Zakharova: Moscow does not exclude that against Russian citizens in Montenegro can be a provocation

Maria Zakharova © Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS MOSCOW, April 20. /TASS/. Russia does not rule out possible provocations against Russian citizens in Montenegro, until their detention on dubious motives and extradition to third countries. Such concerns were expressed by the Director of the Department of information and press of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

Putin signed a decree on holding fees to reserve forces

Putin signed a decree on holding fees to reserve forces MOSCOW, 20 APR — RIA Novosti. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin has signed the decree about carrying out in 2017 military training for up to 2 months for military service in reserve, the relevant document published on the official Internet portal of legal information. “In accordance with Federal laws… resolve: to call in 2017, citizens of the Russian Federation residing in reserve, to undergo military training for up to two months in the armed forces of the Russian Federation, bodies of the state protection and bodies of Federal security service”, — stated in the decree. According to the decree, fees should be undertaken at a time in coordination with the Executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, except for the verification activities, the timing of which are determined by the Ministry of defence. The government of

Fillon: Russia will never leave Crimea

Fillon: Russia will never leave Crimea PARIS, April 20 — RIA Novosti. Russia will never leave Crimea, historically a Russian territory, said the candidate for President of France on the center-right party the Republicans, former Prime Minister Francois Fillon. “It is useless to be stubborn and say that Russia must withdraw from Crimea, this will never happen,” said Fillon in an interview with the newspaper Figaro. According to him, the approach to the Crimean issue, it is necessary to take into account two fundamental and contradictory principles: respect of borders and the right of people to self-determination “Nobody can deny that Crimea is Russian historical, cultural and linguistic points of view”, — stressed the ex-Premier. According to Fillon, the situation in Crimea can be resolved with the help of a special international conference under the auspices of the UN. Previously, the candidates in the French presidential pre-election debates discussed including

Reuters reported the details of the plan “Russian interference” in the elections of the President of the United States

Reuters reported the details of the plan “Russian interference” in the elections of the President of the United States Russian Institute for strategic studies (RISS) has developed the documents that became the basis for the strategy of the Russian “intervention” in the past the November 2016 US presidential election, Reuters reported, citing sources. According to them, the RISS prepared two strategic documents that aim to help Donald Trump win, but also to undermine the faith of voters in the American electoral system. It is on the basis of these documents, U.S. intelligence concluded that the “influence” of Russia in last year’s election campaign. According to sources Reuters, the first document was drafted in June 2016 and distributed “at the highest level” of Russian government, although it “was not addressed to any particular person.” The text included General recommendations at the beginning of the propaganda campaign that was supposed to run

Medvedev urged to keep the best in the world, the government and state Duma deputies

Photo: RIA Novosti Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, speaking Wednesday in the state Duma, urged to preserve the best in the world, the Russian government and the world’s best deputies of the state Duma. On Wednesday Medvedev spoke in the state Duma with the report on the activities of the government for the year 2016. “Colleagues, you have just to protect the world’s best government, the best in the world of deputies of the State Duma, certainly so, better not say,” — said Medvedev at the end of the speeches of deputies.

Zhirinovsky criticized the Communist party for advertising Bulk

Photo: RIA Novosti LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky criticized the Deputy from Communist party Nikolay kolomeytsev, who referred in his question to the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, opposition leader Alexei Navalny, the correspondent of “Газеты.Ru”. “You did the latter one is called the name of that adventurer. Journalists only respond to it, we with you gone, there is no government report. Whose idea was it to remember the name of this friend? You who advertise?!” – shouted from the podium Zhirinovsky. Earlier, Medvedev refused to comment on the question about “attacking” opposition leader Alexei Navalny. The question of the Communist party to Medvedev about support of the economy and interest rates, the Central Bank Deputy mentioned “protection from the attacks of Bulk.”

Zhirinovsky called on to conceal income from the people

Photo: RIA Novosti LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky called for the release of parliamentarians from the obligation to declare property and income. His words are quoted by the correspondent of”.ru” on Wednesday, April 19. “All these declarations, why are we doing this? The people irritated. (…) Why once again the people to create the impression that there are multi-millionaires, billionaires. It absolutely does nothing,” he said in a speech after the government’s report. Zhirinovsky said that the government is no data on income know what corrupt officials. “You know who steals and who has any money. You know who should be arrested, arrest without declarations,” he stressed. The leader of the liberal Democrats was ranked first by income for 2016 among the leaders of Duma factions — he earned more than 79 million rubles. By the end of 2015, the Deputy declared income of 5.3 million rubles. The largest income among

Matvienko agree with the criticism regarding the rhetoric of zampolpreda the UN Safrankova

Valentina Matvienko © Sergey Skates/TASS MOSCOW, April 20. /TASS/. The speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko agree with the criticism of the Deputy permanent representative of Russia to the UN Vladimir Safronkov after his speech in the UN security Council on 12 April. She stated this at a meeting of the Scientific expert Council, during which the head of chair of constitutional and municipal law Department of Moscow state University Suren Avakyan negatively about Safrankova speech at the meeting of the UN security Council. “Several unsuccessful, our representative in the Security Council (UN) said some words, from my point of view, similar to the words of the warrant officer turned to the soldier. Let react, your Committee will say, well, you can behave?” – Avakyan appealed to Matviyenko.

Peskov: Russia is not trying to integrate the unrecognized Republic of Donbass

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, April 20. /TASS/. Russia stands for the implementation of the Minsk agreements on Ukraine and not trying to integrate the proclaimed Republic of Donbass. This was stated to journalists the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the publication of Bloomberg about the alleged attempts of Moscow to separate the Donbass from Ukraine.

CNN learned about the transfer of Syrian aircraft closer to the Russian military base

CNN learned about the transfer of Syrian aircraft closer to the Russian military base Moscow. April 20. INTERFAX.RU — the Syrian government relocated most of its warplanes closer to Russian airbase Hamim, probably in order to protect themselves from possible new attack from the USA, informs television channel CNN, citing two sources at the Pentagon. According to them, the movement of the aircraft started soon after the U.S. April 6 struck a massive rocket attack on the airfield in Shayrat, Syria, from which as consider in Washington, flew Syrian planes staged the chemical attack in Idlib, which killed dozens of people. Now the Syrian military aircraft will be based at a military base near the international airport of Basil al-Assad — who died in 1994, the elder brother of the current President Bashar al-Assad. Near this base in the same province of Latakia, located and the base of Hamim, where