In the state Duma was going to poll the public on draft laws

Photo: Kommersant In the State Duma discussed the idea to introduce the practice of opinion polls on bills to be considered the lower house of Parliament. This was announced by Vice-speaker of the lower house of Parliament Ivan Melnikov (Communist party), reports TASS. “The apparatus of the state Duma together with Deputy Chairman Peter Tolstoy was instructed to conduct negotiations and to conclude agreements with a number of sociological services in order to on the important issues of resonant bills we could have an objective assessment of public opinion on a given legislative initiative,” — said Melnikov. According to him, the idea proposed by the speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin. In mid-February, sources in the presidential administration said that the Kremlin has relied on opinion polls, studying the situation in the regions and evaluating the work of governors. In particular, we measured the level of electoral support of

Eyes: priorities of development of the Crimea should become a education and health care

Photo: RIA Novosti Education and health should be priorities of the Republic of Crimea, in these areas we need to invest more. This was announced by the Russian presidential adviser on regional economic integration Sergei Glazyev. “I think that we need more funds to invest in the education system of the Crimea, it must be open for the whole of Russia and, more broadly, for the entire Eurasian Union. Education should be one of the areas of specialization of the Crimea. For the formation of reach for science, high technology and modernization, and the growth of entrepreneurial activity”, – he said at a round table in TASS on the three year anniversary of the reunification of Crimea with Russia. According to Glazyev, it is possible to enter in the normal school education the provision that each student at least once should visit Crimea and Sevastopol by the state. “The second

In the state Duma urged to impose sanctions against Ukraine because of Samoilova

Photo: RIA Novosti State Duma Deputy Ruslan Balbec urged to introduce restrictive measures against Ukraine after the decision of Kiev to deny entry to the country singer Yulia Samoilova, who was supposed to represent Russia at “Eurovision-2017”. The corresponding statement he made in an interview with “ru” on Thursday, March 23. “The incident with Samoilova says about the need for a mirror to respond to the actions of Kiev. Should consider the package of sanctions against the Ukrainian state,” the MP said, stressing that the situation with the singer is “indicative flogging of Russian pride.” According to him, Ukrainian authorities are trying to convince citizens of the weakness of the Russian state. “In fact, due to our inaction, which, of course, determined by the principles of humanism, in our eyes is the formation of the society, confident in the Russian weakness, which will inevitably lead to conflict,” he said. Earlier

Russia and China re-proposed UN security Council resolution on chemical terrorism

© EPA/JUSTIN LANE UN, March 25. /Offset. TASS Oleg Zelenin/. Russia and China have repeatedly proposed that the UN Security Council to adopt a resolution aimed at preventing the spread of toxic substances to the terrorists in Iraq and Syria. As reported to journalists the Deputy permanent representative of the Russian Federation at the world organization Vladimir Safronkov, the draft document was distributed at a closed meeting, convened on the initiative of Moscow.

Russia filed in the U.S. Supreme court arguments in favour of the abolition of the sentence booth

Viktor Bout © Photo from personal archive of the wife of Viktor bout Alla Bout/TASS NEW YORK, March 25. /Offset. TASS Ivan sawyers/. The Russian Federation submitted to the Supreme court of the United States arguments in support of the petition of lawyers of Viktor bout to annul the earlier in his case verdict. This was stated on Friday, TASS, the lawyer of the Russian citizen Alexei Tarasov. “Was sent a friendly argument in support of Viktor bout from the Russian Federation. It raises questions of international law,” he said. Documents sent to the court in a form that is called in the USA amicus curiae brief, or “friend of the court argument”.

British MP took to the Privy Council for trying to save a COP

British MP took to the Privy Council for trying to save a COP LONDON, Mar 25 — RIA Novosti, Maria Tobacco. The second Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of great Britain Tobias Ellwood, a former army officer, was promoted to the members of the Privy Council for trying to save the wounded during the terrorist attack on March 22, a police officer, said the office of the Prime Minister. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий According to the report of the office, Queen Elizabeth II “gladly approved the appointment of” Elwood. The privy Council is an Association of advisers of the Queen, with about 600 members including Prime Minister, Ministers and leader of the opposition, the most influential members of the Parliament, speakers of the house of Commons — past and present. Also the Council consists of the husband and the eldest son of Queen Elizabeth II, princes Phillip and Charles. Council meetings are held

Russia and China proposed to the UN security Council a draft resolution against chemical weapons in Syria and Iraq

Russia and China proposed to the UN security Council a draft resolution against chemical weapons in Syria and Iraq Project 2016 was supported by all members of the Security Council. Moscow. March 25. INTERFAX.RU — Russia and China re-introduced in the UN Security Council a draft resolution on counteraction to challenges and use of chemical weapons by terrorists and non-state actors in Syria and Iraq, told reporters Deputy permanent representative to the UN Vladimir Safronkov. To unite the Board to work together to confront the challenges of the use of chemical weapons by terrorists and non-state actors, we have re-circulated the same draft resolution together in China, which we distributed in the previous year, accordingly his aktualizowanie Ironconnecting permanent representative to the UN Safronov added that the draft document was made on Friday in closed consultations of the UN security Council on the situation in Iraqi Mosul, initiated by Russia.

Angela Merkel said about the need to correct the mistakes of the EU

Angela Merkel said about the need to correct the mistakes of the EU German Chancellor Angela Merkel indicated the EU Commission errors and stated the need to correct them. In an interview with broadcaster Rai, the politician said he believes that “we are not doing well.” What is left unfinished, the time has come to end now. For this, we have good basahngeli Erkelenzer Germany Among the key failures of the European policy of the German Chancellor called the crudity of open external borders, the lack of coordination in the functioning of the single currency. “But all this we correct now through a banking Union and mechanisms of stabilization,” the Lord assured Merkel. The head of the German government also urged the EU leaders to pay attention to the problems of migrants, “to ensure that people fled” and “to handle crises such as in Syria, and to do it all

Matvienko invited the Chairman of the European Parliament to come to Crimea

Photo: RIA Novosti The speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko ready to personally escort the Chairman of the European Parliament (EP) Ulrike Lunacek, if she accepts the invitation to visit the Crimea. The head of the Federation Council said during a conference in Vienna on “security Policy of the OSCE – the view from the side of women.” Earlier in the discussion of the Lunacek expressed harsh criticism against Russia for the alleged facts of oppression of the Tatars after the annexation of Crimea into the Russian Federation. “I thank Madam Deputy Chairman of the European Parliament for its interesting presentation, but allow me to invite you to the Crimea. I’m ready to go with you to get you all saw with our own eyes”, – said Matvienko. “There is a calm, peaceful life”, – said the head of the Federation Council, Recalling that after the reunification of the

The proposed trump project health reform withdrawn from Congress

The proposed trump project health reform withdrawn from Congress Which lasted for several hours, the debate was interrupted. Moscow. March 24. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. President Donald trump withdrew from the Congress its draft of health care reform, intended to replace the health insurance Obamacare, according to CNN. “President trump asked the speaker of the Paul Ryan plan to withdraw the Republicans to repeal and replace Obamacare” — said the TV channel, citing a source. Earlier it became known that in the course of the discussion after a long debate adjourned. As the correspondent of “Interfax”, the debate lasted more than six hours, with a large number of parliamentarians were strongly opposed to reform of Donald trump. Then a break was announced, which caused a rumble of disapproval votes.