The US imposed sanctions against eight organizations of the Russian Federation in the framework of the law on the non-proliferation

The US imposed sanctions against eight organizations of the Russian Federation in the framework of the law on the non-proliferation WASHINGTON, March 25. /Offset. TASS Dmitry Kirsanov/. The us government has decided to introduce sanctions against eight Russian organizations, incriminates them a violation of national legislation of States on non-proliferation in respect of Iran, North Korea and Syria from 2009. This was reported TASS the representative of the US administration. According to her, in the black list includes the following institutions: JSC “Rosoboronexport”, JSC “150 aircraft repair plant”, foreign economic Association “Aviaexport”, JSC “Scientific-production Association “Basalt”, JSC “Scientific and production Corporation “engineering Design Bureau”, Ulyanovsk Institute of civil aviation named after chief Marshal of aviation B. P. Bugaev, the Ural training center of civil aviation, the air force Academy named after Professor N. E. Zhukovsky and Y. A. Gagarin. All these structures are in violation of the provisions of the

During opposition rallies in Belarus detained 25 journalists

During opposition rallies in Belarus detained 25 journalists Moscow. March 25. INTERFAX.RU — at least 25 journalists were arrested on Saturday in Belarus during opposition rallies, timed to the “Day of freedom”, most of them have already been released, reports the Belarusian Association of journalists (BAJ). “As of 18:30 March 25 it is known that detained at least 25 people. 20 released,” — said in a statement posted on the official website of the BAJ. The bulk of the detentions of journalists came to Minsk. According to BAJ, are still detained Denis Ivashin (site InformNapalm), Alyaksandr Barazenka (Belsat), Dmitri Korenko (independent journalist), Nikita Yarosh (“Gantsevichi hour”), Anton Karliner (photographer from Russia). Colleagues can’t find a British journalist Philip Warwick. No information about the arrest or about where he’s at, no Belarusian Association of journalists In addition, in Vitebsk remains detained Artem Sizintsev (“Radio Radio”). Remain detained Elena Bychkova, Ivan Trivanovich

The President of Lithuania called Russia a “threat” to Europe

The President of Lithuania called Russia a “threat” to Europe Russia’s actions in the international arena put Europe at risk, according to the President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaite. In an interview with Foreign Policy, she stated the necessity of American military intervention in the situation, and stated that there is no need to cancel entered against Moscow sanctions. The President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaite considers that the policy pursued by the Russian government, is a threat to the Baltic region and for Europe as a whole. The head of state said in an interview with Foreign Policy. Russia is a threat not only for Lithuania but for the whole region and the whole of Europe. We see how Russia is behaving in Kaliningrad, a Russian enclave on our borders. There they launched missiles that can carry a nuclear warhead, they can reach European stolidly Grybauskaite Lithuania The interlocutor of the

In the defense Ministry doubt the imminent beginning of a battle coalition with ISIS in Raqqa

Igor Konashenkov © Press service of the defense Ministry of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, March 25. /TASS/. The statement of the Minister of defence of France that the battle of the international coalition for Syrian Raqqa will start in the next few hours, not associated with knowledge of the real situation, said the official representative of the Ministry of defense of Russia Igor Konashenkov.

Putin thanked the participants of the military operation in Syria for courage

Photo: RIA Novosti The President of Russia Vladimir Putin thanked for the courage and professionalism of the Russian soldiers who took part in the Syrian operations. At the presentation ceremony appointed to senior command positions of the officers, Putin said that the Russian armed forces has seriously improved over the past few years and is able to repel any aggression, protecting both citizens and the country itself, and its allies, RIA “Novosti”. “Today in this hall the senior officers involved in the operations of the Russian army against the terrorists in Syria. I want to thank you high professionalism, for the courage and heroism,” Putin said. March 17, Putin also met with the officers who took part in the operation of the Russian space forces in Syria. Then he honored the memory of the four killed in Syria, whose relatives had been invited to the meeting. Then he thanked all

