Zakharov believes the propaganda of the NYT publication of the Russian Federation, which received the Pulitzer prize

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Mikhail Japaridze/TASS MOSCOW, April 19. /TASS/. The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova called propaganda publication of the New York Times (NYT) about Russia, which received the Pulitzer prize in international journalism. This was stated by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

Elections of the mayor of Omsk declared invalid for lack of candidates

© Dmitry clerical/ OMSK, April 19. /Offset. TASS Alexey Petrov/. Elections of the head of Omsk officially recognized Wednesday with deputies of the city Council failed due to the lack of applicants for the post, told TASS head of the information Department of the Council Irina Serebrennikov. Earlier, both candidates for mayor that took place in the final phase of the election, voluntarily refused to participate in the vote. “The choice was recognized as failed because of lack of candidates. The Commission’s choice of mayor will meet within 20 days and will determine a new election date. All the stages will be passed again,” said Serebrennikov.

Medvedev about the economy, healthcare, pensions and “political crooks”

© Alexander Astafyev/press service of the Russian government/TASS Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev delivered his annual report on the activities of government to the state Duma. After the speech of the Prime Minister, the deputies were able to ask him questions. TASS has collected the most vivid statements of the Prime Minister. On the election of 2018 Medvedev said that during the election campaign before the presidential elections of 2018 will continue the demand for stability and development. In his opinion, the presidential race will be, but you can’t turn it into a war.

The USA will reconsider the decision to lift the sanctions against Iran under nuclear deal

The USA will reconsider the decision to lift the sanctions against Iran under nuclear deal Donald trump has instructed the national security Council to determine how the lifting of sanctions against Iran under the nuclear deal is in the interests of the United States. Earlier, the US President has repeatedly criticized the nuclear agreement concluded under Barack Obama. U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson said on Tuesday that he had informed Congress about plans to study the question whether the lifting of sanctions against Iran under the nuclear deal the national security interests of the United States. “President Donald trump instructed the national security Council to conduct an interagency review of the Joint comprehensive plan of action [Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the agreement on the Iranian nuclear program] to see whether the lifting of sanctions against Iran in accordance with the terms JCPOA vital to the national security

The DPRK has shown a video simulating a missile attack on the United States

The DPRK has shown a video simulating a missile attack on the United States TOKYO, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti, Xenia Naka. North Korea showed a video simulating a missile attack on the United States, told Yonhap news Agency on Wednesday. In the video, which was shown at the celebrations in honor of the 105th anniversary of the birth of Kim Il-sung — grandfather of the current leader of the country, demonstrated a new ballistic missile and its launch. She crosses the ocean and strike the city in the United States. The following picture shows a burning American flag on the background of the cemetery. At the parade prior to the show, were shown, supposedly a new Intercontinental ballistic missile. Also at the festive concert included songs praising the launches of missiles and the Taepodong unit of the strategic forces of the Korean people’s army responsible for rocket launches. In

The most important of declarations on incomes of officials of the Kremlin and the White house

The most important of declarations on incomes of officials of the Kremlin and the White house Ends time of submission of declarations on incomes of officials. On Friday, April 14, was published data on government officials, employees of the presidential administration, Federal Ministers. It turned out that the richest in AP — the Deputy head of the presidential administration Sergei Kiriyenko — earned more than Vladimir Putin 10 times. 15 times more than the declared income of the wife of the press Secretary of the President. The most important of the declarations of the AP officials and Ministers in the review of RBC. Of 8.85 million RUB in 2016, earned President Vladimir Putin. His income, though not much, but decreased compared to last year (of 8.89 million RUB.). 0. declared the wife of the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev Svetlana. Medvedev himself declared an income of 8.6 million rubles, apartment of

Lavrov said the statements of the assistant of the trump of Russia

Sergei Lavrov said that the Kremlin is guided by the words of the U.S. President Donald trump, not to the statements of his aides. Comment of the Russian foreign Minister, reports TASS. “Will focus on the fact that once again confirmed by the President (USA – approx. The Rambler/news) Donald trump, not to the words of his assistant. The President reiterated that he wants to improve relations with Russia, and we are also ready for this” — said Lavrov. Lavrov made his statement, commenting on the words of Advisor to the President for national security Lieutenant-General Herbert McMaster. A U.S. official said that Moscow “conducts subversive activities in Europe.” Assistant he added that the Kremlin is to blame for the emergence of banned terrorist organization “Islamic state”. On 12 April the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson held a five-hour negotiations

Medvedev called the main result of the work of the government

Photo: RIA Novosti. Ekaterina Shtukina Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said that the main outcome of the work of the government in 2016 was the end of the recession. It is reported by RIA Novosti. “We are with you had to make very difficult decisions last year, to seek a compromise between the needs and our financial resources. A lot has happened, something definitely did not work, but more importantly, what we have achieved – the economic downturn has almost stopped,” – said the Prime Minister at a meeting with Deputy Prime Ministers. Medvedev also noted that the Cabinet of Ministers managed to create conditions for the resumption of growth of the Russian economy. He promised that he will tell us about this April 19, when it will act with the report in the state Duma. Earlier, Medvedev said that after his report before deputies of the state Duma, he

Peskov: Putin will hold an important international telephone conversation

Photo: TASS Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that today, 17 April, the head of state is scheduled important international talks on the phone. About it reports TASS. “Quite an important international telephone conversation”, – said Peskov. According to him, negotiations will take place at the end of the day. The representative of the Kremlin has promised that the media will report on the results of the conversation. Peskov also said that Putin will meet with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, during which they will discuss a report on the outcome of the government’s work. It was reported that on Thursday, April 13, Putin held a telephone conversation with President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The heads of state discussed the situation in Syria. The sides expressed readiness to continue joint work to strengthen the regime and cessation of hostilities.