In the Crimea began checking the units at the end of the winter training period

Photo: RIA Novosti Professional skills of the military personnel of the formations and units of the black sea fleet, 22nd army corps and the Association of defense will be evaluated during the beginning of reference checking on the results of the winter training period. About this TASS said the head of the press service of the southern military district (YUVO) Vadim Astafyev. “The field officers, sergeants and soldiers will perform the exercise test firings of small arms and weapons combat vehicles, rent standards for special tactical, special and physical training,” – said Astafyev. Training the examinee will appreciate the officers more than ten committees on grounds and training centers of the Crimea. The soldiers of the 22nd army corps and enterprises of defense, formed in the end of last year, will undergo similar tests for the first time. Evaluation during the final practice is also subject to the state of

Paige called evidence of the security services about his work in Russia a “fake”

Photo: EPA Former adviser to US President Donald trump Carter page called “absolutely false” to alleged U.S. intelligence evidence that he is a Russian agent, according to the publication the Washington Times. “The errors are so ridiculous and funny that I just have no words. It’s so wild that it’s just amazing,” the newspaper quoted the page on the evidence that he acted on behalf of Moscow. The New York Times, citing an unnamed government official said that the U.S. Department of justice received last year a secret warrant from a court to wiretap Carter Paige, a former Advisor to Donald trump on the basis of alleged evidence that he is a Russian agent. Earlier, media published an article that Paige is in the past allegedly had contacts with representatives of Russian intelligence, the events that allegedly occurred back in 2013, when trump was not going to run for President,

The defense Ministry will publish data on searches of the fallen defenders of the Fatherland

The defense Ministry will publish data on searches of the fallen defenders of the Fatherland On the Agency’s website will provide information on the fate of missing persons, as well as military graves in Russia and abroad. MOSCOW, April 19. /TASS/. The defense Ministry has opened on its website a section on perpetuating of memory of victims at protection of Fatherland, which will be devoted to establishing the fate of missing persons, as well as war graves in Russia and abroad. “Visitors will also be able to learn about the plans and results of the search expeditions of the Ministry of defense of Russia, the procedure and rules of search, identification and reburial of the remains of the bodies of the dead soldiers”, — is spoken in the Department message, received by TASS. In addition, this section will be published reports on military-memorial work of branch offices in Germany, USA,

CNN: Pentagon tests missile defense systems to intercept North Korea’s missile

CNN: Pentagon tests missile defense systems to intercept North Korea’s missile In the first test the USS will be running an advanced interceptor missile that was tested only once. NEW YORK, April 19. /Offset. TASS Ivan sawyers/. The United States military twice in may will test its missile defense system, simulating the interception of missiles launched from the DPRK. This was reported on Tuesday by CNN. According to his sources in the Pentagon, in the first test the USS will be running an advanced interceptor missile. Before that it had been tested only once. In the second case applied will launch ground-based interceptors. They are located in the States of Alaska and California. During these exercises, the us military tries to intercept a missile over the Pacific ocean. According to the source channel, only half of the trials of this system in the past was successful. The situation on the

Marine Le Pen does not want to live in the Elysee Palace if elected head of state

Marine Le Pen does not want to live in the Elysee Palace if elected head of state The leader of “National front” noted that he wanted to be with their children. PARIS, April 18. /Offset. TASS Sergey Shcherbakov/. The leader of “National front” marine Le Pen does not want to live in the Elysee Palace if elected head of state in the upcoming presidential elections. She declared it on air of TV channel TF-1. “I don’t want to live there. I have three children and I want to be with them”, — said the politician. It is noteworthy that before Sputnik marine Le Pen and Louis Alliot also said that he did not intend to move into the elysée Palace in her election. The French opposition has repeatedly criticized the attitude of the outgoing President of France, Francois Hollande, because he is “at the expense of taxpayers” lodged in the

Abe intends to discuss the DPRK issue at the meeting with Putin at the end of April

