Trump has again called a wonderful opportunity to get along with Putin

Photo: EPA The US President Donald trump once again stated that the ability to get along with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russia, he said “wonderful”. He said this during a joint press conference with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. “We’ll see what happens. It would be wonderful if we got along with Putin, if we get along with Russia. It may happen or may not happen. I can only say that I would like to get along with everyone,” said the American President. According to him, currently the world is in a mess. “But when I finish [the presidency], it will be a much better place,” assured trump. Earlier, Putin explained why Western countries elevate Russia to the rank of a common enemy. According to him, so they want to apologize for criticism of trump in the period of the election campaign in the United States.

Trump said that Russia and the USA doesn’t get along with each other

Photo: Reuters The President of the United States Donald trump during a press conference after talks with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that relations with Russia have reached “a low point”. This is the Agency Sputnik. “We absolutely do not get along with Russia”, — said the head of the United States. Previously, trump has repeatedly stated that to improve relations with Moscow. Such statements, the White house did, in particular, during his election campaign.

Klintsevich: Tillerson came to Russia not in vain

Photo: RIA Novosti The visit of U.S. Secretary of state Wayne Rex Tillerson in Russia was not in vain. This opinion was expressed by first Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Frants Klintsevich. According to him, the negotiations were evidence of the common goals of Russia and the USA in the fight against terrorism. “The confirmation of the General focus on fighting international terrorism is probably the maximum that can be achieved today in Russian-American relations in view of recent negative events,” TASS quoted Klintsevich. Moscow and Washington made a compromise, on the part of Russia that was demonstrated by the willingness to restore the operation of the Memorandum on the prevention of incidents in the skies over Syria, he added. It is important that the parties were able to preserve the possibility of cooperation in the fight against ISIS (“Islamic state” banned in Russia),

Medvedev in 2016 earned 8.6 million rubles

© Alexander Astafyev/press service of the Russian government/TASS MOSCOW, April 14. /TASS/. Prime Minister of Russia in 2016, earned 8 million 586 thousand 974 rubles. This is almost 181 thousand rubles less than in 2015 when its revenue totaled 767 8 million 883 thousand rubles. Such data the head of government presented in the income Declaration, published on the official website of the Cabinet of Ministers. According to the Declaration, the monthly earnings of the head of the Cabinet of Ministers last year was approximately 715 thousand rubles. In a press-service of the government of the Russian Federation explained the reduction in income Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in 2016 reduce the amount of the contribution and percent on it. “The decrease is due to a decrease in the size of Bank Deposit and of payment of interest thereon,” – said the press service. In 2012, Medvedev earned 5.8 million rubles,

Putin in 2016 earned of 8.86 million rubles

© Alexei Nikolsky/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, April 14. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin earned in 2016 8 million 858 thousand 432 rubles, which is 33 thousand rubles. less than the income of the head of state in 2015. Such data are contained in the Declaration of the President of the Russian Federation on income, expenditure and assets, published on the official Kremlin website. Average monthly income of the head of state last year amounted to 738 thousand. In 2015, the average monthly earnings of the President was about 741 thousand.

The state Department is concerned about “the quality of Turkish democracy”

The state Department is concerned about “the quality of Turkish democracy” WASHINGTON, 13 APR — RIA Novosti. The US is concerned about the “quality” of Turkish democracy, told reporters, acting state Department spokesman mark Toner. “We are concerned about the “quality” of Turkish democracy,” he said. Toner added that the US is closely watching the referendum in Turkey. The Supreme electoral Council of Turkey has appointed on April 16 a referendum on a package of amendments to the Constitution — a parliamentary Republic is to be transformed into presidential. Constitutional changes in the transition to a presidential system was approved by the Turkish Parliament and signed by President Tayyip Erdogan.

Putin and Erdogan discussed situation in Syria

Putin and Erdogan discussed situation in Syria The President of Russia Vladimir Putin and President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan discussed the situation in Syria. This was reported on the Kremlin website. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий The conversation took place on Turkey’s initiative. The interlocutors expressed mutual intention to continue joint work to strengthen the cessation of hostilities, a willingness to further facilitate inter-Syrian negotiation process in Astana and in the Geneva format. The two leaders called for the speedy conduct an objective and thorough international investigation of the incident with chemical weapons in the town of Khan Shaykhun on 4 April. Putin and Erdogan agreed to instruct the two governments to intensify the implementation of the decisions held in Moscow on March 10 the sixth meeting of the cooperation Council of the highest level. On 4 April, the opposition said that loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s forces have used chemical weapons

The FSB and the Ministry of communications has estimated the cost of the “law of Spring” 4.5 trillion rubles

The FSB and the Ministry of communications has estimated the cost of the “law of Spring” 4.5 trillion rubles The FSB and the Ministry of communications has formally submitted its evaluation of costs of the Russian operators on the implementation of the “law of Spring” — they amount to 4.5 trillion rubles, which Is nearly three times the turnover of the entire industry in 2016. According to calculations of the Federal security service (FSB), the estimated total cost of Russian operators to purchase equipment to accomplish the “Spring law” will amount to 3 trillion RUB in the 50% of this amount, or 1.5 trillion rubles, the Ministry of communications has estimated the cost of building of infrastructure to accommodate the equipment and set up necessary communication channels. “Thus, the aggregate one-time cost of the industry can be up to 4.5 trillion rubles.”, — said in the conclusion about the regulatory

Lavrov: Putin stated Russia’s readiness to return to the Memorandum on Syria

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin during a meeting with U.S. Secretary of state said that Russia is ready to return to the Memorandum on the prevention of incidents in Syria, if the United States confirmed the objective of the fight against terrorism. This was stated by Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov at a press conference with Rex Tillerson.

The meeting of Putin and Tillerson lasted almost two hours

Ended in Moscow the meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. Secretary Rex Tillerson. The meeting, which was also attended by the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov, lasted 1 hour and 50 minutes. From the press serv. the U.S. Embassy said that talks with #Tillerson th in the Kremlin lasted about an hour and 50 min. — Ilya Petrenko (@ilpetrenko_rt) 12 APR 2017 Earlier it was reported that the talks, Lavrov and Tillerson lasted five hours.