problems of cooperation with Russian cities, the growth of tourist flows, the relation to the visa regime and the impact of migration crisis on security in Italy. — Mr. Gnassi what you have as the mayor of Rimini impressions of the visit to Moscow? You have noted some nuances that would like to implement in your city? Mr. of Grassi: I had a strong and vivid emotions, because Moscow is a landmark for the whole world. This is an example to Italy. Moscow is constantly changing, and it is clear that many resources are invested in improving the infrastructure. I noticed a lot of

Russia is ready to take Mladic to the treatment

Ratko Mladic © EPA/MARTIN MEISSNER The HAGUE, March 22. /Offset. TASS Vitaly Chugin/. Russia sent to the international Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) the note, which reaffirms the readiness of the Russian side to take the former commander of the Bosnian Serb forces of General Ratko Mladic for treatment. This was reported in an interview with TASS the head of the legal group of the Russian Embassy in the Netherlands, Victoria Goncharova. “We have indeed sent a note… the note is confidential and intended for the work of the ICTY. But what is mentioned in the petition (sent by the protection of Mladic to the ICTY on 20 March – approx. TASS), this is true. Indeed, Russia has directed the note, which reaffirms the guarantees of the Russian side to take Mladic to provide treatment and to return in accordance with the terms and conditions, which will expose the

The Ministry of foreign Affairs of the RF: prohibition of entry Samoilova – cynical and inhuman act

Julia Samoylova © Maria Antipina/TASS MOSCOW, March 22. /TASS/. The prohibition of entry to Ukraine of Yulia Samoilova, who should represent Russia at “Eurovision”, is cynical and inhuman act of the Kiev authorities. This was stated by TASS the state Secretary, Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Grigory Karasin. “This is another frankly cynical and inhuman act of the Kiev authorities”, – he said. Earlier, the press Secretary of the security Service of Ukraine (SBU) Elena Gitlyanskaya said that the SBU has banned entry to the territory of the country, Russian woman Yulia Samoilova for a period of three years.

Ukraine has asked the United States to make it a major ally outside NATO

Ukraine has asked the United States to make it a major ally outside NATO KIEV, March 22 — RIA Novosti. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine appealed to the U.S. Congress with a request to consider granting Kiev a status of a major ally outside NATO and the conclusion of the defense agreement. The corresponding address from the second attempt was supported by 232 deputies with the required minimum of 226 votes. The document notes that the status of the main ally outside NATO possess as countries that are in the “state of the world” — Australia, New Zealand and Japan, and being “under the threat of military action” — South Korea, Afghanistan or Israel. Thus, unlike the issue of Ukraine’s accession to the Alliance, granting it the status of main ally outside NATO is the sovereign right of States, that is, requires the consent of all NATO countries. The paper

The AP learned about the work of Manafort Deripaska

The AP learned about the work of Manafort Deripaska The Agency claims that a former campaign adviser to candidate trump since 2006, over $10 million a year promoting the interests of the Russian leadership. Moscow. March 22. INTERFAX.RU — a Former campaign adviser to candidate Donald trump by Paul Manafort about 10 years ago, was secretly working for Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska, promoting the interests of the Russian leadership. It is reported to the environment Agency the Associated Press, citing its own data and obtained by journalists documents. It is reported that Manafort also “offered an ambitious political strategy aimed at undermining anti-Russian opposition in the former Soviet republics”. It is emphasized that this cooperation is “contrary to the claims of the administration of the tramp and Manafort that he never worked in the interests of Russia” The Agency reports that, according to him, “Manafort suggested in a confidential strategic

To lead the state Department’s Rex Tillerson talked the wife

To lead the state Department’s Rex Tillerson talked the wife U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson said that he had held this post thanks to my wife who convinced him to accept the offer made by President Donald trump. “I didn’t want the job. I did not seek this job. But my wife said I should,” said Tillerson, in an interview with the Independent Journal Review. Before appointment to the post of Secretary of state Tillerson led the company Exxon Mobil. According to him, he was going to retire in March 2017, to leave the ranch and be with his grandchildren. That Donald trump was going to ask Rex Tillerson to the post of U.S. Secretary of state, became known in December 2016. Tillerson candidacy was officially submitted to the Senate January 20, immediately after the inauguration of the trump. At the head of Exxon Mobil Tillerson, in particular, was

Putin posthumously awarded the order of Courage of the reporters killed in Yugoslavia

Photo: RIA Novosti The President of Russia Vladimir Putin posthumously awarded the order of Courage of the victims in 1991 when covering events of the civil war in Yugoslavia, journalists, radio and television of the USSR Victor Nogina and Gennady Kurinnoy, the corresponding decree published on the official Internet portal of legal information on Monday. Special correspondent of the Central television broadcaster of the USSR Viktor Nogin and cameraman Gennady Kurinnoy was covering the civil war in Yugoslavia in 1991. They arrived in the area of the city of Hrvatska Kostajnica, which were fighting soldiers of the Croatian army and the armed units of the Serbian militias. The first of September 1991, two journalists were killed, presumably by Serbs. After that, the Opel, which went to journalists, was burned and dumped in the river, their bodies buried elsewhere, and in the car was planted on the corpses of unknown people

Matvienko has refused to give the West the authorship of democratic ideas

Photo: RIA Novosti The resolution on the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the universal Declaration of democracy should be spelled out that democracy is not a concept exclusively of Western origin, the speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko. Her words are included in the press release, the upper house of Parliament, arrived in edition “” on Monday, March 20. The document will be approved at the 137th session of the inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), which will be held in St. Petersburg in October. “Democracy, as enshrined in the universal Declaration, is a worldwide idea. It should be implemented taking into account the diversity of experiences and cultural particularities without compromising the generally accepted principles, norms and standards,” the MP said at a meeting of the organizing Committee of the session of the IPU. In her opinion, the development of the resolution will allow the participants of an international organization