Media: the United States received a notice from Turkey an hour before operation in Syria and Iraq

Media: the United States received a notice from Turkey an hour before operation in Syria and Iraq MOSCOW, 26 APR — RIA Novosti. The United States received notification from the Turkish military one hour before the beginning of their operations against Kurdish rebels in Iraq and Syria, reports CNN, citing a senior official in the defense sphere. Earlier, the representative of US state Department mark Toner said the concerns over the application of Turkey’s strikes in the North of Syria and Iraq. He stressed that they were made “without coordination with the United States” and with the coalition against terrorist group “Islamic state.”* Later, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in an interview with the Reuters news Agency that he had informed the partners, including Russia, the US and the Northern Iraqi Kurdistan prior to the operation. According to the source channel, the U.S. advisors and the international coalition were not

Facebook has verified the account Zakharova

Photo: RIA Novosti The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said that her account on Facebook verified by the company. “My account verified by Facebook company – has the blue tick. At the last briefing, I described how a couple of years unsuccessfully tried to get “official recognition”. And so you noticed” — she wrote on his page in Facebook. Zakharov earlier in the briefing said that for a long time can not verify your account in Facebook.

The head of the foreign Ministry of Japan wants to secure Russian support on the UN security Council meeting

Photo: RIA Novosti Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida said to reporters on Tuesday that he intends to participate in the meeting of the UN security Council, which will take place on Friday. “In addition to the United States and South Korea, cooperation with China and Russia, which have great influence on North Korea, we want to urge the DPRK to refrain from provocations and to strictly adhere to previous UN resolutions”, — quotes the words of the Minister to broadcaster NHK. He also said that he wanted to exchange views with China and announced that in Japan on Tuesday arrives the special representative of the Chinese government on North Korea At Dawei, which will hold talks with his counterpart the Director of the Department of Asia and Oceania Ministry of foreign Affairs of Japan, representing the country at the six-party talks on the nuclear problem of North Korea, Kenji Kanasugi. As

Russia per day has transferred 11 tons of humanitarian aid to Syria

Photo: RIA Novosti The Russian military handed over 11.8 tons of humanitarian supplies to civilians in the Syrian provinces of Aleppo and Latakia; another 21 tons of food from the UN Russian planes delivered in the district of Deir-ez-Zor, according to a humanitarian Bulletin of the Russian Center for reconciliation in Syria. “During the day Russian Centre for reconciliation of the warring parties held eight humanitarian actions in the provinces of Aleppo (seven) and Latakia (one). In the city of Aleppo in areas of New Aleppo, Central, Garden Allot, Kawkaba, Sheikh fares, al-Zahabia Ansar and the residents transferred to 7.2 tons of drinking bottled water and 200 food packages. In a refugee camp in the city of Latakia delivered 3.5 tons of food”, — is spoken in the message. Thus, during the day, humanitarian aid has been provided 3725 residents, and the total weight given to the population of humanitarian

Radar for the THAAD system is delivered to the deployment site in South Korea

Radar for the THAAD system is delivered to the deployment site in South Korea Moscow. April 26. INTERFAX.RU — the equipment of the American missile complex rolling land-based for high-rise natmosphere intercept medium-range missiles THAAD delivered to a location in South Korea, reports Yonhap. “On Wednesday, six trailers with radar and other equipment for the us missile defense THAAD entered the place of deployment at the territory Golf course in South Korea, which caused a clash between police and local residents”, — is spoken in the message.

Erdogan announced a change in Moscow’s position on Assad

Erdogan announced a change in Moscow’s position on Assad Recep Tayyip Erdogan came to the conclusion that Moscow has softened its position regarding the Syrian leader. Commenting on the conversation with the President of Russia, he told Putin explained that “not an advocate for Assad.” In the Kremlin claim that the citizens of Syria should decide the fate of their country. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan hinted at the fact that Russia has softened its stance on the Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad. He told this to Reuters reporters during an interview on Tuesday, April 25. Erdogan, don’t get me wrong. I’m not defending Assad, I am not his lawyer. That’s what Putin said.Recep Tayyip Erdgasproduzent The Turkey April 21, Assad said that Damascus a hundred percent sure that the supply of chemical weapons to the rebels, Ankara is. “There is evidence that some of them were presented on the Internet

Ivanka trump said that did not affect the decision of the father to strike on Syria

Ivanka trump said that did not affect the decision of the father to strike on Syria MOSCOW, 25 APR — RIA Novosti. The daughter of the President of the United States Donald trump Ivanka denied the reports that influenced the decision of the head of state to launch a missile attack in Syria, reports channel ABC. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий “It is a wrong interpretation,” she said during a visit to Germany. Previously, the newspaper the Sunday Times reported that the reaction of the daughter of the President of the United States Ivanka trump on reports of chemical attack in Idlib Syrian influenced the decision of his father to launch a missile attack in Syria. After strike on Syrian airbase Ivanka trump wrote that he was proud of the decision of the father. The US President’s son Eric trump has confirmed to British newspaper the Telegraph that the reaction of Ivanka on reports

The Moscow’s Department and the police took over “black archeologists”

Photo: NEWS/Oleg fochkin In “new Moscow” for the first time held a joint RAID of police and the Moscow cultural heritage Department to identify and arrest “black diggers”. The chief archaeologist of Moscow Leonid Kondrashov said that it is a new experience for his Department, but such raids will become a regular. According to experts, over the past five years, Russia had bought more than a million metal detectors and at least half of them are using “black diggers”. The damage from their activities is estimated at hundreds of millions of rubles, not to mention the irreparable damage to the history and culture. Last weekend was perfect for both legal and “black archeologists”. The grass in the fields “new Moscow” has not grown, sowing is not started and the wet soil was allowed to work more effectively to metal detectors. Illegal immigrants caught on the territory of the settlement of

Erdogan said that Turkey could review its position on EU membership

Erdogan said that Turkey could review its position on EU membership MOSCOW, 25 APR — RIA Novosti. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in an interview with Reuters that Ankara will reconsider its position on EU membership if the country will have even longer to wait for the decision on this issue, and if the present hostile attitude of some members. “If they do not act honestly, then we have to find a way out. Why should we wait?? We are talking about 54 years. UK asked their people and they voted for Brexit … They are moving to a new future, the same thing was done in Norway … the same can be applied to Turkey,” Erdogan said. He added that he is ready to submit the question of the accession of the EU to a referendum. One or two countries cannot support the life of the EU. You need

Trump has agreed to postpone the construction of the wall on the border

Trump has agreed to postpone the construction of the wall on the border The President of the United States Donald trump rejected the assumption that he allegedly buried the project of the wall on the us-Mexican border, but has expressed a willingness to pause before asking for money from the Federal budget. “Don’t let the fake media to hang you noodles on the ears, if I changed my mind about the wall. It will be built and stop drugs, human trafficking, etc.”, — wrote President in his Twitter. Don’t let the fake media tell you that I have changed my position on the WALL. It will get built and help stop drugs, human trafficking etc. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 25, 2017 Democrats in Congress have vowed to block a possible request for funding for this project, as the cost of protective structures is estimated at billions of dollars.