“This is not a sentence”: Peskov commented on the detention of Markelov

Dmitry Peskov Photo: RIA Novosti Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov told about the arrest of ex-Governor of Mari El Leonid Markelov, who is suspected of receiving bribes. Reports about it “Газета.Ru”. “This is not a sentence,” — said Peskov. He noted that the resignation of Markelov is not associated with the case of corruption. According to him, the reason for this is likely to become a “long term finding him at the head of the subject.” Last week Thursday, April 6, Russian President Vladimir Putin has dismissed Leonid Markelov, who headed the Mari El Republic for 16 years, since 2001. To lead the region until the upcoming September elections, the head of state proposed to Alexander Evstifeeva. It was also reported that Markelov is suspected in the case of receiving a bribe. Among the defendants in the case, businessman Nicholas Krivas and the head of the

Sands is considered justified by the harsh rhetoric of zampolpreda the UN

Photo: RIA Novosti The Kremlin considers reasonable to use in case of need tough rhetoric when advocating for the interests of the country. This was stated to journalists the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the speech on the eve of the UN security Council Deputy Russian Ambassador to the Organization Vladimir Safronkov. “Believe so,” replied the representative of the Kremlin to a journalist’s question whether the exigencies of debate in the UN security Council the topic of Syria to justify the tone of the speech. “Nothing offensive is said was not”, – noticed Sands. According to him, the topics of discussions in the UN security Council “really very serious”, “they often concern the nature and future of international relations.” “The manifestation of the softness then in the future is fraught with dire consequences, therefore it is better to defend the interests of our country today, and

Russia is ready to renew a Memorandum with the U.S. on Syria under certain conditions

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS BISHKEK, April 14. /TASS/. Russia is ready to renew a Memorandum with the USA on Syria with the understanding that the unpredictable actions of Washington will not be repeated. This was stated press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “In terms of understanding that in future such unpredictable actions ( the US – approx. TASS) will not be repeated,” said Sands, answering the question, under what conditions Russia could renew the Memorandum on the prevention of incidents in the air in Syria. Russia after the US attacks on a government base shirt in the province of HOMS in the night of 7 April, suspended the agreement with the Washington of the Memorandum on the prevention of incidents and ensuring the safety of aviation operations in Syria.

The defense Ministry has accused Washington in the manner of “dark”

The defense Ministry has accused Washington in the manner of “dark” The official representative of the Russian defense Ministry Igor Konashenkov said that the Pentagon no evidence of the involvement of the Syrian authorities to chemical attack in Idlib province, reports TASS. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий According to Konashenkov, if such evidence was, long ago, Washington released them, and the secrecy with which he surrounds his accusations, indicative of a lack of evidence. “If American intelligence agencies are going to continue to keep secret their alleged evidence of crimes against humanity, such actions can have only one explanation: there is no indisputable evidence, there is simply no” — said the representative of the defense Ministry. Thus he commented on media reports that US intelligence supposedly intercepted Syrian military preparing chemical attack. “Dark recently favorite activity of us intelligence to maintain the image of the Almighty secret organizations”, — said Konashenkov. He recalled that

British intelligence agencies tracked contacts between Russians and environment trump

British intelligence agencies tracked contacts between Russians and environment trump The British secret service and intelligence agencies of other European States had intercepted contacts between the colleagues of the President of the United States Donald trump and a number of Russians, including officials. it is reported by CNN, citing sources in the American and European intelligence services. According to the TV channel, the contacts have been intercepted “during routine surveillance of Russian officials and other Russians, known to Western intelligence.” For several months, the European intelligence agencies have detected several episodes of the exchange of information between the staff of trump and Russian citizens, and then passed this information to the United States. These data are likely to be carefully studied in the framework of the Senate investigation on the issue of alleged Russia has undertaken actions aimed at interference in the presidential election of 2016. Informed the Senate of

U.S. prepared to launch a preemptive strike on North Korea to new nuclear tests

U.S. prepared to launch a preemptive strike on North Korea to new nuclear tests Moscow. April 14. INTERFAX.RU — US ready to launch a preemptive strike on the DPRK in case there will be evidence of preparation to Pyongyang’s new nuclear test, said on Thursday NBC News, citing sources in American intelligence. Washington believes that North Korea is going to start up this weekend. In this regard, in the area of the Korean Peninsula hosted two U.S. destroyers with cruise missiles “Tomahawk”, where some of them — only 300 miles (550 km) of the polygon, which is expected will be tested. American strike carrier battle group went to the area of the Korean Peninsula on Saturday. Previously, the government of North Korea has urged foreign journalists stationed in the country prepare for the “big and important” event that will happen in the coming days. The 38 North website of the

The Kremlin does not hasten to speak about the shift in relations of Russia and the USA

Photo: RIA Novosti To speak about any shift in the relationship between Russia and the USA after meeting President of Russia Vladimir Putin with US Secretary of state Rex Tillerson yet, said press Secretary of Russian leader Dmitry Peskov. “No, you can’t, not yet,” said Sands, answering the question whether it is possible to talk about a certain shift in relations between the two countries after yesterday’s meeting. Answering the question put forward Russia at the meeting any initiatives or simply analysed the relations, Peskov said that conducted the analysis.

Most revenue for 2016 among officials of the Kremlin has declared Kirienko

First Deputy head of presidential Administration of the Russian Federation Sergei Kiriyenko © Alexei Nikolsky/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, April 14. /TASS/. First Deputy head of presidential Administration of the Russian Federation Sergey Kirienko became the leader in the Kremlin on the level of income in 2016. This is evidenced by the Declaration of income, expenses and property, published on the official Kremlin website.

CIA: North Korea has never been closer to possible use against U.S. nuclear weapons

CIA: North Korea has never been closer to possible use against U.S. nuclear weapons NEW YORK, April 14. /Offset. TASS Alexey Kachalin/. The DPRK like never before close to threaten the United States with ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads. This assessment was given by the Director of the Central intelligence Agency (CIA) Michael Pompeo, speaking at the Center for strategic and international studies in Washington. “Many of the administration (USA) tried to find the right approach to the threat of launch of a ballistic missile with a nuclear warhead at the United States. North Korea has never in its history close to it,” said Pompeo. “We asked the question, and that this new principle? Perhaps nothing but each next test, whose number and power growing,” he warned. “All this narrows the number of possibilities to prevent (such events) and increases the chances of adoption by the leader of North Korea