Trump gave his assessment of the work of Tillerson at the talks in Moscow

Trump gave his assessment of the work of Tillerson at the talks in Moscow WASHINGTON, April 12 — RIA Novosti. The US President Donald trump said that the Secretary of state Rex Tillerson has done a “tremendous job” at the talks in Italy and in Russia in the last days. Tillerson in recent days held talks in the Italian Pisa with colleagues in the G7 and in Moscow, where he met with President Vladimir Putin and foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. “I want to note the remarkable work done by the Secretary of state Rex Tillerson to strengthen the unity of NATO, as well as his visit to Moscow to promote U.S. security interests and our allies. He did a great job, just saw part of this tremendous work!”, said trump at a press conference after talks with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

The Ministry supported the introduction of criminal penalties for failure to pay contributions to the pension Fund

Photo: RIA Novosti The Ministry of labor supports the introduction of criminal liability and substantial penalties for non-payment of insurance premiums, told journalists the Minister of labour and social protection RF Maxim Topilin. Earlier media reported that the criminal liability for non-payment of premiums can be returned to the legislation before the end of July, follows from the materials of government Commission on legislative activities. Employers, citizens and entrepreneurs will face fines of up to 2 million rubles and up to seven years imprisonment. “Yes, of course, he agreed in government,” — said Topilin. As reported by the media, the Ministry of justice finalized the draft law, which obliges collectors insurance premiums to inform the investigative authorities fail to settle large arrears employers, individual entrepreneurs and citizens. Monday, April 10, the document approved by the government Commission on legislative activities, to the materials of the Commission. The fact of the

EP advised to withdraw to allow the police to shoot at the crowd the bill

Photo: RIA Novosti The leadership of the faction “United Russia” recommended the authors to withdraw the bill to expand police powers, allowing the use by law enforcement officers of firearms in the crowd. On Wednesday, April 12, write “Vedomosti”. “This bill was not discussed at the expert Council and in the fraction; the initiative is serious, and we recommended to withdraw it in order to hold a discussion in the faction”, — said the Secretary of General Council of United Russia, Deputy speaker of the state Duma Sergey Neverov. Earlier Wednesday, press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov has found it difficult to comment to reporters this document. The bill was submitted to the lower house of Parliament deputies-United Russia Vasily by Piscarium and Ernest Valeev April 11. They propose to amend the Federal law “On police” amendment granting the police the right to use firearms in the

Senator Ozerov told who can relate to the cancellation of decisions on citizenship

Photo: RIA Novosti The decision to abolish the granting of citizenship of the Russian Federation the persons who had joined the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia) may be extended to persons with dual citizenship, said RIA Novosti the head of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Viktor Ozerov. The President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin in interview to TV channel “World 24”, a fragment of which is published on the website of the TV company, on Wednesday, said that Russia deprive anyone of citizenship may not in the Constitution, but can cancel the decision, the grounds for obtaining Russian citizenship. Earlier, the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev said that for membership in the banned terrorist group “Islamic state” (ISIS, the organization banned in Russia) Kazakhstan will be deprived of citizenship. “We are talking about cancellation of the decision of the state on granting Russian

Putin at the meeting with Tillerson outlined the reasons for the deterioration of relations between Russia and the United States

© Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, April 13. /TASS/. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin at last Wednesday’s meeting with U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson outlined the reasons for the deterioration of relations between Russia and the United States, and the prospects of the Syrian settlement. “President (Putin) is very detailed companion (Tillerson) his vision of the causes that have brought our bilateral relations to a sad state in which they are now,” – said the press-Secretary of Russian leader Dmitry Peskov.

Sands is considered justified by the harsh rhetoric of zampolpreda the UN

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, April 13. /TASS/. The Kremlin considers reasonable to use in case of need tough rhetoric when advocating for the interests of the country. This was stated to journalists the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the speech on the eve of the UN security Council Deputy Russian Ambassador to the Organization Vladimir Safronkov. “Believe so,” replied the representative of the Kremlin to a journalist’s question whether the exigencies of debate in the UN security Council the topic of Syria to justify the tone of the speech.

Russia has blocked a draft resolution of the UN security Council on Syria

Russia has blocked a draft resolution of the UN security Council on Syria UN, 12 APR — RIA Novosti. Russia has used its veto in the UN Security Council and has blocked the adoption of the draft resolution on Syria, it follows from the results of voting. The meeting on the resolution passed on Wednesday. A draft for discussion of the UN security Council issued the UK, France and the United States, he proposed to the UN Secretary General to help to investigate alleged incidents of chemical weapons in Syria, including Khan Sheyhun. French permanent representative to the UN Francois Delattre earlier called the draft resolution “balanced”. A new variant practically coincides with what was proposed by these countries last week, but not put to a vote. It contained a series of demands to Syrian authorities, in particular, to provide the experts of the UN and the OPCW access to

“You’re eyes take?”: Safronkov said the representative of Britain in the UN

“You’re eyes take?”: Safronkov said the representative of Britain in the UN UN, 12 APR — RIA Novosti. Deputy permanent representative of Russia to the UN Vladimir Safronkov said the representative of the United Kingdom Matthew Rycroft: “don’t you dare insult Russia anymore!”. Raycroft in his speech said that Russia “is abusing the veto power, the support regime (the Syrian government — ed.) and the use of chemical weapons” and that Moscow “has lost trust”. According to Safrankova, Raycroft “only thought is to obstruct the efforts” of UN special envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura and not to develop the political process, to bring to the UN security Council confrontation and hostility. “Are you afraid, lost sleep, that we will cooperate with the United States. You’re afraid of. All done to ensure that this interaction was undermined… Look at me, the eyes do not take you eye bends?” asked Safronkov

Russia is ready to cooperate with US in the fight against cybercrime

Russia is ready to cooperate with US in the fight against cybercrime The Russian foreign Minister recalled that in October 2015 Russia has offered the Obama administration to cooperate in the fight against cyber crime, but was refused. MOSCOW, April 12. /TASS/. Russia is interested in close cooperation with USA in combating crimes in cyberspace. This was stated by Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov after talks with his us counterpart Rex Tillerson. “We are interested in close cooperation on the fight against crimes in cyberspace, — said Lavrov. — We have this interest is not only preserved, but also fully valid, and we have offered to resume contacts as the special representatives of the US administration and the Russian President and the relevant agencies. We felt that this time, maybe the result of these efforts will lead to the establishment of a channel”. Lavrov recalled that in October 2015 Russia

Peskov admitted the possibility of Putin’s meeting with Tillerson

Photo: RIA Novosti Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that there is a certain probability that the Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson can report on the results of negotiations the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. “As for the meeting, then you know that the negotiations of Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Secretary of state. If during the day see fit to report on the outcome of these negotiations to the head of state, we will inform you accordingly… a Definite possibility,” said Sands, answering the question about a possible meeting of Russian President with U.S. Secretary of state.