The Deputy of the state Duma: the President’s administration is not against the law of the congestion

Photo: RIA Novosti State-legal Department (GPU) presidential administration has no objection to the adoption of the draft law “On organization of road traffic” provide for the possibility of introducing a congestion charge in urban areas, observations of the GPU is normal practice, said RIA Novosti, first Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on transport and construction Alexey Russian. The profile Committee is currently preparing a bill for consideration on second reading. Earlier, some media wrote that the GPU of presidential administration is not recommended the state Duma to adopt the bill on second reading because of certain shortcomings, including corruption component of the project. “The GPU of presidential administration of each document in the first reading, and second, when they are prepared, gives its opinion. It is normal practice. Very rarely, when the report States that the bill is fully supported. In this case, on this bill there are a

Mironov called the alleged gubernatorial candidates from parliamentary parties

Photo: RIA Novosti “Fair Russia”, CPRF and LDPR pre-agreed on single candidates for nomination to the gubernatorial elections that will be held in September. This was announced by the leader spravorossov Sergey Mironov on air of TV channel “Russia 24” on Tuesday, March 28. “If to speak about “Fair Russia”, I call three of the region’s Sverdlovsk region Alexander Burkov, the Yaroslavl oblast — Anatoly Greshnevikov, the Republic of Karelia Irina Petelava”, — said the politician. He noted that it was “powerful candidates who can and the second round to do and win.” The liberal democratic party, according to Mironov, tentatively decided to nominate Alexander Sherina for the post of head of the Ryazan region Alexei Didenko — in the Tomsk region. The Communists, in turn, offer Vyacheslav Marhaeva as a candidate in the elections in the Republic of Buryatia and Sergey Mamayev in the Kirov region, said the leader

Vladimir Putin dismissed the Plenipotentiary of Russia at ECtHR

Vladimir Putin dismissed the Plenipotentiary of Russia at ECtHR The President of Russia Vladimir Putin dismissed the Plenipotentiary of Russia at the European court of human rights (ECHR) Georgy Matyushkin. The corresponding decree published on the official portal of legal information. Georgy Matyushkin was appointed the Plenipotentiary of Russia at the ECHR, with the rank of Deputy Minister of justice in 2008. Prior to that, he was Deputy Plenipotentiary representative of Russian President in the Volga Federal district (VFD). From 2004 to 2005, Mr. Matyushkin was the assistant to the Plenipotentiary representative of Russian President in Volga Federal district.

The investigation against the ex-Governor of Kirov region Nikita Belykh completed

The investigation against the ex-Governor of Kirov region Nikita Belykh completed MOSCOW, March 29. /TASS/. The investigation against the accused in bribery former Governor of Kirov region Nikita Belykh completed, told TASS in a press-service SK. According to investigators, White received bribes for a total amount of €600 thousand. “The head Department on investigation of especially important cases of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation completed the investigation of the criminal case against the former Governor of Kirov region Nikita Belykh, who is accused of committing two episodes of crime under part 6 St. 290 criminal code (“Receiving bribe”), — have informed in SK. According to investigators, in 2012-2016 the White in person and through intermediaries received a bribe in especially large size for a total amount of €600 thousand for the Commission of both legal and illegal actions and inaction in favor of bribe-givers and their controlled JSC

Russia develops world’s first civil nuclear submarine

Russia develops world’s first civil nuclear submarine ARKHANGELSK, Mar 29 — RIA Novosti. Russian scientists are developing the world’s first civil nuclear submarine, told RIA Novosti the head of the design team direction physico-technical research of the advanced research Foundation Victor Litvinenko. They plan to use for mineral exploration under the Arctic ice. Underwater complex seismic designed CKB “Rubin”. This is a civil nuclear submarine, but instead of the launchers, she’s mine with robotic systems, Autonomous unmanned underwater vehicles, which provide seismic exploration, searching for any useful ScopeMeter latinerkvarter the project team directions physico-technical research of the advanced research Foundation According to him, such submarines in the world. This is a unique and promising technology solutions that will help future generations to solve serious tasks in the shelf. Now, according to him, the ends avandiaactosri complexes on behalf of the Fund promising research. Length of the submarine will be 135,5

