In South Ossetia may hold a referendum on joining the Russian Federation in 2017

Photo: RIA Novosti The referendum on accession of South Ossetia into the Russian Federation is likely to take place after the presidential elections in 2017, told reporters the speaker of the Parliament of the Republic Anatoly Bibilov. “The desire of the people of South Ossetia on joining Russia is not a secret. There is an agreement with the President of the Republic and the understanding that the referendum should be held after the elections in 2017”, — said Bibilov. He added that “in any case, the agreement between the President Tibilov and me is… without a doubt, we will consult with our Russian colleagues, because it directly concerns Russia, the Russian law allows us to do, but still depends on the international environment that there is today”.

Putin noted the effectiveness of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS in integration processes

© Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, March 27. /TASS/. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin congratulated the participants of the jubilee plenary session of the Interparliamentary Assembly of States – participants of CIS, with its 25-year anniversary. The text of the congratulatory telegram posted on the Kremlin website. “The Assembly occupies a worthy place in the structure of multilateral relations, established within the framework of the Commonwealth, actively participates in the multidisciplinary international collaboration as an associate member of the inter-Parliamentary Union. The work of the inter-parliamentary Assembly is very important, and most importantly, in demand. It formed the model laws promoted the effectiveness of national legislation, extend the capabilities of integration cooperation in the political, economic, social, humanitarian and other spheres”, – stated in the message of the head of state. Putin also noted the importance of work structure for the strengthening of international security. According

Volodin gave the speaker of the OSCE PA to divert the conversation from the topic of the pogroms of Russian banks in Ukraine

Chairman Of The State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin © Mikhail Metzel/TASS SAINT PETERSBURG, March 27. /TASS/. Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin gave the speaker of the parliamentary Assembly (PA) of the OSCE Christine Muttonen to divert the conversation from the topic of the pogroms of Russian banks in Ukraine, and answered her question about attempts to stage unauthorized actions in Russia. During the March 27 meeting Muttonen on the sidelines of the events of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly Volodin urged the OSCE PA to give a legal assessment of barbaric actions against Russian banks in Ukraine. However, his companion turned the conversation to the subject of the implementation of the Minsk agreements and the situation in the South-East of Ukraine. “I think you are well aware of our position, which we have repeatedly expressed, on the question of the crisis in Ukraine. We support the Minsk agreements, and regularly

Tkachev has promised to find a replacement for the Turkish grain market in the coming months

Tkachev has promised to find a replacement for the Turkish grain market in the coming months Agriculture Minister called the Turkish decision “unexpected and in many ways provocative.” ROSTOV-ON-DON, March 27. /TASS/. Russia will find a replacement to the Turkish grain market in the coming months, said the head of the Ministry Alexander Tkachev. We hope that in the next two or three, maximum five months we will find new markets for grains and painlessly replace Tortillaland Tkachiev of the Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation The Minister called Turkey’s actions “unexpected and in many ways provocative.” “We did not expect such a decision, especially since the meetings at the highest level had to say the words,” — said the Minister. Earlier the Minister said that the Ministry of agriculture considers Turkey imposed duties as pressure and rejects this way of return to the Russian market are forbidden Turkish

The court fined Alexei Navalny for organizing a mass rally in Moscow

The court fined Alexei Navalny for organizing a mass rally in Moscow The court fined Alexei Navalny on 20 thousand. the Lawyer of the opposition drew attention to the forgery in the record of his arrest. Navalny demanded to subpoena Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. The Tverskoy district court of Moscow has fined the founder of the Fund of struggle against corruption Alexei Navalny on 20 thousand roubles, the correspondent of RBC from the courtroom. The oppositionist was found guilty of violating article “Organization of mass simultaneous stay and (or) movement of citizens in public places, which caused violation of public order” (paragraph 1 of article 20.2.2 of the code of administrative offences), the judge decided Smith Ales. Navalny was detained for about three hours Sunday afternoon, March 26, during the campaign “He’s not Dimon.” The police delivered it in OVD “Konkovo”. The founder of FBK, according to him, was not

Moscow has requested a briefing to the UN security Council in connection with the U.S. actions in Mosul

Moscow has requested a briefing to the UN security Council in connection with the U.S. actions in Mosul MOSCOW, 27 Mar — RIA Novosti. Moscow had requested a special briefing at the UN security Council in connection with the U.S. actions in Iraq’s Mosul, which killed civilians, said the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий Earlier, the international coalition led by USA against terrorist group “Islamic state”* began investigating reports of civilian casualties. People were killed in the air strikes on March 17 in the area West of Mosul. The press service of the coalition is not directly confirmed the information to the media about the death of civilians. The release of the press service noted that the “check messages” on the matter. “Today, the Security Council has requested a special briefing. I don’t think the Security Council would have one voice to speak about what happened.

Ethics commissions are allowed to straighten deputies

Photo: RIA Novosti The state Duma approved amendments to the regulations authorizing the Commission on questions of Deputy ethics to make comments on the parliamentarians. About it the correspondent “” on Friday, March 24. The adoption of the corresponding resolution voted by 421 deputies, against — two. The head of the Committee Otari Arshba said that we are talking about the possibility to specify the choice on the inadmissibility of violation of ethics. MP from the Communist party Alexey Chicken questioned the need for such measures. “Threaten with a finger — it changes to the regulations are introduced?” he asked. Arshba said that the Commission received more than ten statements with respect to the MPs who did not formally violate the rules, but behave unethically. “In particular, one of your colleagues responded to the statement that he did not like it and that it stops communication in the epistolary and

Governors and deputies are allowed to change the status of the settlements

Photo: RIA Novosti The state Duma adopted in the third final reading the law on changing the status of urban and rural settlements and city districts. About it reports TASS on Friday, March 24. “The law provides for the empowerment of governors and deputies of all levels (from rural village to urban districts, regional centers) to make decisions for themselves, what will happen to the settlements, which, from our point of view are unpromising”, — said the first Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on the Federal device and questions of local government Irina Guseva (“United Russia”). The law provides that the territory of a subject of RF not delimited between settlements and between the settlements and urban districts. Municipal district loses the status of the municipal formation if all the settlements were part of it, merged with the urban district. The document States that the urban region includes one

Putin on the Day of national guard troops will present the flag of Zolotov Regardie

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin will present the Director of the Federal service of national guard troops Viktor Zolotov banner of Regardie. Day of national guard troops will be celebrated on March 27. “The most significant event will be the presentation of the President of the Russian Federation flag Regardie”, – told reporters the gold. According to him, at the end of the ceremony gala concert in the State Kremlin Palace. “I would like to first holiday Regardie remember. On this day in all divisions will be held open days, you will be acquainted with the life and leisure of the military, to see the weapons and special equipment,” – said the head of Regardie.