The state Duma has approved in the first reading criminal penalties for the creation of “groups of death”

The state Duma has approved in the first reading criminal penalties for the creation of “groups of death” MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. The state Duma on Wednesday adopted in the first, basic reading the bill on introduction of criminal liability for inducing children to suicide and the organization of the so-called “groups of death” in social networks, with a maximum penalty of deprivation of liberty for a term up to six years. The bill was introduced in the state Duma on March 9, the Vice-speaker of the house Irina Yarovaya (EP). The document supplements the criminal code article on the organization, coupled with the motivation to commit suicide. The document supplements the criminal code with new articles 110.1 “Inducement to commit suicide or assisting suicide”, 110.2 “Organization of activity connected with inciting citizens to commit suicide” and 151.5 “Involvement of minors in the Commission of acts dangerous to

The state Duma has approved in the first reading the increase in the retirement age of officials

The state Duma has approved in the first reading the increase in the retirement age of officials MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. The state Duma at plenary session on Wednesday approved in the first reading the bill on the possibility of renewal up to 70 years of age limit of stay in public service for regional officials. The relevant amendments are proposed to article 25-1 of the law “On state civil service of the Russian Federation”. Now the legislation provides for the possibility of extension to 70 years the age limit of stay on civil service only to Federal officials. “The Federal civil service and civil service entities are one form of public service, to ensure successful operation of activities of state bodies the bill proposes to grant the right to extend the term of stay on civil service subjects up to 70 years of the state civil servants

The court of justice has introduced measures to protect the Crimean Tatars and Ukrainians in Crimea

The court of justice has introduced measures to protect the Crimean Tatars and Ukrainians in Crimea Moscow. April 19. INTERFAX.RU — international court of justice (the Hague) has made the decision on the introduction of measures to protect and ensure the rights of Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars in Crimea in the framework of the Convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination, but these measures are not similar to those requested by Ukraine. “I would like to remind that Russia should meet its obligations in accordance with the Convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination. The court considers that in the Crimea the Russian Federation should refrain from imposing restrictions on Crimean Tatars and their communities, preserve their institutions, including Parliament. In addition, the Federation must ensure the availability of education in the Ukrainian language”, — said at the hearing by its President, Ronnie Abraham.

The state Duma rejected the idea to punish deputies from the regions over poor performance

Photo: RIA Novosti The state Duma Committee on Federal structure and local self-government recommended to reject the bill, allowing to deprive of mandates of regional members for the loss of communication with voters and absenteeism. It is reported Agency city news “Moscow” on Tuesday, April 18. The document was submitted to the lower house of Parliament on 28 December last year. It was developed by the Council of people’s deputies of the Oryol region. Oryol legislators propose to oblige the regional MPs to communicate with constituents, in particular, to meet with them at least every six months. In addition, the bill deals with the introduction of compulsory attendance of meetings of the Parliament and its committees. Pass is possible, either for cause, including the travel and disease, or by agreement with management. Sachs also planned to give the right to early terminate the powers of violators. The authors stressed that

The leaders of the factions of the Duma introduced a bill to revoke the citizenship of the Russian Federation convicted of terrorism

Photo: TASS The leaders of all four Duma factions – Vladimir Vasilyev (United Russia), Gennady Zyuganov (CPRF), Vladimir Zhirinovsky (LDPR) and Sergey Mironov (“Fair Russia”) – introduced to the state Duma a bill that allows to cancel the decision about the provision of Russian citizenship to persons convicted of terrorism. The document is available in the Duma electronic database. “The bill proposes to amend article 22 of the law “On citizenship”, under which grounds for cancellation of the decision on acquisition of citizenship of the Russian Federation will be the conviction of a person to the punishment of the legally effective court sentence for committing crimes of a terrorist nature”, – stated in the explanatory Memorandum.

“The goal we share — to develop the country”: Medvedev reported on the work of the Cabinet

Advertising Skip the ads {{$root.cfg.modules.slider.galleryTable_4195612.stepNow *12 +1}} – 11 from {{$root.cfg.modules.slider.gallery_4195612.sliderLength-1}} © Anton novoderezhkin/TASS Minister of communications and mass communications of the Russian Federation Nikolai Nikiforov, energy Minister Alexander Novak, the Minister of economic development of the Russian Federation Maxim Oreshkin, Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov, Russian health Minister Veronika Skvortsova, Minister of transport of the Russian Federation Maxim Sokolov, Minister of labour and social protection RF Maxim Topilin (left to right) © Anton novoderezhkin/TASS © Anton novoderezhkin/TASS Deputy Chairman of the state Duma Committee on Federal structure and local self-government Valentina Tereshkova, Russian defense Minister Sergei Shoigu © Anna Isakova/photo Department of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS The Minister of culture Vladimir Medinsky and a member of the state Duma Committee on international Affairs Artur Chilingarov © Marat Abulhasan/photo Department of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS © Alexander Astafyev/press service of the Russian government/TASS Vice-speaker

The British Parliament approved early elections on June 8

The British Parliament approved early elections on June 8 Moscow. April 19. INTERFAX.RU — the British Parliament voted to hold a June 8 early parliamentary elections, said on Wednesday the newspaper the Guardian. For the conduct of elections voted 522 MP voted against it and 13 MPs. On the eve of the early elections were announced by Prime Minister Theresa may. It was originally planned that they will be in 2020. According to the head of the government, the UK needs certainty, stability and strong leadership, and therefore it is necessary to hold early elections. HelpBritain launched the Brexit. What’s next?Prime Minister Theresa may has notified EU authorities of the formal procedure is to run for the country’s exit from the EU.Read more

Medvedev urged government critics not to forget that Russia lives in conditions of blockade

Medvedev urged government critics not to forget that Russia lives in conditions of blockade The Prime Minister invited critics to give “a universal prescription for what to do next.” MOSCOW, April 19. /TASS/. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev urged government critics not to forget that Russia is practically living in conditions of blockade and the closed external financial sources. He said this after the report on the work of the Cabinet in the state Duma. “Let’s be honest: I today, all specially softened (government report), referring to the fact that the economy began to grow, and a number of industries gives a strong growth. But let the ground get down everything. We are the living conditions? Finances are closed, the blockade of oil fell twice — that’s all you remember?” asked the Prime Minister to parliamentarians. Medvedev has suggested to critics of the Cabinet of Ministers to give “a universal recipe,

Medvedev declined to comment on the false accusations of “political crooks”

Medvedev declined to comment on the false accusations of “political crooks” So the Prime Minister answered the question of MP from the Communist party who mentioned about the attacks from the opposition leader Navalny. MOSCOW, April 19. /TASS/. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said he would not comment on false accusations by political crooks. Accordingly he said during a report to the state Duma on the question of the Deputy from Communist party Nikolay kolomeytsev, who mentioned about the attacks on the Prime Minister from the opposition leader Alexei Navalny. The latter asked the Prime Minister what is stopping him “to refuse the services of them retired (Alexei) Kudrin and (head of the Central Bank of Russia) Elvira Nabiullina and to defend themselves from the attacks of Bulk.” I have on this subject have been expressed, I can only say again to you: I will not have specific comment on completely