Putin: FSB needs to improve methods of fight against terrorism

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the Federal security service have to continue to improve the strategy and tactics of fighting terror. At the presentation ceremony the President of officers appointed to senior command positions, he dwelled on the activities of the FSB, stressing that one of the priority directions of work of Department “remains the fight against terrorism”. “During the February Board I noted that there is much to be proud of the successes are evident, but have to continue to improve the strategy and tactics of anti-terror”, he said. Putin also tasked the FSB to “act more actively and in other parts”. “I mean, counter-espionage, economic crime and corruption, protection of key infrastructure”, — said Putin.

Poklonskaya has asked the interior Ministry to evaluate the Director’s statement of “Matilda”

Photo: RIA Novosti The Deputy of the State Duma Natalia Poklonskaya has sent an official request to the head of the Department for combating extremism of the MIA of Russia. She requested to evaluate the statements of the Director Alexey Uchitel, assotsiirovavshih her organization which threatened to set fire to cinemas in case of showing there of the movie “Matilda”. About it reports “Interfax”. As stated Poklonskaya, the public statements of the Teacher and his lawyer Konstantin Dobrynin, including her name, sent to the centre for combating extremism for review, “is it true they saying, and why they associated me with this group”. Previously, the Teacher has addressed in law enforcement bodies with the request to understand, why the threats come not only cinemas, but also to him personally, as well as the shooting team and all the employees involved in the creation of “Matilda”. “The teacher asks you to

In Minsk started detention of protesters on freedom Day

In Minsk started detention of protesters on freedom Day In Minsk police detain citizens EN masse, demonstrating in the so-called freedom Day, a detachment of special police blocked Partizansky Avenue of the Belarusian capital. Video on Saturday, March 25, portal has published TUT.BY. According to the information resource, arrests in the area of building of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic — the place where the demonstrators had planned to hold a rally. “Everyone who stops the police checks the documents and asks to proceed. Refused withdrawn in paddywagons”, — said TUT.BY. Tomorrow, arrested activists and journalists will wake up in prisons, and no one will spoil the honeymoon of Lukashenka and the West — Franak Viačorka (@franakviacorka) 25 Mar 2017 Guys blocked expensive about circus #2503march — Aliaksei Lithium (@a_lithium) 25 Mar 2017 The Executive Committee of Minsk has agreed to hold the rally in another

The leaders of 27 EU countries signed the Declaration on the future of the EU after Brexit

The leaders of 27 EU countries signed the Declaration on the future of the EU after Brexit ROME/BRUSSELS, 25 Mar — RIA Novosti. The leaders of 27 member countries of the European Union, which will remain in the Union after leaving the UK, signed the Rome Declaration on achievements, challenges and priorities of the European Union, according to live broadcast of the Capitol Palace of the conservators in Rome. The Declaration is the main outcome of the summit in Rome, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome (1957), which laid the foundations of the European Union. Prime Minister of Poland Beata Szydlo, the position which became the main intrigue of the meeting, before signing brought the pen over the document and froze for a few seconds. Signature, Szydlo shrugged and smiled. The statement, which on Thursday threatened to block Poland, reflects the vision of the future of

Putin called for increased strike potential of high-precision weapons of the sun four times by 2021.

Photo: RIA Novosti By 2021 the impact potential of precision weapons, which are equipped with the Russian Armed forces should increase four times, said Russian President Vladimir Putin. “In deterring a potential aggressor, the growing role of high-precision weapons, their characteristics are fully confirmed in the course of fighting with terrorists in Syrian Arab Republic. By 2021 the impact potential of precision weapons for our army and Navy must be increased four times”, – the President said at a ceremony presenting officers appointed to senior command positions. As reported by the commander in chief, “will increase the combat power of the forces that play a key role in ground operations.” “So, arsenals Ground forces will add modern tanks on the platform “Armata” and “Kurganets” and self-propelled artillery “Coalition-SV” – said Putin.