Russian air defense have led to a state of high alert

Photo: RIA Novosti Russia led air defenses in the far East in a state of high alert. It is reported RIA Novosti with reference to the Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council Viktor Ozerov. “Russia is very closely following what is happening in North Korea. Russian air defense in the far East are in a state of high alert. We control the airspace in the zone of responsibility of the air forces of the Russian Federation”, — said the Senator. According to him, in Moscow understand that North Korea is considering Russia as a target for missile launches. However, the military is ready for an extraordinary situation, their task — to prevent accidental falling of missiles on the territory of Russia.

The Pentagon confirmed the readiness of the missile defense system in South Korea

The Pentagon confirmed the readiness of the missile defense system in South Korea The missile defense system THAAD is deployed in South Korea, ready to use. This information was confirmed in the command of the military forces of the United States in South Korea (USFK), reports South Korean Agency “renkhap”. On the readiness of the missile defense system, said the representative of the USFK, Colonel Rob manning. “US forces in South Korea confirm that the THAAD system is commissioned and ready to intercept missiles of North Korea and the protection of South Korea,” he said. At the same time, the Agency notes that according to sources in the United States, complete the combat readiness of the missile defense system will be achieved only in a few months. Prior to this, April 26, the first elements of THAAD were deployed on the territory of South Korea. Then the South Korean defense

White house: trump intends to hold a phone conversation with Putin

White house: trump intends to hold a phone conversation with Putin It is expected that the interview will take place at 19:30 Moscow time. WASHINGTON, may 2. /Offset. TASS Boris Makarov/. The US President Donald trump on Tuesday intends to hold a telephone conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin. This is stated in the schedule of the American leader, the press service of the White house. According to her, this is expected to occur at 12:30 local time (19:30 GMT) Other details on this event, the White house does not. The leaders of the two States to date have not conducted personal meetings, but a few times spoke on the phone.

Pushkov commented on the accession of Montenegro to NATO

Photo: RIA Novosti The accession of Montenegro to NATO should the Alliance to strengthen the Euro-Atlantic Europe. Such an opinion in his Twitter expressed member of the Council of Federation Alexei Pushkov. “Military value is zero. For the people — minus 2 percent of GDP”, — said Russian Senator. Earlier, the Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev said that the Montenegrin authorities were guided by considerations when deciding on the country’s accession to NATO. “We can only commiserate the friendly people of Montenegro, who could not resist his remaining in the past and deciding own short-term objectives of the political leadership,” he said. On Friday, April 28, the Montenegrin Parliament voted for the country’s accession to NATO. In the hall there were 46 MPs out of 81, all present supported the bill on the accession to treaties of Alliance. Representatives of the parliamentary opposition at

Ex-Minister Ulyukayev went on my morning run

Photo: video frame At the disposal REN TV was the video, which depicted the former Minister of economic development of Russia Alexei Ulyukayev. While Jogging with Ulyukaev spoke correspondent of REN TV. The ex-Minister responded briefly to some of the questions. He said that he’s all right with health. “Excellent (health)”, – he said. He also commented on the rumors that appeared in the media about his poor health. “Can’t wait”, – he added. After these words the speaker was no more to talk about anything, running forward. Recall that Alexei Ulyukayev, was detained when receiving a bribe in the amount of $ 2 million. Investigators are considering the possibility that the ex-Minister was to receive this amount for the positive assessment, which allowed Rosneft to acquire “Bashneft”. Earlier it was reported that the Moscow city court upheld the extension of house arrest for ex-Minister of economic development of Russia

