U.S. ready for new actions in Syria to stop the use of chemical weapons

U.S. ready for new actions in Syria to stop the use of chemical weapons MOSCOW, 9 APR — RIA Novosti. Advisor to the President for national security, General Herbert McMaster said that Washington is following the missile strikes is ready for additional actions in Syria to stop the alleged use of chemical weapons in the country. “Our goal was to stop the continued use of chemical weapons. We are ready to do more,” he said in an interview with Fox News channel, commenting on the missile strikes the United States in Syria. His words are in the official channel account on Twitter. In the night of Friday, the U.S. attacked with cruise missiles from ships on the airfield in Syria shirt in HOMS province, without any proof claiming that he had carried out a chemical attack in Idlib province. According to the Pentagon, just released 59 missiles. The Governor of

Zhirinovsky was awarded the title “Honored elders” of Turkmenistan

Photo: TASS President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov handed over to the leader of LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky distinctive badge and the certificate “Honourable elders of the people”, reports on Friday, April 7, “Interfax”. According to the Agency, the ceremony was held in the city of Turkmenbashi, where he is part of the Russian delegation. Also Zhirinovsky gave the Turkmen national dress (don), telpek (traditional headdress) and belt. Russian politician, in turn, confessed that he always felt a special sympathy for the Turkmen people, is the “heir and guardian of the beautiful wise traditions handed down from generation to generation and laid the basis of national mentality”. It is noted that Zhirinovsky went to Turkmenistan at the invitation of the Chairman of the Parliament of the Republic of ACGI Nurberdyeva. In particular, he planned to visit the international sports Congress “Asiada-2017: international cooperation for peace and development”, which opened on 7 April.

Kosachev said with cynicism the failure of the US to present evidence linking Assad to himatake

Konstantin Kosachev © EPA/PHILIPP GUELLAND MOSCOW, April 9. /TASS/. Washington is acting cynically, refusing to declassify evidence linking Syrian President Bashar Assad to the alleged chemical attack in Khan Shaykhun on 4 April. This opinion was expressed on Sunday, the head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev. The MP said on his official page in social network Facebook that the U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley in an interview with CNN said about the hard, but absolutely secret evidence linking Assad to himatake. On the basis of the evidence Hayley demanded from the Russian side to abandon support for Assad.

Putin and Rouhani called unacceptable aggressive U.S. action against Syria

© Alexei Nikolsky/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, April 9. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin during a telephone conversation with President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Hassan Rouhani stressed the inadmissibility of aggressive U.S. action against Syria and called for an objective investigation into the circumstances of the incident with chemical weapons in the Syrian province of Idlib. About it reports on Sunday press-service of the Kremlin.

Trump is considering the possibility of imposing sanctions against Russia for support of Syria

Trump is considering the possibility of imposing sanctions against Russia for support of Syria WASHINGTON, April 9 — RIA Novosti. The President of the United States Donald trump is discussing with members of his administration the possibility of introducing new sanctions against Russia and Iran for supporting Syria, said the U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley. “We (the US administration — ed.) will discuss this and have already started to discuss,” said Haley in an interview with CNN, answering the question, “if the President wants tougher sanctions against Russia and Iran”.

Putin and Rouhani noted the inadmissibility of aggressive U.S. actions in Syria

Putin and Rouhani noted the inadmissibility of aggressive U.S. actions in Syria MOSCOW, 9 APR — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in a telephone conversation noted the inadmissibility of aggressive U.S. action in Syria in violation of international law, informs on Sunday a press-service of the Kremlin. “They exchanged opinions on the situation in Syria. Both sides noted the inadmissibility of aggressive U.S. actions against a sovereign state in violation of international law”, — stated in the message.

Assad commented on the missile strike the US on the Syrian airfield

Assad commented on the missile strike the US on the Syrian airfield Attacking a military airport in the Syrian province of HOMS, the U.S. sought to raise the morale of their supported terrorist groups, but has not reached its goal. This was stated by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in a telephone conversation with Iranian leader Hassan Rouhani, reports on Sunday, April 9, the Agency SANA. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий Assad confirmed that the Syrian people and army are going to eradicate terrorism in any part of the Syrian territories. The President of Iran in turn expressed their “strong condemnation of the outrageous aggression of the USA”, which is a gross violation of Syrian sovereignty and all international laws and conventions. Rouhani emphasized that Iran supports the Syrian government in the war against terrorism, and stated that he considered it necessary to strengthen cooperation between Tehran, Moscow and Damascus, reports TASS. In his view,

Russia will increase the effectiveness of the Syrian air defense system

Photo: RIA Novosti The Russian defense Ministry said that Russia will help to strengthen the Syrian air defense system (PVO) after hitting the United States. It is reported RIA Novosti with reference to the official representative of the Ministry Igor Konashenkov. According to him, in the near future Russia implements “a set of measures to strengthen and improve the effectiveness of the” Syrian air defense, which will allow “cover the most sensitive infrastructure.”

Election of the President of South Ossetia was held, the turnout was 52,79%

Election of the President of South Ossetia was held, the turnout was 52,79% TSKHINVALI, April 9 — RIA Novosti. Presidential elections in South Ossetia declared valid, the turnout was 52,79%, told reporters the head of the CEC Bella Plieva. “According to at 14.00 Moscow time the turnout was in the Republic of 52,79%. I can say that the elections throughout the Republic of South Ossetia were held,” — said Plieva. Sunday in South Ossetia held presidential elections and a referendum about renaming of the Republic in the state Republic. Candidates for the highest office was the incumbent President Leonid Tibilov, speaker of Parliament Anatoly Bibilov and KGB officer Alan Gagloev. All candidates are in favor of further strengthening of relations with Russia. All 77 polling stations, five of them — in Russia. Turnout is 50% plus one vote. To win a candidate must gain more than 50% of the vote.

In LNR told about the transfer in the Donbass snipers from Poland and the Baltic States

In LNR told about the transfer in the Donbass snipers from Poland and the Baltic States Exploration of the self-proclaimed Luhansk national Republic (LNR) reported on the transfer to the contact line of female snipers from the Baltic States and Poland. On Sunday, April 9, reported the official representative of the LPR militia Lieutenant Colonel Andrey Marochko, reports “Luganskinform”. “Our intelligence continues to record the intensification of foreign mercenaries at the contact line, among which is marked by a group of snipers,” said Marochko. According to him, in most cases, these are women from Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. On 21 March it was reported that in Donbass there arrived the division of the “Witch” which is banned in Russia as extremist organization “Right sector”. According to Deputy commander of the operational command of the self-proclaimed Donetsk national Republic (DND) Eduardo Baturina, arrived in Artemovsk a team of female snipers, known