Lavrov praised the progress of negotiations on the Syrian settlement in Geneva

Photo: Kay Nietfeld / DPA / In the Syrian crisis settlement has managed to achieve a fragile progress. This was stated by Russian foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov at the meeting with the special envoy of the UN Secretary General on Syria Staffan De Mistura, reports “Interfax”. The head of the Russian foreign Ministry said that on the eve of the Geneva talks on Syria is necessary to consolidate agreement on four “baskets” which include the Constitution, elections, transitional and counter-terrorism. “All of these aspects are the essential requirements laid down in resolution 2254 [UN security Council],” — said Lavrov. The next round of Syrian peace talks in Geneva scheduled for March 23. On 11 March, the UN security Council called on the parties to the Syrian conflict to continue negotiations in a constructive manner and without preconditions. Members of the security Council reaffirmed its commitment to the sovereignty, independence

The leader of the Bulgarian socialists conceded defeat in the parliamentary elections

The leader of the Bulgarian socialists conceded defeat in the parliamentary elections MOSCOW, 26 Mar — RIA Novosti. The leader of the Bulgarian socialist party (BSP) Korneliya Ninova, acknowledged defeat in parliamentary elections and congratulated his main competitors of the party “Citizens for European development of Bulgaria” (coat of ARMS) with the victory. “I want to congratulate the EMBLEM of victory. If they will invite us for talks on forming a coalition, we will not participate in them. In politics there are fundamental things, and our programs are distinctly different, we are an alternative coat of ARMS”, — she said at a press conference after the elections, which was broadcast on the channel Nova TV. Ninova said that between the Bulgarian socialist party and the “Citizens for European development of Bulgaria” impossible Grand coalition. If they (the ARMS) will not be able to form a government and the mandate will

Hamas has closed a key crossing on the border with Israel

Hamas has closed a key crossing on the border with Israel GAS, 26 Mar — RIA Novosti. The ruling in the Gaza strip, Hamas has closed the border with the Palestinian enclave by Israel for the passage of people after the murder of his high-ranking activist, told RIA Novosti on Sunday representative of the local interior Ministry Iyad al-Buz Indefinitely suspended operation of the “Erez” (the Palestinian name of “Beit Hanoun”) is the only transition that is designed to pass individuals. The rest of the checkpoint are used for commercial and humanitarian goods “The Ministry of the interior in the Gaza strip closed the crossing “Beit Hanoun” on the border of the Gaza strip and Israel indefinitely. This decision was made in the framework of the activities carried out by the security forces after the killing of Mazen Fukaha”, — said the Agency interlocutor. Unknown on Friday shot dead Fuqaha

Lavrov said that Russia is ready to discuss the reduction of nuclear arsenals

Photo: RIA Novosti Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Russia is ready to discuss the possibility of reducing nuclear arsenals, reports channel “Russia-24”. At the same time, the head of the Russian foreign Ministry noted that the renunciation of nuclear weapons has not come yet. In January, the President of the United States Donald trump in an interview with the Times said that the United States can withdraw some of the sanctions against Russia in case of successful agreement on bilateral reduction of nuclear weapons.

Media: trump has exposed Merkel account for $ 375 billion for NATO

Media: trump has exposed Merkel account for $ 375 billion for NATO MOSCOW, 26 Mar — RIA Novosti. The President of the United States Donald trump during a closed-door meeting in Washington last week gave the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, bill for services, NATO, reports The Sunday Times citing sources in the German government. It is reported that the American leader praised the amount that Berlin owes NATO for the defense of Germany 375 billion. “Such demands are put forward with the aim to intimidate the other side, however, the Chancellor took it calmly and not going to respond to provocations,” he said. The first meeting of the tramp and Merkel held at the White house on March 17. The next day, the US President said that the talks with German Chancellor were great, but immediately recalled that Germany owes NATO “huge amounts” for the defense. Previously, trump has repeatedly