The willingness to vote for Putin in the elections, said 48% of Russians

The willingness to vote for Putin in the elections, said 48% of Russians For Vladimir Putin in the presidential elections in 2018 would vote 48% of Russians. While 19% of Russians don’t know yet whether to vote. The high turnout President Vladimir Putin would have received 48% of votes if elections were held next Sunday. This is according to the poll by the Levada center, said the material “Kommersant”. Communist party leader Gennady Zyuganov and LDPR head Vladimir Zhirinovsky would receive 3%, despite the fact that the statistical error of poll of 3,4% The defense Minister Sergei Shoigu would have voted 1% of respondents. The leader of the unregistered Party of progress Alexei Navalny would get on election 1% of the vote. Almost half of Russians (42%) have not yet decided for whom to vote and whether at all to participate in elections. So, 19% “don’t know who exactly would

The state Department warned of attacks in Europe

The state Department warned of attacks in Europe Moscow. May 2. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. state Department warns Americans of a possible terrorist threat in Europe during the summer season. “The Department of state warns U.S. citizens about the continuing threat of terrorist attacks throughout Europe. This warning will expire on 1 September 2017,” — said in a message released on Monday. The state Department urged Americans during the summer season to be vigilant in public and touristic places, shopping centers, hotels, clubs, parks, airports, restaurants, churches, as these objects remain “a priority for possible attacks”. “The recent widely known incidents in France, Russia, Sweden, the United Kingdom demonstrated that “Islamic state”, “al-Qaeda” (banned in Russia — if), and related (terrorist groups — if) have the opportunity to plan and carry out terrorist attacks in Europe”, — stated in the message. The foreign Ministry of the US said that “terrorist sympathizer

The Venezuelan President announced the convocation of the Constituent Assembly

The Venezuelan President announced the convocation of the Constituent Assembly Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro decided to convene a National constituent Assembly to resolve the political crisis. In the ongoing since the beginning of April the anti-government protests have killed 29 people. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said that in the framework of its constitutional powers shall convene a National constituent Assembly. About it reports TV channel El Nacional. The constituent Assembly convened to reform the Venezuelan state, the reform of the legal system and the Constitution with the aim of achieving peace in the Republic, said the TV channel. Maduro noted that recourse to article 347 of the Constitution of Venezuela, because he wants the country’s Parliament were representatives of “the working class, not elites.” Soon the head of the Cabinet of Ministers will sign a corresponding decree. From the beginning of April in Venezuela, the continuing unrest caused by the

The state Department responded to the recognition of the “Open Russia” junk organization

Photo: Joshua Roberts / Reuters U.S. “deeply concerned” by the decision of the Russian authorities to make “Open Russia”, “social movement Open Russia” and the Institute of modern Russia in the list of undesirable organizations. It is reported RIA Novosti citing a statement by state Department spokesman Mark Toner. “We are deeply concerned about the government’s decision to make [these structures] in the list of so-called “undesirable” foreign organizations”, — said in comments. Washington rejects the view that “these and other international structures of civil society are a threat to Russia.” Thursday, April 27, it was reported that the Russian Ministry of justice on the basis of the decision of the Prosecutor General has made in the UK was “Open Russia” in the list of undesirable organizations. Also in the list were included the eponymous the social network movement “Institute of contemporary Russia” (USA). The Prosecutor’s office said that the

The Russian military gave residents of Syria per day 6.7 tons of humanitarian aid

Photo: RIA Novosti About 6.7 tons of humanitarian aid transferred over the past days the Russian military residents of the Syrian provinces of Aleppo, Latakia and Deraa. This is stated in the Bulletin of the Russian Center for reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria. “During the day Russian Centre for reconciliation of the warring parties held eight humanitarian actions in the provinces of Aleppo (six), Latakia (one) and Deraa (one)… the Total weight given to the population of humanitarian goods was 6.7 tons”, – stated in the Bulletin. As described in the Center for conciliation, in the city of Aleppo in the al-Sukkari, al-Akramiya, Sulaymaniyah, Hamidi, Haidari and Karm al Dodo residents were transferred to 2,285 thousand servings of hot food and bread. 850 servings of hot food handed over to residents of settlements Skubin in the province of Latakia and El-Kunia in the province of Deraa. Just a