Ukrainians after the decision on the “bezveze” has crashed the website for issuing passports

Ukrainians after the decision on the “bezveze” has crashed the website for issuing passports Citizens of Ukraine after the vote of the European Parliament for the introduction of a visa-free regime for Ukraine with the EU has fallen off the website of the state enterprise “Document” involved in the issuance of passports. It is reported that access to the page is impossible due to the large number of requests. GP “Document” is subject to the State migration service of Ukraine and provides services on registration of passports and ID-cards. Earlier that day the European Parliament endorsed the European Commission’s proposal to grant Ukraine visa-free regime with the EU. Voted for the decision 521 MEP, against 75, abstentions 36 members. After the vote in the European Parliament the decision shall be confirmed at the meeting of the Committee of permanent representatives of member countries of the European Union, with subsequent approval

The acting head of the Moscow criminal investigation was Alexander, Binenko

The acting head of the Moscow criminal investigation was Alexander, Binenko Deputy chief of the criminal investigation Department of the MIA of Russia Alexander Bidenko appointed acting chief of the Moscow criminal investigation Department (CID), sources of agencies Interfax and TASS reported. According to them, the corresponding order of the Minister of internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltsev has signed on 3 April. The interlocutor of “Interfax” noted that Colonel Binenko not yet presented to the personnel Moore. He said that the police assessed as “a strong professional leader who can quickly form an efficient team.” Source TASS expressed confidence that Alexander Minenko “with good performance in service activities … will become a full-fledged head unit”. Moscow criminal investigation Department on the rights of acting from October 2016 was led by Alexandre Mate. He was appointed to his post after the then head of Moore Igor Zinoviev went to work in the

The European Parliament called on Russia to release Navalny

The European Parliament called on Russia to release Navalny The European Parliament called Thursday on Russia to release the convicted person for 15 days of opposition leader Alexei Navalny, as well as other participants in an unauthorized protest. “(The European Parliament) calls on the Russian authorities for the immediate release of Alexei Navalny and all peaceful demonstrators, journalists and activists who were arrested after demonstrations against corruption that was held in Moscow and in several Russian cities on March 26, and April 2, 2017, and withdraw charges against them; insists that the Russian authorities bear full responsibility for the safety and welfare of persons in custody”, — is spoken in the non-binding resolution adopted at the plenary session of the Assembly in Strasbourg. The resolution was voted 494 MP, 39 against, 91 abstentions. The ballot aired the video service of the European Commission. In the European Parliament resolution also condemned

The terrorist attack in the subway will not be the reason for

Photo: Moskva24 The terrorist attack in the subway does not become a pretext for “tightening the screws”, reports “Interfax” statement by the Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin. Volodin stressed that such a tragedy should be thoroughly reviewed by experts, including from relevant committees of the legislative Assembly, and only then can we develop effective solutions to prevent them. “Any emergency, any attack, any such situation requires a careful analysis of why it happened, could have prevented what decisions need to be made for this,” he said.

Times: the British government creates the world’s first registry of property of the oligarchs

Times: the British government creates the world’s first registry of property of the oligarchs The identification of the rich foreign owners of British property, whose main business is abroad, involves the plan of the government of the United Kingdom, said on Thursday the newspaper the Times. LONDON, April 6. /TASS/. Oligarchs hiding behind anonymous companies which own in the UK luxury homes and estates billions of pounds, will have to disclose their names in accordance with the new rules on combating corruption. According to her information, the British Cabinet decided to create the world’s first such registry. It will contain the names of the oligarchs, foreign government officials and politicians who used companies to buy expensive houses in London, thereby affecting the local real estate market. This step, as informed in the National Agency for the fight against crime, improve the transparency of the real estate market, especially in the

The Ministry of justice demanded to confiscate the property of “Jehovah’s Witnesses”

The Ministry of justice demanded to confiscate the property of “Jehovah’s Witnesses” MOSCOW, 6 APR — RIA Novosti. The Ministry of justice confirmed that the demands to confiscate the property of the parent organization “Jehovah’s Witnesses” in Russia, the correspondent of RIA news from the hall of the Supreme court. “The Ministry of justice drew in the recovery of assets “administrative centre “witnesses of iegovy””, — said Thursday the judge Yuri Ivanenko, citing case materials. Earlier, representatives of “Jehovah’s Witnesses” stated that the property that draws in the collection of the Ministry of justice, the management center does not belong to, and they speak a foreign organization “Jehovah’s Witnesses”, including Spain, Sweden, Norway and Austria. However, according to the Ministry, all the objects that the Agency asks you to pay for the recovery belonged to the defendant. What the object in question is unclear.

Putin has offered to lead the Mari El Republic Alexander Evstifeeva

Putin has offered to lead the Mari El Republic Alexander Evstifeeva MOSCOW, 6 APR — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed to Alexander Evstifeeva to lead the Mari El Republic, he agreed, noting that for him this high honor. “You, as Deputy presidential envoy to the Volga Federal district, was engaged in this Republic. Now we have a situation when the acting head of the Republic asks to use it on another work area. Leonid I. (Markelov) for 16 years in the Mari El Republic and would like to change their job. In this regard, I have a question: would You like to lead the country to elections in September this year, and depending on the results — to take part in the election campaign?” — said Putin. Evstifeev said that for him it is “a high honor, great trust and huge responsibility.” “I understand the word “responsibility”, because

A bill to expand the powers of Federal security service passed its first reading in the state Duma

Photo: RIA Novosti Deputies of the state Duma in the first reading approved the bill providing expansion of powers of employees of the Federal guard service (FSO), the Agency “Moscow”. The bill proposed to give the FSO the right to temporarily restrict and even prohibit the movement of transport and pedestrians on protected slopes, on a Pro Bono basis, to use airports, landing areas, sea and river ports. There is a ban staff of the FSO to place in the media information about yourself and your photos, as well as materials to disclose the affiliation to the organs of state security.

Aksenov instructed to strengthen measures to prevent terrorist attacks in the Crimea

Photo: RIA Novosti The head of the Crimea Sergey Aksenov instructed to take additional measures to minimize the threats of terrorist acts. Instruction is given at a special meeting of the antiterrorist Commission of the Republic of Crimea (ATK), which has identified additional security measures and security facilities to possible terrorist encroachments and places of mass stay of people. “In this regard, has instructed law enforcement agencies, power structures, together with the Executive bodies of state authorities of the Republic of Crimea to take additional measures to minimize the threats of terrorist acts”, — wrote Aksenov on his page in Facebook. In particular, the Ministry of transport of the Republic have developed and agreed a plan of implementation of additional measures to enhance security and antiterrorist protection of transport infrastructure objects and vehicles. “Also instructed the ministries to which there are objects of possible terrorist attacks, to develop such plans