Le Pen has compared Him with Jean-Claude van Damme

Le Pen has compared Him with Jean-Claude van Damme MOSCOW, 26 Mar — RIA Novosti. A candidate for the presidency of France, the leader of the party “national front” marine Le Pen has compared his opponent’s ex-economy Minister Emmanuel Macron with the famous American actor of Belgian origin Jean-Claude van Damme, the newspaper Figaro. “This sort of Jean-Claude van Damme policies. In General, we do not understand what he says or what he wants. But when we understand that’s a concern”, — the newspaper quotes the statement by Le Pen that she made during a speech at a rally in Lille. Jean-Claude van Damme — actor, Director, writer and producer of fight scenes and martial arts. For her acting career starred in a total of more than 50 films. HelpElections in France: the explanation in grafikone will participate in the presidential elections in France, and what issues concern of French

The body of Kim Jong-Nam taken from the hospital Kuala Lumpur in an unknown direction

The body of Kim Jong-Nam taken from the hospital Kuala Lumpur in an unknown direction The reason why the body of Kim Jong-Nam taken from the hospital, is also unknown. TOKYO, March 26. /Offset. TASS Igor Belyaev/. The body of Kim Jong-Nam, the elder brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong UN, was removed from hospital Kuala Lumpur, where it was all this time. This was reported by the Agency Kyodo. The destination, as well as the reason why the body of Kim Jong-Nam was taken from the hospital, were not disclosed More detailed information is also not given. A final decision from the authorities of Malaysia on who will be issued the body of Kim Jong-Nam to date was not accepted. Kim Jong-Nam died February 13, on the way to the hospital from the airport of Kuala Lumpur. The Minister of health Malaysia Subramaniam Sathasivam reported that the death

The MAYOR is going to subdue Rosstat

Photo: PRIME Rosstat can go to the subordination of the Ministry of economic development, the relevant draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers prepared by the Ministry, follows from the document on the portal of projects of normative acts. The document notes that the Ministry will be responsible for developing state policy and regulation in the field of official statistics. In reference to the project States that it aims at the optimization of the activities of the authorities to ensure a systematic approach to public administration in the field of economic development. On Tuesday Rosstat has published the official statistics for February, after which the head of the Ministry Maxim Oreshkin called data unrepresentative agencies “and in the fundamental and technical reasons”. In his opinion, Rosstat transition to the new methodology of calculation since 1 January has been extremely successful. The Minister noted that the data may be revised.

Activists of the “12 tons” told about the meeting with Medvedev

Photo: RIA Novosti Activists truckers “12 tons” told about the results of the meeting with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. “Yesterday, managed to meet with the “United Russia”. They told to the premiere of our requests”, – is spoken in the community “12 tons” the social network “Vkontakte”. “Today at a meeting with the haulers arrived Dmitry Medvedev. At the meeting, and representatives of trucking companies. As a result of communication has been achieved 1. zaplanirovanno cancelled the tariff increase by 2 times and the tariff for “Plato” will be increased by only 25%; 2. will monitor the work of competent stratstone; 3. training drivers of heavy vehicles will toughen; 4. as the Prime Minister has approved the idea to open a portal for publishing information about where to go and what the money collected in the system “Platon”, – stated in the publication. In addition, Medvedev at a meeting with

The opposition staged a rally in the city center

The opposition staged a rally in the city center The police don’t prevent the event, even though it is not sanctioned. Moscow. March 26. INTERFAX.RU — Inconsistent with the municipal authorities of the opposition rally held on the Champ de Mars in St. Petersburg. Earlier, opposition activists filed several applications for protests in different parts of the city, however, all bids were received waivers. The event on the Champ de Mars was not agreed, because on that day they held a rally of the National liberation movement (NOD). Advocates of NOD use sound-amplifying equipment and flags, the event is dedicated to the protection of traditional moral and family values. At the same time in another part of the field of Mars passes opposition meeting. The police do not prevent it, yet do not urge the crowd to disperse. Participants of the rally on the Champ de Mars moved to the