Peskov called the “unfortunate decision” the prohibition of entry Samoylov in Ukraine

Photo: RIA Novosti Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov called “extremely unfortunate” the decision of the SBU banned entry to Ukraine the singer Yulia Samoilova, RIA Novosti reported. He noted that the Kremlin considers this decision “completely unfair and unfortunate” and hoped that it would be revised. “Certainly, the decision of the Ukrainian side seriously devalues the upcoming competition. Probably, this is a blow to the prestige of “Eurovision”. We also believe this decision is extremely unfortunate and, actually, we would expect that decision to the competition will be reviewed and the Russian participant will be able to participate in this competition”, — said Peskov. Peskov said that the decision not to let Samoylova took Kiev, and not the organizers of “Eurovision-2017”. However, the situation anyway undermines the credibility of the competition. Wednesday, March 22, the security Service of Ukraine has banned the singer Samoilova, participant of

Lavrov called hatchet article about the influence of Russia on elections in Germany and France

Photo: RIA Novosti Publications about the allegedly offered by Russia to influence the elections in Germany and France is absolutely fictional and clumsily written. This was stated by Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov, speaking at the Military Academy of the General staff of the armed forces. “I attempt to read these publications (about alleged Russian intervention in the electoral processes in Germany and France – approx. TASS) EU countries, he said. – Completely fictitious, and most importantly, stupid, clumsily-written articles and reports about alleged our total impact on electoral processes”.

The Kremlin is counting on a serious murder investigation Boronenkov

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, March 24. /TASS/. Statements from Kiev about the alleged Russian trace in the murder of former state Duma Deputy, Denis Boronenkov shall not constitute a waiver of a full investigation. This was stated press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “I hope they (the statements) does not constitute a waiver of conducting serious investigative actions”, – said Peskov.

Vladimir Putin met with marine Le Pen in the Kremlin

Vladimir Putin met with marine Le Pen in the Kremlin The Russian President promised that Russia will not influence the presidential elections in France. Moscow. March 24. INTERFAX.RU — Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday met in the Kremlin with the candidate for the French presidency, marine Le Pen. “We attach great importance to our relations with France, while we try to maintain good relations with both representatives of the authorities and the opposition”, — said the head of state. He noted that France is now actively developing the campaign. We in any case do not want to influence events, but reserve the right to communicate with all representatives of all political forces of the country, as do our partners, for example, in Europe, in the United States.Mr Putinprime Russian Federation “Of course, it would be very interesting to exchange views with You on how to develop our bilateral relations

South Ossetia plans to hold a referendum on joining the Russian Federation in 2017

South Ossetia plans to hold a referendum on joining the Russian Federation in 2017 MOSCOW, 24 Mar — RIA Novosti. The referendum on accession of South Ossetia into the Russian Federation is likely to take place after the presidential elections in 2017, told reporters the speaker of the Parliament of the Republic Anatoly Bibilov. “The desire of the people of South Ossetia on joining Russia is not a secret. There is an agreement with the President of the Republic and the understanding that the referendum should be held after the elections in 2017”, — said Bibilov. He added that “in any case, the agreement between the President Tibilov and me is… without a doubt, we will consult with our Russian colleagues, because it directly concerns Russia, the Russian law allows us to do, but still depends on the international environment that there is today”.

Part of Regardie in the North Caucasus brought to combat readiness

Part of Regardie in the North Caucasus brought to combat readiness ROSTOV-ON-DON, 24 Mar — news, Ivan Kapustin. All military units of Regardie in the North Caucasus put on alert after militants attacked a military camp in Chechnya, told reporters Deputy commander of the North Caucasian district of National guard troops of the Russian Federation the General-the major Nikolay Doronin. Six soldiers of Regardie were killed and another three wounded when guerrillas attacked a military unit in Chechnya. The national antiterrorist Committee reported that six terrorists attacked the military unit object of Regardie stationed near the village of Naurskaya, Chechnya. The terrorists were killed. “All military units that are stationed in the North Caucasus, the embattled, events are held in conjunction with the FSB, interior Ministry, aimed at preventing this, enhanced intelligence,” explained Tolonen at a press conference devoted to the first results and key areas of the North Caucasus

Putin met with marine Le Pen in the Kremlin

The leader of the French party “national front” marine Le Pen and Russia’s President Vladimir Putin © Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, March 24. /TASS/. Russia attaches great importance to relations with France in any case did not want to influence the presidential elections in this country, but reserves the right to communicate with representatives of all political forces. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting in the Kremlin with the candidate in presidents of France, the leader of the party “national front” marine Le Pen.

Ex-Egyptian President Mubarak returned home

Ex-Egyptian President Mubarak returned home As reported by the lawyer of ex-head of state, Mubarak left the military hospital and had Breakfast at home “in the company of his relatives and several close friends.” CAIRO, March 24. /Offset. TASS Alexander Elistratov/. The former President of Egypt Hosni Mubarak came from the military hospital and at present is already at home in one of the Metropolitan areas. This was reported by the newspaper “al-Masry al-Yaum” with reference to the lawyer of ex-head of state Farid a hell-DIB. “The former President already had Breakfast at home in the area IFSW El Gedida in the company of his relatives and a few close friends”, — leads edition of the words of a lawyer. Al-Deeb also conveyed gratitude to all the Egyptians, who “supported him for several years until lasted for trial.” The lawyer added that Mubarak first time in many years of investigation

Agents of the U.S. secret service will be punished because of the incident at the White house

Agents of the U.S. secret service will be punished because of the incident at the White house MOSCOW, 24 Mar — RIA Novosti. At least six employees of the US Secret service will be subject to disciplinary punishment because of the incident on 10 March when the offender climbed over the fence around the White house, reports CNN, citing a source in the service. Tenth day of March near the White house was caught by the intruder who jumped the fence. Media reported that the offender had been on the site for at least 15 minutes, peeking in Windows and pulling door handles. The punishment to staff directly guarding the territory of the White house and agents. According to the internal rules, the proposal for specific measures in respect of each employee must be filed within two weeks after the incident. After that the officials will make the final decision

Le Pen intends to defend the idea of the abolition of the sanctions “black list” of the EU

Le Pen intends to defend the idea of the abolition of the sanctions “black list” of the EU MOSCOW, 24 Mar — RIA Novosti. The candidate in presidents of France, the leader of the French party “national front” marine Le Pen said that it intends to abolish the “black list” of the EU, which prohibit a number of Russian citizens, including parliamentarians, the entry into the European Union. Le Pen has arrived in Moscow at the invitation of the state Duma Committee on international Affairs. “I have always advocated the lifting of sanctions that are counterproductive. I think the violation of democratic rights, the prohibition of parliamentarians to talk to each other. I hope I will be able to defend the position that we would cancel the “black list”, at least in France,” said Friday she is in a meeting with the speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin. HelpElections