US intelligence claims that Assad is not liquidated all stocks of chemical weapons

US intelligence claims that Assad is not liquidated all stocks of chemical weapons MOSCOW, 6 APR — RIA Novosti. American intelligence agencies suspect Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad has not presented the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) all the chemical weapons stockpiles in the country, reported Reuters with reference to the representative of U.S. intelligence. “We never believed the Assad regime when he said that he showed all the chemical weapons stockpiles,” — said the Agency representative of intelligence. “Assad has shown time and again that he is willing to use either preserved his chemical weapons, either to restore this stock to terrorize their own people,” he says. The national coalition opposition and revolutionary forces of Syria (NKORS) said on Tuesday that about 80 of the victims of the attacks using chemical weapons in Khan Shaykhun, Idlib province and 200 wounded. The blame for the attack, the opposition

Israel study the statement of Russia about the status of Jerusalem

Israel study the statement of Russia about the status of Jerusalem TEL AVIV, 6 may — RIA Novosti. Israeli authorities are examining the statement the Russian foreign Ministry’s readiness to recognize West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, said to RIA Novosti, the official representative of the foreign Ministry of Israel, Emmanuel Nachshon. In a Thursday statement to assess the state of the middle East peace process, the Russian foreign Ministry confirmed the recognition for East Jerusalem the status of “the capital of a future Palestinian state,” and simultaneously announced that it is considering “West Jerusalem as the capital of the state of Israel.” “We are studying the Russian statement,” — said the Agency interlocutor. The office of the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, who concurrently heads the Ministry of foreign Affairs, declined to comment for this reason. Israel declared Jerusalem its “United and indivisible” capital, including its Eastern

The UN security Council acknowledged that Pyongyang failed to fulfil its international obligations

The UN security Council acknowledged that Pyongyang failed to fulfil its international obligations UN APR 6 — RIA Novosti. The UN Security Council has recognized another missile test of the DPRK in violation of the relevant resolutions and condemned the actions of Pyongyang. As informs Agency France Press, citing a UN security Council statement, Council members called the recent launches of “serious violation” of Pyongyang’s international obligations under UN resolutions. North Korea has launched ballistic missiles at dawn on Wednesday in the area of the settlement, yuktae-Dong. According to reports from Seoul, the missile flew about 60 miles and fell into the sea of Japan. South Korean troops in connection with the test are in full combat readiness, and in Japan convened an emergency meeting of the national security Council. American officials believe that North Korea had a failed test liquid ballistic missiles such as Scud.

The state Duma supported the equating of meetings of deputies with voters to rally

Photo: RIA Novosti The state Duma adopted in first reading a draft law obliging MPs to inform the authorities about the meetings with voters. About it reports “Interfax” on Wednesday, April 5. The document submitted to the lower house of Parliament on February 2, determines that the meeting of parliamentarians with their voters is a public event. Its author was a member of the Duma Committee on state construction and law Irina Belykh (“United Russia”), among the co-authors — members of the same faction Magomed Selimkhanov and Irina Guseva. According to the draft law the Deputy must submit to the relevant authorities notice street meeting not earlier than 10 days before the event, and no later than seven days before him. In accordance with applicable law, the organizer of the public event must submit an application no earlier than 15 days and no later than 10 days before the event.

Candidate for the French presidency Emmanuel macron has called for military intervention in Syria

Candidate for the French presidency Emmanuel macron has called for military intervention in Syria Candidate for the French presidency Emmanuel macron has called in an interview with French TV channel France 2 for military intervention in Syria if it is proven the use of loyal to Bashar al-Assad’s forces of chemical weapons, according to Reuters. “International intervention is necessary… I would prefer that it was the intervention under UN auspices. Military intervention,” stressed macron. “If these actions (forces of Assad — RNS) are confirmed, it is vital to give a strong response,” says macron, who is considered the favorite to win in the presidential race. Earlier in the week there appeared information that in Khan Sheyhun (Idlib) as a result of the use of chemical weapons killed several dozen people. The US blamed it on the forces of Bashar al-Assad. According to Russian Ministry of defense, Syrian air force attacked

The state Department said that Russia is responsible for the situation in Syria

The state Department said that Russia is responsible for the situation in Syria WASHINGTON, APR 6 — RIA Novosti. Russia is responsible for the situation in Syria as one of the guarantors of the armistice, said Thursday a senior representative of the US state Department. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий “The use of chemical weapons in Idlib was a crime against humanity. As stated by the U.S. Secretary Rex Tillerson, the time has come to reconsider the question of support for the regime (Syrian President Bashar) Assad. Russia bears responsibility, special responsibility, as the guarantor of the truce”, — he told journalists, answering the question about the situation in Idlib. The national coalition opposition and revolutionary forces of Syria (NKORS) said on Tuesday that about 80 of the victims of the attacks using chemical weapons in Khan Shaykhun, Idlib province and 200 wounded. The blame for the attack, the opposition has placed on Syrian