Zakharov told how American journalists staged a “Bazaar” in the mansion of the Russian foreign Ministry

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova before the talks, US Secretary of state Rex Tillerson and Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov © Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS MOSCOW, April 12. /TASS/. American journalists from a pool of U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson showed 12 APR your manners by staging a “Bazaar” at the opening of the talks, the head of American diplomacy with the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov in the mansion of the Russian foreign Ministry. As told by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova on his page in the social network Facebook, when the Ministers entered the room, American journalists she cried hysterically from all sides: “Mr. Lavrov, Mr. Lavrov”.

The authorities of the Russian Federation to cancel the decision on the granting of citizenship to join ISIS

The authorities of the Russian Federation to cancel the decision on the granting of citizenship to join ISIS The law prohibits the deprivation of citizenship of the Russians, reminded Vladimir Putin. Moscow. April 12. INTERFAX.RU — Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia will not follow the example of Kazakhstan and will not revoke the citizenship of Russians who joined terrorist organizations because the deprivation of citizenship is prohibited by the Constitution, but the authorities may be able to cancel the decision, which formed the basis for granting Russian citizenship. “In accordance with the Russian Constitution, we deprive anyone of citizenship can’t. But we can cancel the relevant decisions, which served as the basis for obtaining Russian citizenship. We will consult with our lawyers, and I think, such decisions will be made in the near future”, — Putin said in an interview with the international broadcasting company “Mir”, published on

Trump said there are no plans to “go into Syria”

Trump said there are no plans to “go into Syria” The US President Donald trump said that he did not intend to “enter” in Syria, despite the fact that last week gave the order to put an airstrike on a Syrian military base. He stated this in an interview with Fox Business. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий “We are not going to Syria,” said trump. “But when I see people using terrible, terrible chemical weapons, and I see these beautiful children, dead, on his father’s hands, or you see the children suffocate to death…” he said, stressing that this made him “call” the Pentagon chief James Mattis. According to trump, former President Barack Obama had during your stay at the White house to take action. “What I did had to be done by the Obama administration long before I did,” said trump. “I think that Syria will be much better than it was,” he

Trump called heading towards the Korean Peninsula the US aircraft carrier groups Armada

Trump called heading towards the Korean Peninsula the US aircraft carrier groups Armada The US President also recalled that his country has a powerful submarines. NEW YORK, April 12. /Offset. TASS Kirill Volkov/. Directed by Washington to the Korean Peninsula carrier group USA is a real Armada. This was stated by the President of the United States Donald trump in an interview with Fox Business. “We send an Armada, very powerful”, — quotes the channel of the words of the American leader. According to trump, the United States also has “a very powerful submarines”. Speaking of North Korean leader Kim Jong Yne, the US President suggested that he “do wrong”, without explaining at the same time, what can be discussed. Pacific command of the US Armed forces (PACOM) has confirmed that heavy nuclear aircraft carrier US Navy Carl Vinson with the escorts heading towards the Korean Peninsula. The composition of

Moskalkova urged the ombudsmen of other countries to condemn the possible new sanctions against Russia

Photo: TASS The Commissioner for human rights in the Russian Federation Tatiana Moskalkova urged his fellow ombudsmen from other countries – to oppose the possible introduction of new sanctions against Russia in connection with its position on the Syrian issue. A statement published on the website of the Russian Ombudsman. As noted Moskalkova, “the prospect of tougher sanctions against Russia in connection with its position on Syria, which is still in effect a Treaty of friendship and cooperation, concluded in 1980, is puzzling”. “The only legitimate unilateral coercive measures include sanctions approved by the UN security Council, as only they meet the spirit and letter of the UN Charter. I believe that a new round of sanctions would testify to flagrant violations of the rights of Russian citizens, who are not related to political positions of individual States on the world stage,” – said in a statement. Moskalkova said that,

Trump and Mei agreed on the need of rupture of Russia’s relations with Assad

Photo: Kevin Lamarque / Reuters Prime Minister Theresa may in the course of conversation with the President of the United States Donald trump agreed that there now exists a “window of opportunity” to persuade Russia to sever ties with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. About it reports Reuters referring to the Prime Minister’s office. Trump thanked Mei for the support after last week’s military operation in Syria against Assad. During the meeting, both leaders agreed that the upcoming visit to Moscow by U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson gives you the ability to move in search of solutions. In addition, Mei and trump stressed the importance of the international community, including China, put pressure on North Korea.

