To pacify Dagestan truckers threw Resguardo and riot police

Photo: Free press The third day in Dagestan fighters of Regardie and Riot police block hundreds of truckers protesting against the system “Platon” in the village of Manas. The drivers had intended to go to the rally to Makhachkala. So who burned the trucks? All-Russian action of protest against the introduction of the “Plato” was launched in Russia on Monday, 27 March. It was organized by the Association of carriers of Russia and the interregional trade Union of drivers-professionals (MPVP). According to them, the most active protest in Dagestan, where in the boycott attended by more than 90% of heavy vehicles. An exaggeration, given that, according to the official Rostransnadzora, the Republic was 110 thousand trucks (of which 31 thousand – carrying capacity over 12 tons, on them and is subject to the “Plato”). Still a lot, according to various estimates, up to two thousand trucks gathered at Manas. During

Vucic: Serbia will continue its path to Europe, but will keep the friendship with Russia

Vucic: Serbia will continue its path to Europe, but will keep the friendship with Russia BELGRADE, 3 Dec — RIA Novosti. Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic, according to the preliminary results, winning past presidential elections, said he will continue the European course of Belgrade, while maintaining friendly relations with Moscow and Beijing. Earlier, Prime Minister announced at the election headquarters of his victory at the presidential election held on Sunday. He noted that polls showed the support of the citizens of its course. “A significant majority of citizens of Serbia supports the continuation of the reform process and the continuation of the European path of Serbia, while maintaining the traditional friendship with Russia and China, for the continuation of hard work,” stressed Vucic. According to preliminary data, Vucic gaining order 55-59% of the votes that will ensure his victory in the first round. Just a post of the President of

In the Parliament of Armenia according to preliminary data are three parties and block

In the Parliament of Armenia according to preliminary data are three parties and block YEREVAN, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti. Three political forces are held in the Armenian Parliament in the elections for the 54 plots from 2009, the leader of the ruling Republican party 65,16%, said a member of the country’s Central election Commission Silva Markosyan. In second place, according to the CEC, “Tsarukyan” — 18,88%. The third position of the Armenian revolutionary Federation from 6.68%.

Vucic took the lead in the presidential election in Serbia

Vucic took the lead in the presidential election in Serbia The Prime Minister of Serbia Alexander Vucic is leading in the presidential elections held on Sunday, 2 April. It is reported TASS with reference to the research centre Ipsos. According to the results of processing of 37.6 percent of the ballots, Vucic gaining 58.5% of the votes. In second place — a former Ombudsman, a candidate from a group of citizens “Serbia without fear” Sasha Jankovic, he was supported by 13.4 percent of the voters, the third — politician-parodist Luka Maksimovic with the result of 9.5% of the votes. For former foreign Minister Vuk jeremić voted 5.3% of voters, and for the leader of the Serbian radical party Vojislav Seselj gave 4.4 percent of votes. Voter turnout, according to preliminary data, amounted to about 55.5 per cent. To win in the first round must receive more than half of the

The military reported the fall in the number of draft Dodgers in 2016, 20 percent

Photo: RIA Novosti In 2016, the number of draft Dodgers has fallen by 20 percent in comparison with 2015. as reported by “Interfax”, said first Deputy head of the Main organizational-mobilization Directorate of the General staff, Lieutenant-General Yevgeny Burdinsky. “We have the results of last year 3800 people shied away from service], the number of draft Dodgers decreased by 20 percent compared to the year before last, and the problem is not acute,” said Burdinsky. He pointed out that now in the Russian army are about 383 million contract and noted some innovations in the organization of recruitment. In particular, the Crimean residents now have the right to serve not only in parts that are deployed on the Peninsula, but also in other regions of Russia. Spring conscription in Russia starts on April 1 and will last until July 15. Published March 30, according to the presidential decree, this period

“The Kremlin does not follow”: of Sands about the teachings of the USA with the “Russian” extras

Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that the Kremlin does not follow the teachings of the United States, engaged in military intelligence, reports RIA Novosti. “The Kremlin does not follow we have a special service, there is intelligence, there is military intelligence. I am convinced that they have all possible information”, – said Peskov. Earlier it was reported that the German employment Agency Optronic HR deals with the search of Russian-speaking extras who will be able to participate in the training exercises of the U.S. army in Germany. The fee for this work will range from 80 to 120 euros per day. The official representative of the Joint multinational training center for military personnel in Germany, the captain of the U.S. army, Chris Bradley stated that the Russian-speaking extras on the teachings stationed in Germany U.S. troops provides comprehensive scenarios that are not preparing for any

Vladimir Putin discussed at the security Council’s military infrastructure in the Arctic

Photo: RIA Novosti It was attended by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, Federation Council speaker Valentina Matviyenko, Kremlin chief of staff Anton Vaino, security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev, interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev, foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, FSB chief Alexander Bortnikov, head of the SVR, Sergei Naryshkin, as well as the special representative of the President Sergey Ivanov. “Discussed current issues of socio-economic domestic agenda”, – said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “Had a very detailed exchange of views on issues of Russia’s military presence in the Arctic and develop the infrastructure, – said Peskov. Given the site visit, the Ministry of defence on the land of Franz Joseph.” “In addition, in light of the contacts on the Arctic forum was held to discuss several current issues in the field of ecology, environmental protection,” – continued the representative of the Kremlin. “In preparation for scheduled

Trump told how many times he shook hands with Merkel

Trump told how many times he shook hands with Merkel MOSCOW, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti. The US President Donald trump said in an interview with the Financial Times, had a “great” meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and explained why he allegedly did not shake hands with the Chancellor. The first meeting of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and U.S. President Donald trump was held on March 17. During a photo shoot in the White house, reporters asked trump and Merkel shake hands, but the American President did not respond. “I had an excellent meeting with Chancellor Merkel. I shook my hand about five times, and then we sat on two chairs. I believe the reporter said “shake her hand” I didn’t hear that,” said trump.

The ruling party of Armenia took the lead in the parliamentary elections

The ruling party of Armenia took the lead in the parliamentary elections The ruling Republican party of Armenia leader, held on Sunday, 2 April parliamentary elections. This is evidenced by the exit poll company Gallup International, reports TASS. According to the poll, the party received 46 percent. On the second place — “Tsarukyan” with 25 percent. The third line, and 10 percent goes to the block “EFC” (“Exodus”), with 5 percent going to get the Armenian revolutionary Federation. In the elections also were part of the “Free Democrats”, the “Armenian Renaissance” and the Communist party, as well as blocks “Ohanyan-Raffi-Oskanyan” and the Armenian national Congress people’s party of Armenia (Congress-ANC). As noted, the margin of sampling error is 2-3%. The survey was conducted on 125 polling stations across Armenia. Earlier, on 2 April it was reported that the electronic system at the polling station failed to recognize the fingerprints of

The onf has launched a project to assess the quality of social services

The onf has launched a project to assess the quality of social services SAINT PETERSBURG, April 2. /TASS/. Activists of the Russian popular front (onf) at the ongoing St. Petersburg media forum “Truth and justice” has presented the project “national assessment” which is designed to check the quality of services in social institutions. The front emphasized that the current system of independent evaluation of quality at present is not effective enough. “In many cases, the assessment is carried out formally, the mechanism of improving performance of social institutions on the basis of the assessment, not earned,” — said in the onf. “Every caring person will be able to Express on the website opinion about the quality of their medical care, schools, kindergarten and other social organizations. The activists of the popular front will check all the instances of inconsistent opinions and formal assessment of the organization, and identified deficiencies