Russia vetoed a UN security Council resolution on the alleged chemical attack in Syria

© EPA/JUSTIN LANE UN 13 APR. /Offset. TASS Oleg Zelenin/. Russia blocked the resolution condemning the alleged use of chemical weapons in the Syrian town of Khan shaykhun on April 4 and requiring Damascus to provide information about all air operations in the day of the incident. The document prepared by the Western countries, received the required acceptance by 10 voters that forced Moscow to veto it.

Vladimir Putin noted that the degradation of trust in the relations of Russia and the United States

Vladimir Putin noted that the degradation of trust in the relations of Russia and the United States Moscow. April 12. INTERFAX.RU — working level of trust in Russian-American relations, especially in the military sphere, under the administration of Donald trump didn’t become better, but rather degraded, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. “We can say that the level of trust at the working level, especially at the military level, it has not improved, but rather degraded,” said Putin in interview to TV channel “MIR”, answering the question whether it is possible to say that Russian-American relations at the trump are even worse than the previous President, are degraded even lower. Speaking about NATO, the President noted that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization not transformered and continues to live in the paradigm of the bloc confrontation. “NATO was created in cold war and confrontation of two blocks, now the

UK suspects the hackers meddling in the referendum on “Broksita”

UK suspects the hackers meddling in the referendum on “Broksita” A group of British parliamentarians published a report that expressed concerns about the involvement of hackers of foreign countries in a referendum on British exit from the EU. About it reports International Business Times. The web site where you want to register to vote, stopped his work for half an hour on 7 June 2016. Experts report that the cause of his “fall” was the DDoS attack, which could carry out hackers from Russia or China, as these countries have already carried out similar hacks in the past. It is reported that although this attack does not directly affect the outcome of the referendum, the UK needs to think about strengthening cybersecurity for the future of online voting. HelpBritain launched the Brexit. What’s next?Prime Minister Theresa may has notified EU authorities of the formal procedure is to run for the

Nazarbayev announced the transfer of the alphabet in Kazakhstan from Cyrillic to Latin

Nazarbayev announced the transfer of the alphabet in Kazakhstan from Cyrillic to Latin The President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev suggested the government to develop a timetable for the transition of Kazakh alphabet to Latin until the end of 2017. This is stated in the article “Orientation: spiritual revival for the future”, which was published on the government portal of Kazakhstan. According to the President, this is due to “political reasons”. To substantiate its position, Nazarbayev cited historical information about the use of different alphabets in the territory of modern Kazakhstan. He pointed out that the Kazakh alphabet has ancient roots — from the VI—VII centuries., when in Eurasia originated ancient türkic runic writing. This language later became the “lingua Franca” in large parts of the continent, he said. Further Nazarbayev remembered that from X to XX century, after the adoption of Islam used the Arabic alphabet. Moreover, in 1929, the

Putin: actions of armed forces in Syria must prevent the return of terrorists to Russia

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed confidence that Russia’s military actions in Syria must prevent the return of terrorists on Russian territory. “Our soldiers, our group, which is fighting with international terrorists in another territory, not on Russian, do it precisely in order that nobody will be able to come back”, – he told on air of TV channel “Mir 24”. However, as Putin said, “if that happens sometimes, it says that we made the right choice.” “We must do everything to the return to minimize,” he said. Earlier, Putin in an interview said that the decisions on granting the Russian citizenship can be revoked if certain persons had entered into prohibited in Russia, the group ISIS, vowing to undertake the necessary consultations with lawyers and to take appropriate decisions in the near future.

Russia supports the appeal of Damascus during the Syria mission of the OPCW

© AP Photo/Peter Dejong MOSCOW, April 12. /TASS/. Russia supports the appeal of Damascus to the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) about the direction in Syria a representative of an international group with a balanced personnel structure, which is necessary in order to treat with confidence to the conclusions of such a mission. This was stated in an interview with TASS Director of the Department for nonproliferation and arms control (DNCW), the Russian foreign Ministry Mikhail Ulyanov. “Damascus has shown maximum openness and fact – he said. – This appeal, we fully support and believe that this is the only way forward. However, while willingness on the part of our Western partners to take a constructive position of Damascus, we do not observe”. The OPCW is idle The OPCW still has not taken any real steps to investigate the incident near the Syrian village of Khan shaykhun,

Tillerson and Lavrov hold talks in Moscow

Tillerson and Lavrov hold talks in Moscow MOSCOW, April 12. /TASS/. The foreign Ministers of the Russian Federation and the USA Sergey Lavrov and Rex Tillerson began negotiations. About it the correspondent of TASS. After the opening remarks the meeting will continue behind closed doors. Its results and Lavrov fail Tillerson at a press conference. The session duration is not strictly defined, but the negotiations of heads of foreign policy departments of Russia and the USA in Moscow typically lasts several hours and is often completed late at night. Topics for discussion, Lavrov Tillerson much. First of all, the aggravation of the situation around Syria in the missile strike, the United States on 7 April, the situation in other middle Eastern countries — Iraq, Libya, and Yemen. The parties are expected to also address the security issues on the Korean Peninsula, settlement of the conflict in Ukraine and the prospects

Vladimir Putin has promised to prevent “color revolutions” in the CSTO countries

Vladimir Putin has promised to prevent “color revolutions” in the CSTO countries Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview with TV channel “Mir 24” that Russia will not allow the “color revolutions” both within its borders and in other countries of the Organization of collective security Treaty (CSTO). “We know different theories that are implemented in different regions of the world, lead to serious destabilization in these regions. Of course, nothing this must stop and we will try our best to appropriately behave in Russia and strongly support our partners in the CSTO,” — said the head of state. Informed about the threats of “color revolutions” in the CSTO countries, said the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. The question of the “color revolutions” rises not only at the level of the CSTO. A few days ago representatives of the countries-members of the Shanghai cooperation organization (SCO), Kazakhstan successes in

Zhirinovsky promises to drink the champagne for the impeachment of trump

Zhirinovsky promises to drink the champagne for the impeachment of trump MOSCOW, April 12. /TASS/. LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky promises to drink the champagne for the impeachment of U.S. President Donald trump, who, in his opinion, threatens the American leader for a departure from pre-election rhetoric in foreign policy, in particular in the fight against terrorism in Syria. “Half of Americans voted for a different foreign policy. Trump breaks its promises. And if he is going to break, then impeachment is inevitable. Then we will drink champagne for impeachment” — he said to journalists, commenting on the situation in Russian-American relations. Thus the leader of LDPR is convinced that “the whole world is on our side.” Talking nonsense, that Russia has no allies. Yes, the whole world with us! Everyone enjoyed watching the duel USA — Russia and support Russia, none of the Americans.Vladimir Zhirinovsky The LDPR faction in November