The FBI will limit your contact with journalists

The FBI will limit your contact with journalists So the Bureau hopes to avoid new leaks of confidential information. Moscow. April 21. INTERFAX.RU — the FBI is reviewing its policy in relation to media, limiting contact between his officers and journalists, said on Thursday CNN TV channel with reference to representatives of the Bureau. A new policy regarding media was presented this week at a conference in Washington, which was attended by special agents of the Federal Bureau of investigation. The FBI declined to comment, said CNN.

The Ukrainian foreign Ministry has sent Russia a note of protest in connection with the holding of the forum in Yalta

The Ukrainian foreign Ministry has sent Russia a note of protest in connection with the holding of the forum in Yalta Moscow. April 21. INTERFAX.RU — Ministry of foreign Affairs of Ukraine has sent Russia a note of protest in connection with the holding of the Yalta international economic forum, said on Thursday on the website of the Ukrainian authorities. The statement claimed that the event, held in the Crimea from 20 to 22 April, is a violation of state sovereignty of Ukraine and norms of international law, including resolutions of the UN General Assembly. In this context, expressed the categorical requirement to adopt the Russian side urgent measures to restore the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, strict compliance with universally recognized norms of international law and an immediate end to the practice of holding without the consent of Ukraine any activities on its sovereign territorialnye the Ministry of

The United States found the grounds for the detention of Assange, media reported

The United States found the grounds for the detention of Assange, media reported MOSCOW, 21 APR — RIA Novosti. U.S. authorities have produced formal charges, to achieve arrest of the founder of the portal WikiLeaks Julian Assange, reports TV channel CNN, citing sources familiar with the circumstances of the case. The investigation against Assange and WikiLeaks, the U.S. Department of justice lead in 2010, marks the channel. During the reign of President Barack Obama, attorney General and representatives of the justice Ministry established that it will be difficult to bring charges against Assange, because not only WikiLeaks had published stolen documents of diplomatic service of the United States. According to the TV station, the prosecution believes he’s found a way to go further in bringing Assange to justice. According to the channel, due to the fact that the investigators found possible evidence that WikiLeaks has played an active role in

Kadyrov called provocation media reports about the persecution of people in Chechnya

Photo: RIA Novosti Ramzan Kadyrov has called “provocative” publications about the abductions and murders of gays in Chechnya. The words of the head of the Republic reports RIA Novosti. “I want to tell you that those provocative article about the Chechen Republic about the events that happen, there are supposedly of detention, gentlemen “good people” write about what we have detention in the country. Even talking about it is uncomfortable. Supposedly people are detained there, kill even called one (person – ed. Rambler)” — Kadyrov said. His statement Kadyrov made at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. According to the head of the region, people whom the reporters called the dead, were “alive, healthy and is at home.” Kadyrov added that such unfounded rumours about the region published in the press “in year two or three times.” On 1 April journalists of “Novaya Gazeta” published a material stating about

Shulgin: four countries supported the proposal of Russia and Iran on the incident in Idlib

The HAGUE, April 21. /Offset. TASS Vitaly Chugin/. Four countries supported the Russian-Iranian proposal for investigation of possible use of chemical weapons in the Syrian province of Idlib on 4 April. Reported about it in conversation with the correspondent of TASS, Russia’s permanent representative to the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) Alexander Shulgin following the meeting of the Executive Council of the organization.

Fillon urged to suspend presidential campaign

Fillon urged to suspend presidential campaign The candidate in presidents of France Francois Fillon after the attack on the police in Paris have called to suspend the campaign for the presidential election, the first round of which is scheduled for Sunday, April 23. About it reports Reuters. He Fillon, he said, has canceled scheduled for Friday, April 21, election event in the Alpine region of the country. An attack on employees of law enforcement was committed on Thursday evening, April 20. Next to a utility vehicle, a car stopped, got out a man and fired shots. One of the policemen was killed on the spot, seriously injured two of his colleagues. The criminal was liquidated, according to some, he was an accomplice. The responsibility for what happened assumed banned in Russia grouping “Islamic state”. The terrorists said that the move made them “soldiers,” Abu Yousif from Belgium. That the perpetrator

Fillon and Le Pen cancelled his campaign trip after the terrorist attack on the Champs Elysees

Fillon and Le Pen cancelled his campaign trip after the terrorist attack on the Champs Elysees Moscow. April 21. INTERFAX.RU the candidate in presidents of France Francois Fillon and marine Le Pen has canceled all trips scheduled for Friday as part of their election campaigns, after reports about the terrorist attack on the Champs Elysees, said on Friday BFM TV. The attack on the police happened when the Studio channel France 2 was an election speech 11 presidential candidates that this coming Sunday, April 23, awaits a vote in the first round. Tirs sur les Champs-Elysées: Le Pen Fillon et annulent leurs déplacements vendredi — BFMTV (@BFMTV) 20 APR 2017 In connection with the tragic events after the completion of these television appearances, the channel has provided an opportunity for the candidates to speak on the attack on the guards. Fillon, in particular, said: “it is Inappropriate to continue

Project on deprivation of citizenship for terrorism, has withdrawn from the state Duma

Project on deprivation of citizenship for terrorism, has withdrawn from the state Duma MOSCOW, 20 APR — RIA Novosti. The bill proposes to deprive the Russian citizenship of those convicted of terrorism, has withdrawn from the state Duma, told RIA Novosti source in the lower house of Parliament. On Tuesday this bill was introduced by the leaders of four Duma factions — Vladimir Vasilyev (United Russia), Gennady Zyuganov (Communist party), Sergey Mironov (CF) and Vladimir Zhirinovsky (LDPR). In the explanatory Memorandum they pointed out that this measure will become an additional protection from terrorism and help prevent such crime by individuals who have received Russian citizenship. The document was revoked on technical, formal grounds, said the source Agency. “The text should be improved. It will perenesen the same composition authors,” he said. Now the Constitution prohibits the deprivation of Russian citizenship.

Gorbachev: Russia is ripe for political competition and a multiparty system

Mikhail Gorbachev © EPA/SERGEI ILNITSKY MOSCOW, April 20. /TASS/. Former President of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev in an essay written for the us magazine TIME noted that Russia is ready for political competition, real multi-party system and the peaceful transfer of power. The text of the essay published on the website of the International Fund socially-economic and politological researches (Gorbachev-Fund). “I am convinced that the success of Russia is possible only by relying on the people, only on the democratic path. Russia is ripe for political competition, real multi-party system, fair elections, turnover of power, – wrote the former President. – This implies a special role and responsibility of the President at the current stage of Russia’s history”.

The defense Ministry did not believe the findings of the OPCW on the Syrian Zarine Khan Sheyhun

The defense Ministry did not believe the findings of the OPCW on the Syrian Zarine Khan Sheyhun Moscow. April 20. INTERFAX.RU — the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation called hasty conclusion, Director-General of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) Ahmed Uzumcu that in the Syrian Khan Sheyhun was used sarin. “The statement of the representative of the organization Ahmed Uzumcu about the alleged use of sarin in Khan Sheyhun raises serious questions,” said Thursday the official representative of the defense Ministry major-General Igor Konashenkov. “This hasty statement Uzumcu strongly “framed” all of the OPCW”, — he said. The General said that the defense Ministry would like to receive from the OPCW “clear answers”. April 4 in the Syrian city of Khan shaykhun (Idlib) there was a chemical attack, which killed nearly 100 people. Most Western countries and the Syrian opposition blamed it on the Syrian