Russia and Turkey will hold inter-Ministerial consultations on the supply of grain

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich said that Russia and Turkey during the week will hold inter-Ministerial consultations on the supply of grain. It is reported by RIA “Novosti”. “During the week will be inter-Ministerial consultations, then we with my colleague were going to dock and to summarize, I hope you find the balance point,” said Dvorkovich. Earlier, Deputy Prime Minister said that Moscow is waiting for Ankara’s cancellation of restrictions on deliveries of grain.

Lavrov called the period of Putin’s visit to China

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin in may, will pay an official visit to China and attend the forum on “One belt, one road”. This was stated by Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at a meeting with Chinese colleague van I. According to the head of Russian diplomacy, after that the Russian leader will have to wait for a visit in Moscow, Chinese President XI Jinping in Russia “will be glad to accept,” foreign Minister Wang Yi for the preparation of this meeting at a high level. “As I understand it, the terms we already have practically agreed in the near future they will confirm,” — said Lavrov.

Spiegel: the German intelligence service, for years, carried out surveillance by Interpol

Spiegel: the German intelligence service, for years, carried out surveillance by Interpol In the list of data and criteria for the implementation of the electronic surveillance were phone numbers, e-mail domains employees of Interpol, the weekly writes. BERLIN, April 22. /Offset. TASS Vyacheslav Filippov/. The Federal intelligence service of Germany (BND) has for many years carried out surveillance by Interpol. This was reported by the weekly Der Spiegel. According to the publication, in addition to the headquarters of Interpol in Lyon, the BND spied on the latest with 2000 for the organization in Austria, Belgium, Greece, Denmark, Spain, Italy, the United States and several other countries. In the list of so-called selectors — data and benchmarks for implementation of electronic surveillance — were telephone numbers, e-mail domains employees of the Interpol. According to Spiegel, the purpose of surveillance by the BND was also a police service of the EU —

In the French overseas territories began voting in the presidential elections

In the French overseas territories began voting in the presidential elections Moscow. April 22. INTERFAX.RU — the vote in the first round of presidential elections began in the French overseas territories. According to Le Figaro, the polls came to the inhabitants of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon is a small French territory in the North Atlantic, where the electoral lists included approximately 5 thousand people. Then will open polling stations in French Guiana. Due to the difference in time on Saturday at the continental French time as voted by the inhabitants of French Polynesia, Martinique, Guadeloupe and Saint Martin The first round of the presidential elections in mainland France will be held on Sunday April 23. HelpElections in France: the explanation in grafikone will participate in the presidential elections in France, and what issues concern of French voters mostread More

Fridinsky sent to the Federation Council his resignation from the post of chief military Prosecutor

Fridinsky sent to the Federation Council his resignation from the post of chief military Prosecutor Moscow. April 22. INTERFAX.RU — Deputy Prosecutor General — main military Prosecutor Sergei Fridinsky has submitted his resignation, the document was submitted to the Council of the Federation, informed “Interfax” a source familiar with the situation. “In accordance with the law the appointment and dismissal of the Prosecutor General and his deputies through the Federation Council on representation of the President”, — he said. Meanwhile, sources in the environment Fridinsky said that he on Monday go to work. “Before the decision of the Federation Council, he will perform his duties”, — said the Agency interlocutor. As told “Interfax” a source in the upper house, the Federation Council next week will consider the issue about resignation Fridinsky. “There is information that Tuesday will be a joint meeting of the Committee on defense and security and Committee

Kudrin said that state companies should not be in the sphere of production or in Finance

Photo: TASS One of the biggest structural problems of Russian economy is the significant presence of the state, said the head of the Centre for strategic research and former Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin at the Krasnoyarsk economic forum. “In leading sectors, a large proportion of the state company – from production to Finance. Where, incidentally, should not be at public companies, neither in production nor in Finance, in the future,” he said. According to Kudrin, now energy 70% of revenue is revenue from state-owned companies, Finance – 46%. “I hope that years six or seven will be 15-20%”, – he added. According to the head of the CSR, the share of state-owned companies should be reduced substantially in all industries not related to defense and security. The low growth rates largely lie in the responsibility of the public sector, which is not effective enough, Kudrin said, and called the policy

Kudrin called the government of the Russian Federation

Photo: RIA Novosti The head of the Center for strategic research (CSR) Alexei Kudrin called the system of public administration in Russia “the old creaky machine.” This opinion he expressed at the Krasnoyarsk economic forum. “System of governance I would rate today as a creaky old machine with low speed, which has high power and in General all the time calls the wrong way, every time, corrects its movement, but the result is small”, – Kudrin said. According to him, CSR has assessed the quality system of public administration, which found that only 38% of public servants carry out their primary functional responsibilities. “In other cases, they have been doing some firefighting, I mean the rush, the implementation of chaotic orders that come from a particular situation. The number of meetings and assignments, both presidential and governmental – over the past six years has increased by 50%, but the economy

Zakharova said the continuing cold

Photo: RIA Novosti The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova on his page in Facebook complained about the weather. “Every day is colder and colder. Worried already,” she wrote. In the review members tried to calm Zakharov reminded that weather forecasters promised on Friday afternoon, April 21, eight degrees Celsius. One of the users invited diplomat in southern Siberia and has promised to “warm up”, if she is not married. Earlier, the chief specialist of the Weather Bureau in the capital region Tatyana Pozdnyakova said that by the end of the week in Moscow will come the warming. According to her, the cool weather is that the capital “is located in the rear of a deep cyclone”. Complete weather forecast, see the Rambler

Ozerov confirmed that the Federation Council received a statement Fridinsky resignation

Ozerov confirmed that the Federation Council received a statement Fridinsky resignation MOSCOW, 22 APR — RIA Novosti. The Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Viktor Ozerov confirmed that the Federation Council has received the statement of the chief military Prosecutor Sergei Fridinsky resignation for reason of retirement on superannuation. “The Federation Council has received the statement of Sergey Fridinsky with a request to release him from his post in connection with the retirement on superannuation,” said Ozerov. Earlier, a source in the Federation Council told RIA Novosti that the senators will consider at the meeting on 26 April the resignation issue Fridinsky.

Source: chief military Prosecutor of Russia has resigned

Source: chief military Prosecutor of Russia has resigned MOSCOW, 22 APR — RIA Novosti. Chief military Prosecutor Sergei Fridinsky has resigned, April 26 this will be discussed at a meeting of the Federation Council, told RIA Novosti source in the Federation Council. “Received a personal statement Fridinsky, in which he asks to resign,” — said the Agency interlocutor. According to him, this issue will be considered by the Federation Council at the meeting on April 26. On the eve of the 25th of April, the issue will be discussed by the house Committee on constitutional legislation and on defence and security behind closed doors. According to the Constitution, the jurisdiction of the Federation Council is the appointment and dismissal of the General Prosecutor and his deputies, including the chief military Prosecutor. According to the interlocutor of the Agency, in a statement Fridinsky, the reason for his departure is not specified.