Photo: © EPA/MAURIZIO BRAMBATTI Prime Minister Shinzo Abe plans to discuss the DPRK issue at the meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin during his visit to Russia, scheduled for the end of this month. With such statement the head of the Japanese government spoke at the meeting of Parliament. “During scheduled for the last week of the April meeting with President (Vladimir) Putin I plan to hold a Frank exchange of views on the problem of North Korea,” said Prime Minister, noting that it will “require Russia to play a constructive role.” As reported earlier, the Russian foreign Ministry, the visit of the Japanese Prime Minister is scheduled for late April. According to Japanese press, Abe will visit Russia on April 27-28. As expected, the topics of the talks during the visit will be the development of bilateral relations and issues of joint economic activities on southern Kuriles. However, as

In Kazan opens a Congress of Muslims of Tatarstan

Photo: RIA Novosti Congress of Muslims of Tatarstan opens April 17 in Kazan. As reported in the press service of the Spiritual administration of Muslims (DUM) of the Republic, during the Congress the new mufti of Tatarstan. “For the first time in the history of the congresses of the Spiritual administration of Muslims of Tatarstan, the number of delegates each mukhtasibat (joint parish – approx. TASS) was determined independently, with no restrictive quotas. Thus, the mufti of Tatarstan, his first Deputy and chief Kaza (Muslim judge – approx. TASS) will choose the largest number of delegates in the history of DOOM,” – said the press service. In addition, during the Congress and will discuss the problems that exist in parishes, mosques and religious institutions of Tatarstan. It is planned that the Congress will be attended by President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov. Date of Congress and candidates who will participate in

Trump adviser: Russia conducts “subversive activities” in Europe

Photo: RIA Novosti Advisor to the President of the United States Donald trump on national security General Herbert McMaster urged Russia to reconsider its support for the Assad regime in Syria and accused Moscow of “subversive activities” in Europe. According to him, Russia should ask themselves about the correctness of their actions with the support of the “bloody regime” of Assad. “Right now, I think that everything in the world view Russia as a problem,” said McMaster, the TV channel ABC. He also noted that Russia allegedly conducting “subversive activities” in Europe. The EA trump did not mention the examples of Russian actions to destabilize the situation on the European continent. Previously McMaster said that US relations with Russia is the only way to improve.

Media reported about the escort fighters USA two Russian Tu-95 near Alaska

Media reported about the escort fighters USA two Russian Tu-95 near Alaska Planes of the U.S. air force was raised to escort two Russian bombers in international airspace off the coast of Alaska. On Tuesday, April 18, informs television channel Fox News, citing a source in the us government. According to him, on the night of April 17, 450 kilometres South-West of the U.S. air force base, Elmendorf (anchorage) was spotted two strategic bombers Tu-95 videoconferencing. CNN stressed that they were in international airspace. Was raised by two F-22 and the aircraft of early radar detection E-3. Fox News adds that the fighter jets “escorted Russian bombers in 12 minutes, until they took the course to return to their base in the East of Russia”. According to him, the closest approach of a pair of Russian aircraft to the Kodiak island near the southern coast of Alaska amounted to 161

In the state Duma introduced a project on the deprivation of citizenship for convicted terrorists

In the state Duma introduced a project on the deprivation of citizenship for convicted terrorists MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. The leaders of the four Duma factions in the Duma introduced a bill according to which grounds for cancellation of the decision on acquisition of citizenship of the Russian Federation will be the conviction of a person for the crimes of a terrorist nature, follows from an electronic database of documents of the lower chamber. The authors of the bill were made by Vladimir Vasilyev (United Russia), Gennady Zyuganov (Communist party), Sergey Mironov (CF) and Vladimir Zhirinovsky (LDPR). As noted in the explanatory note, the legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for cancellation of decisions on the acquisition of Russian citizenship in respect of persons who have committed crimes of a terrorist nature. “In this regard, the bill proposes to amend article 22 of the Federal law