Illegal migrants will be sent home at their expense

Illegal migrants will be sent home at their expense Will appear in Russia the law on voluntary controlled exit of foreigners-violators Foreign citizens will be able to avoid deportation if they commit minor offences. Under the new rules, which are currently being developed in the interior Ministry, they will have the alternative to buy yourself a ticket and go under police surveillance This is one of the measures to humanize immigration laws, but it is due to the desire to save the content of the violators and deport them. As have informed “news” the Chairman of the Commission of the presidential HRC on migration policy Evgeny Bobrov, now the interior Ministry is preparing a draft law on voluntary supervised departure. The essence of this procedure lies in the fact that a foreign national who had committed a minor administrative offence was deported not, and buys a ticket in the presence

Tillerson called the General goal of the United States and China

Tillerson called the General goal of the United States and China WASHINGTON, 28 APR — RIA Novosti. U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson said that China shares the U.S. goal of denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. “We are not seeking regime change (North Korea — ed.)… We do not seek its collapse. We are not looking for a pretext to accelerate the reunification of (North Korea and South Korea — ed.). We get what and China, he says, — the full denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula,” said Tillerson, in an interview with Fox News channel. The US considers China a key country for the solution of the DPRK nuclear issue In early April, took place the visit of President XI Jinping in the United States, where he spent his talks with President Donald trump. The situation around North Korea escalated on the background of large-scale military exercises the U.S. and

In the United States believe “the isolation of Russia in the UN” one of the merits of trump for the first 100 days

In the United States believe “the isolation of Russia in the UN” one of the merits of trump for the first 100 days WASHINGTON, 28 APR — RIA Novosti. The U.S. administration believes one merit of President Donald trump’s first 100 days in power in foreign policy, “the isolation of Russia in the UN”. “Further isolate Syria and Russia in the UN by successful diplomacy with Chinese President XI Jinping,” — said the press service of the White house about the main merits of trump as President. The report does not specify what is meant by “isolation in the UN,” but informed the White house in the same expressions, commented on the vote in the UN security Council on 12 March, on the draft resolution, which was passed by the UK, France and the United States. The document invited the Secretary-General to help the United Nations to investigate alleged incidents

The Kremlin confirmed the information about the upcoming visit of Angela Merkel in Russia

Photo: RIA Novosti Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov confirmed that Russia will host German Chancellor Angela Merkel on may 2. “I can confirm” — Peskov said, when asked by a journalist to confirm or refute reports that Russia will host Merkel on may 2 in Sochi. In March, Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting with Prime Minister of Bavaria Horst Seehofer said that Russia is waiting for Merkel’s visit on 2 may.

Mizulina has accused the state Duma of hindering the fight against Internet porn

Photo: RIA Novosti Senator Elena Mizulina complained that despite all her efforts to combat pornography, all relevant initiatives to limit the spread of porn on the Internet blocked in the state Duma. Such a statement she made at the safe Internet Forum. According to the Senator, the system of any sites in the register of prohibited information does not function. “Children today are all aiming for. And now they got a lot of and gadgets, and various mobile devices, this new form of communication… Satellite communications! But the fact is that all this is now available to children without understanding how it is technically arranged! And in what space they communicate, in what language? In swearing? And pornography? And the suicides?”, the Senator said, noting that the system of registers of the forbidden sites, “but it’s too little to protect!”. “For years I’ve engaged in the fight against sexual abuse

Russia urged UN security Council members to refrain from “noisy PR actions” when discussing Syria

Pyotr Ilyich © AP Photo/Richard Drew UN, April 27. /Offset. TASS Oleg Zelenin/. A noisy PR-campaign “pathetic appeal” to Russia will not help to improve the humanitarian situation in Syria. This was stated on Thursday by acting permanent representative to the UN, Peter Ilichev at the meeting of the Security Council. During the discussion, which lasted about two hours, the Western countries, including the UK, US and France tried to impose on Russia responsible for the situation in Syria, including those required to ensure the ceasefire and the access of humanitarian workers to besieged areas. The American permanent representative Nikki Haley called for this purpose have on the RF maximum pressure.

The EU expressed concern about the situation with the Macedonian Parliament

The EU expressed concern about the situation with the Macedonian Parliament In Brussels condemned the continued attacks on members of Parliament. Moscow. April 27. INTERFAX.RU — EU High representative for foreign Affairs Federica Mogherini and member of the European Commission for neighbourhood policy and enlargement negotiations of the Union, Johannes Hahn, condemned the continued attacks on members of Parliament in the Macedonian capital Skopje. “Violence in Parliament is totally unacceptable and we call for calm and restraint. The Ministry of internal Affairs and the police must ensure the safety of Parliament and its members,” — said in a joint statement senior representatives of the EU, issued in Brussels on Thursday evening. “Democracy must take its course. We welcome the election of Talat Haveri the speaker of Parliament, reported,” — said Mogherini and Hahn. They expressed the belief that the political dialogue in the institutions is the only way forward, and

The Russian foreign Ministry found discrepancies in the report of France of chemical weapons in Syria

The Russian foreign Ministry found discrepancies in the report of France of chemical weapons in Syria MOSCOW, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti. In Moscow doubt the authenticity of the samples received by the intelligence services of France in the area of Khan shaykhun, said the foreign Ministry. As pointed out by the Russian foreign Ministry, in Paris published the report of the French intelligence services with national estimates of alleged use of chemical weapons in the village of Khan shaykhun province of Idlib, Syrian Arab Republic. This is the third — after Turkish and British — national investigation. “It seems that the above-mentioned countries or do not trust the OPCW, or try to influence its work in the right direction. The primary analysis of a five-page French document raises many questions. First of all, they relate to the circumstances under which the French side received samples, taken allegedly at the

The state Duma has launched a social media accounts

The state Duma has launched a social media accounts The Deputy Yevgeny Revenko said that the maintenance of accounts will meet the Department of modern information technologies and new communications. MOSCOW, April 27. /TASS/. The launch of the official account of the state Duma in all the major social networks confirms the trend on the openness of the Parliament to citizens. This opinion was expressed by TASS Deputy, member of the Duma Committee on information policy, information technologies and communications Yevgeny Revenko. Earlier on April 27, the Day of Russian parliamentarism, started official accounts of the lower house in social networks — Vkontakte, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Telegram. “It is a General trend of openness in the work of Parliament. The state Duma seeks to use modern means of communication, which are social network,” said Revenko. He referred to studies showing that the cumulative audience of all social networks has