Lavrov expressed support to the Belarusian candidate for the post of the OSCE Secretary General

Lavrov expressed support to the Belarusian candidate for the post of the OSCE Secretary General MOSCOW, April 17. /TASS/. The Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov expressed support to the Belarusian candidate for the post of the OSCE Secretary General the Alena kupchyna in the meeting. This was reported in the foreign Ministry. “The parties discussed the issues of the OSCE, including the contest to replace its Secretary-General, — informed the Russian dipvedomstva. — The Russian side expressed support to the Belarusian candidate”. Kupchina currently holds the post of Ambassador of Belarus to Austria and permanent representative to the OSCE. Acting Secretary General of the OSCE Lamberto Zannier (Italy) ends on 30 June 2017.

OSCE: the referendum in Turkey meets European standards

OSCE: the referendum in Turkey meets European standards A referendum on expanding the powers of the President of Turkey was held in the unequal opportunities provided to supporters and opponents of the amendments said the OSCE. While the technical aspects of the referendum was well organized, the voters did not receive impartial information on the main aspects of the reform had a negative effect restricting fundamental freedoms, the statement said experts of the organization. According to the latest data, the transition from a parliamentary to a presidential system of government in Turkey was supported by 51% of voters and opposed by about 49%. “Overall, the referendum did not meet the standards of the Council of Europe”, — reads the statement of Cesar Florin Preda, head of the delegation of the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. According to representatives of the OSCE, a referendum was held in a political

Russia for the day gave the Syrians more than four tons of humanitarian cargo

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian Centre for reconciliation in Syria for a day spent eight humanitarian actions in the provinces of Aleppo, Damascus and Latakia, civilians received 4.5 tons of humanitarian cargo, according to the Bulletin of the centre. “During the day Russian Centre for reconciliation of the warring parties held eight humanitarian actions in the provinces of Aleppo (six), Damascus (one) and Latakia (one). During the day, humanitarian aid has been 3.350 residents. The total mass transferred humanitarian cargo amounted to 4.5 tons”, — the document says. So, in the city of Aleppo in the al-Hamadania-3, Women-Nasreen, al-Jazmati, Alaba-Qadim, Sheikh Saeed, Aleppo residents gave 2.5 thousand servings of hot food to 150 food parcels. In localities Dimas the province of Damascus and Jabal province of Latakia was delivered 2.3 tonnes of food (of 700 food packages) and stationery, as well as medical equipment. In addition, the Russian aircraft using parachute

Peskov urged not to communicate the opinion of Dmitry Kiselev with the Kremlin’s position

Peskov urged not to communicate the opinion of Dmitry Kiselev with the Kremlin’s position Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov said that the opinion of TV presenter Dmitry Kiselev, which leads the author’s program “Vesti Nedeli,” must not “identify” with the state’s position. About it the press Secretary told journalists, the correspondent of RBC. This Peskov stressed that the position of Kiselyov “usually close” to the Kremlin’s position. “This is true, but not every time,” — said the press Secretary of the President. The press Secretary added that Dmitry Kiselev — “eminent analyst”, their position on foreign policy. So Dmitry Peskov commented on the comparison of the US President Donald trump, and North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN, which previously did TV presenter Dmitry Kiselev. The day before, April 16, Dmitry Kiselyov in the program “Vesti Nedeli” said the leader of the DPRK “has not yet made any real” act

Medvedev called the main result of the work of the government in 2016

Medvedev called the main result of the work of the government in 2016 GORKI, April 17 — RIA Novosti. The main result of the work of the government of Russia for 2016 — the economic downturn has virtually stopped, the conditions for resumed growth, said Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev at a meeting with Deputy Prime Ministers. “The day after tomorrow we have a report in the State Duma in 2016. You and had to make very difficult decisions last year, to seek a compromise between the needs and our financial resources. A lot has happened, something definitely did not work, but more importantly, what we have achieved — the economic downturn has virtually stopped, created the conditions for the resumption of growth. This is the main result of the work, which I will tell the deputies,” — said Medvedev.

Putin will discuss with Medvedev a report to the state Duma

Putin will discuss with Medvedev a report to the state Duma MOSCOW, April 17 — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday will meet with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev ahead of the meeting of the head of the government, deputies of the state Duma, said the press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. “…Today, the President will communicate with the Chairman of the government Dmitry Medvedev, and all this will happen in the context of the upcoming April 19 the speech of the head of the Cabinet (Ministers) in the State Duma deputies. Here, in fact, the President has in mind to share information on the subject of what exactly will be the Prime Minister, what vision the government economic tactics and strategies, achievements, existing problems. That is what Mr President will go to the deputies,” — said Peskov. He noted that the meeting will last until

In the OP planned to require students to pass exam for Russian studies

Photo: RIA Novosti Member of the Commission on the development of science and education of the Public chamber (OP) Russia Roman Doschinsky proposed to introduce a compulsory unified state exam (use) in Russian studies. It is reported RIA Novosti with reference to the press service of the OP. “The society is heard outrage about the fact that children do not know the history or not good in a culture, do not know the geographical location of many objects”, — explained in the OP. Tominskogo initiative aimed at addressing this problem, said in the house. Russian studies on the idea Tominskogo will combine the topics of history, geography, culture and literature. According to him, specific proposals for the integration of these programs into a single discipline OP has not yet developed. “But I think that the exam may consist of four parts, the last of which will be creative, literary orientation.

Among the leaders of Duma factions more all in 2016 earned Zhirinovsky

Photo: RIA Novosti The richest among the presidents of the parliamentary parties on the level of income in 2016 became the leader of LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky, he earned last year 79,14 million rubles, which is almost 16 times greater than its earnings in 2015. In turn, the leader of the faction “United Russia” Vladimir Vasilyev stated in the Declaration the income of 5.9 million rubles, the head of the CPRF Gennady Zyuganov — 5.5 million rubles, and the Chairman “Fair Russia” Sergey Mironov — 4.5 million rubles. It is worth noting that in 2015 the richest of the leaders of the Duma factions was Zyuganov, his earnings amounted to 6,53 million roubles. Zhirinovsky also in 2015, earned 5.3 million rubles, Vasiliev — 5,68 million rubles, and Mironov — 4,73 million rubles.

Markelov categorically not guilty of taking bribes

Photo: TASS The former head of the Mari El Republic Leonid Markelov is not guilty of taking bribes. About this TASS said the lawyer of another defendant in the case Igor Trunov. “Markelov categorically not guilty of taking bribes, rejecting all the allegations,” he said. Trunov noted that at the present time Markelov is still in the country and will be delivered to Moscow by night. In addition, the lawyer confirmed that on April 14 the investigator intends to leave the petition in Basmanny court about election concerning Markelov measure. Criminal case in relation to Markelov as well as the founder of the factory JSC “Akashevskaya” Nicholas Krivosha and heads of local TV channel “Region 12” Natalia Kozhanova were instituted under three articles of the criminal code: section 6 of article 290 of the criminal code (“Receiving bribe”), part 5 of article 291 of the criminal code of Russian Federation