Kremlin: Putin’s Position on Assad has not changed

Photo: RIA Novosti Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov said that Russia’s stance against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has not changed. It is reported by RIA Novosti. So a Kremlin spokesman commented on the statement of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that Moscow changed its mind about supporting the Syrian government. “As for support of Assad, the position of Russia and President Putin on Assad has not changed, it is consistent and well known,” – said Peskov. According to him, Putin believes that to make decisions about the future of any country can not by third parties. “The future of Syria cannot determine neither in Ankara nor Washington, nor Paris, nor in Berlin, nor in Moscow. Self-determination Syria, only the Syrian people,” concluded Sands. Earlier in an interview with Reuters, Erdogan said that negotiations with Russian President Vladimir Putin showed him the change of Russia’s position on Syria. Erdogan

Putin and Abe confirmed a willingness to work together and solve the most complex issues

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Russian President Vladimir Putin, Moscow, April 27 © Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, April 27. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe discussed Thursday in the Kremlin, the state and prospects of development of bilateral relations, as well as a wide range of international issues. According to the Russian leader, the talks were held in a constructive atmosphere and confirmed the readiness of Moscow and Tokyo to “work together to solve any, even the most complicated issues of bilateral relations on the principles of mutual respect, equality and consideration for each other’s interests”. The intensification of political dialogue “Just note that Russia and Japan had demonstrated their commitment to further development of mutually beneficial and multifaceted cooperation”, – said the head of the Russian state at a press conference following talks with the Japanese Prime Minister.

Russia and Japan urged the parties to refrain from bellicose rhetoric, the situation around the DPRK

The President of Russia Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe, Moscow, 27 April © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, April 27. /TASS/. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is concerned about the degradation of the situation on the Korean Peninsula and call for the early resumption of six-party talks. “Separately addressed (on the Russian-Japanese negotiations), the situation on the Korean Peninsula, which, according to our Prime Minister (Japan) opinion, unfortunately, are seriously degraded,” – said the Russian head of state to journalists after talks with Shinzo Abe.

Putin and Abe agreed on joint actions in the South Kuril Islands

Putin and Abe agreed on joint actions in the South Kuril Islands On the Southern Kuril Islands to the Japanese delegation of business and government officials to assess the prospects for joint economic activities on the Islands, said following the talks, President Putin and Prime Minister Abe. Kuril economy During the meeting they discussed “topics of joint economic activity” of Russia and Japan on the Kuril Islands, said the President of Russia Vladimir Putin after talks in the Kremlin with Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe. About the beginning of cooperation in the Kuril Islands, the leaders agreed in December 2016 during the first ten years of Putin’s visit to Japan. In the near future will generate a list of priority projects, Putin said. To study specific interactions in the Southern Kuril Islands will arrive a group of Japanese businessmen, the Russian President said. Abe, in a press statement following

Putin: Russia is organizing a trip to the Japanese officials and businessmen in the South Kurils

Putin: Russia is organizing a trip to the Japanese officials and businessmen in the South Kurils MOSCOW, April 27. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Japanese officials and businessmen will visit the South Kuril Islands. “To explore concrete possibilities of interaction this summer will be organized a trip to the Southern Kuriles group of Japanese officials and businessmen”, — said the Russian head of state to journalists after talks with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Putin noted that trade turnover between Russia and Japan moved from decline to growth, increased the volume of Japanese investment in Russia. “It is gratifying that after a certain decline began to improve the situation in the sphere of economic cooperation. In January-February of the current year the growth of mutual trade,” — said the Russian leader. He added that the volume of accumulated Japanese investment in Russia also increased in 2015, it was $1.3

In “Open Russia” came to search

In “Open Russia” came to search In the “Open Russia” are searched, told RBC employee of the human rights direction of the “Open Russia” Paulina Nemirovsky. The coordinator of the movement Maria Baronova in an interview with RBC confirmed the fact of searches in the office of the “Open Russia”. “At 16.00 in the entrance of the building, where the office, went about three dozen people. Among them riot police, the police, witnesses and civil. Passed on the fifth floor. I’m waiting for a lawyer,” she said. About searches in “Open Russia” reported in his Twitter and the founder of the movement, Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Came to the headquarters of Open Russia. Authoritarianism in the face and in profile. — Khodorkovsky, Mikhail (@mich261213) 27 APR 2017 April 26, the Prosecutor General’s office acknowledged was in the UK organization “Open Russia” undesirable on the territory of Russia. Moreover, the unwanted was

Patrushev has compared the approaches of Russia and NATO in the field of cyber security

Photo: RIA Novosti Russia stands for equal conditions of cybersecurity for all countries, and NATO is only NATO countries, said the Secretary of the Russian security Council Nikolai Patrushev. Speaking Wednesday at the opening of the sixth Moscow conference on international security, Patrushev said that some international organizations deal with cyber-security, “such as NATO”. “But the difference is that NATO is committed to cyber security only for a narrow circle of the countries – participants of the Alliance. And Russia calls for equal security for all States”, — said Patrushev.

Shoigu has proposed to create an international coalition for mine action in Syria

Photo: RIA Novosti It makes sense to create an international coalition to mine the territory of Syria and to bring to these works of commercial structures, said the Minister of defense of Russia General of the army Sergei Shoigu. “I propose to form a coalition of interested countries that would assist in mine clearing of objects in Syria,” — said Shoigu at the opening ceremony of the sixth Moscow conference on international security. The Minister expressed hope that the UN mine action service in the near future also connect to the mine cap. “Besides, I consider it expedient to create a Fund to Finance specialized commercial companies to be involved in such work”, — said the Minister of defence of the Russian Federation.

Sands: political will would lead to a peace Treaty between Russia and Japan sooner or later

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, Moscow, 27 April © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, April 27. /TASS/. The Kremlin hopes that the political will of Moscow and Tokyo will lead in future to conclude a peace Treaty. “The signing of the Peace Treaty is due to territorial issues. Territorial issue, of course, subject to a one settlement. In the understanding of the parties (settlement must occur) in a way that is acceptable to both Moscow and Tokyo”, – said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. According to him, “this in turn will pave the way for the signing of the peace Treaty.”

The Kremlin has denied any involvement in the transmission of St. Isaac’s Cathedral, Russian Orthodox Church

The Kremlin has denied any involvement in the transmission of St. Isaac’s Cathedral, Russian Orthodox Church MOSCOW, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti. Information about the agreement between Patriarch Kirill and President Vladimir Putin on the transfer of the Saint Isaac’s Cathedral Russian Orthodox Church does not correspond to reality, said the press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. According to him, this question is not within the prerogative of the President. “We have repeatedly stressed that it is the task of the city authorities. So, let’s say, to negotiate some options related to the transfer of certain objects of the Russian Orthodox Church in St. Petersburg, the President could not” — said Peskov. Earlier, the authorities of St. Petersburg decided to transfer the Cathedral for 49 years, the Russian Orthodox Church in the free use with preserving the Museum and educational functions. Remains and legal status of the