The Deputy of the state Duma told about the interaction with the presidential administration

Photo: RIA Novosti The format of interaction of deputies with the President’s administration is in its infancy. This opinion was expressed by the Deputy of the state Duma from “Fair Russia” Alexander Burkov in an interview with “” on Tuesday, March 28. “This mechanism is still in the process of formation and configuration. During the spring adjustment mechanism ends, and this campaign will work,” — said the MP. According to him, the changes are mainly related to personnel changes in the office of AP. “We are experiencing a definite shortage of business contacts, in particular, there is no human interaction with the Federation Council and state Duma,” — said Burke, adding that the work on the regional agenda “enough RAM”. He also noted that “Fair Russia” is a self-sufficient political force. “You can exist without the attention of the presidential administration”, — concluded the Deputy. On March 27, a spokesman

Kuban and a half thousand farmers have advocated for the extension of sanctions against Russia

Photo: RIA Novosti More than 1.5 thousand farmers of Krasnodar region came on Tuesday at a rally for the extension of economic sanctions against Russia, according to the administration of the region. It is noted that the meeting took place in Tikhoretsk with the support of the regional Association of peasant (farmer) farms and agricultural cooperatives (AKKOR): farmers shared the successful experience of their farms, urged colleagues to continue to actively work to attract youth in farming. Among the speakers was the farmer of the Leningrad region member of the Public chamber of the Russian Federation Alexander Shipulin and Chairman of the Council of young farmers of Kuban Sergey Rudich. “The phrase “Kuban farmer” is used where no hitting, but it proves that the Cuban farmers in high esteem, at a very high level. And we – the youth – are going to defend it, will not allow anyone to

Putin has restricted the ability to shoot and to broadcast from the courtroom

Photo: RIA Novosti The President of Russia Vladimir Putin signed the law forbidding to broadcast from the courtroom without the permission of the judge. The corresponding document was published on the portal of legal information. The law has approved the amendments to the Criminal procedure code, according to which a judge is required to open a stream on the Internet, on radio and television. Broadcast meetings on the pre-trial stage is prohibited. The court may also set a time frame for those who received permission to film or broadcast. The media, which are broadcast, will be marked in the record of the hearing. The amendments were approved by the state Duma on 15 March, and a week later they approved the Federation Council.

The negotiations in Geneva: the situation is difficult, but not desperate

© EPA/DENIS BALIBOUSE / POOL GENEVA, March 29. /TASS/. The main content of the next day at talks in Geneva on Syria in the face of continuing meetings of the parties with the mediation of the UN on the consent agenda, consultation of Russian diplomats on the sidelines of the round. Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs Gennady Gatilov and the Director of the Department of Middle East and North Africa, the Russian foreign Ministry Sergey Vershinin for the last two days, twice met with the delegation of the Syrian government, at least once with representatives of the Syrian opposition of the Higher Committee on negotiations (CPSU), “Moscow” and “Cairo” opposition groups and special envoy of the UN Secretary General on Syria Staffan de Mistura. Meetings were also held Gatilov and Vershinina with a representative of “Astana group” Randa kassis and integration “Damask platform” that participation in the negotiations is not

Putin has given the Federal security service the right to seize land plots for state needs

Putin has given the Federal security service the right to seize land plots for state needs Previously, the service only had the right in perpetuity to use the land. MOSCOW, March 29. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree gave the Federal security service (FSO) of Russia the right to make decisions about withdrawal of land plots for state needs of the Russian Federation. The corresponding document was published on the official Internet portal of legal information. Decree a change in the position of the FSO of Russia, according to which the Service is now “decides on the withdrawal of land for state needs of the Russian Federation for construction and reconstruction of objects of Federal significance, which are necessary to exercise the powers of the FSO of Russia”. The decree comes into force from the date of signing. Previously the FSO had no right to seize land, the