Russia for the day gave the people of Syria six tons of humanitarian aid

Photo: RIA Novosti HAMIM (Syria), 11 Feb — RIA Novosti. The Russian military transferred 6.1 tons of humanitarian supplies to civilians in the Syrian provinces of Aleppo and Latakia, according to a humanitarian Bulletin of the Russian Center for reconciliation in Syria. “During the day Russian Centre for reconciliation the warring parties conducted six humanitarian actions in the provinces of Aleppo (five) and Latakia (one). In the city of Aleppo in the al-Hamdania-4, Qadi Askar, Khalid al Mahdi and in the district of Qadi Askar residents transferred 6 tons of drinking bottled water. In the town of El-Msaha Latakia province delivered a consignment of children’s clothing. During the day, humanitarian aid has been 1915 residents”, — stated in the message. It is noted that the total weight given to the population of humanitarian cargoes amounted to 6.1 tons. “Within days of the UN and partners continue to provide medical, psychological

Putin chided US allies for supporting a missile strike on Syria

Putin chided US allies for supporting a missile strike on Syria MOSCOW, 12 APR — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the NATO allies nod as the bobbleheads without analyzing anything that is going on, commenting on rocket a US strike on Syrian airbase. The Russian President stressed that evidence of use of chemical weapons by Syrian forces and violations of international law is. “What was the reaction of the NATO allies? All nod, as the bobbleheads without analyzing anything that is going on. Where is the evidence of Syrian army use chemical weapons? No. And violations of international law is. It is an obvious fact,” Putin said in an interview with TV channel “Mir 24”, commenting on a missile strike by US on Syria. The Russian leader stressed that without the sanction of the UN Security Council applied to strike on a sovereign country, but despite this

Usmanov rejected the accusations of corruption Navalny and called them lies

Usmanov rejected the accusations of corruption Navalny and called them lies MOSCOW, 12 APR — RIA Novosti. Billionaire Alisher Usmanov rejected the accusations Alexei Navalny of corruption, calling them lies. Earlier Usmanov said that the contract from the film of Alexei Navalny about the Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev was part of the deal on another site. “Now the Bulk crossed the red line, began to accuse me of is actually a crime. All I can say about his statement is a lie. He claims that I supposedly participated in privatisations and this was his fortune. In fact, all assets are purchased on the secondary market. However, I only as an individual has paid Russia more than $ 400 million in taxes”, — he told in interview to the newspaper “Vedomosti” in response to allegations of corruption. As told Usmanov, head of the FCO argued that the miners in

Press Secretary of the trump apologized for the comparison of Assad to Hitler

Press Secretary of the trump apologized for the comparison of Assad to Hitler WASHINGTON, April 12 — RIA Novosti. Press Secretary of the President of the United States Donald trump Sean Spicer apologized for the unfortunate comparison of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad with Adolf Hitler, reported the associated Press. According to the Agency, Spicer called the statement “insensitive”. Spicer found himself in an awkward position, saying at a briefing for journalists that even Hitler did not stoop to such meanness as the use of chemical weapons. “We did not use chemical weapons even during the Second world war… Even Hitler declined to use chemical weapons,” he said, once again blaming the chemical attack in Idlib by the Syrian authorities and President Bashar al-Assad. Journalists after the briefing, asked to clarify, the course Spicer that Nazi Germany used gas chambers. On this, the press Secretary of the White house replied that