A report on the inevitability of Putin

Photo: Reuters For most of his supporters, Russian President Vladimir Putin is the uncontested candidate for the presidential elections in 2018. This is stated in the study entitled “the Putin majority” on the eve of a big election cycle” Fund of civil society development (Fcsd). “Putin majority” does not have an alternative candidate in the presidential elections of the Russian Federation, if they will not participate Vladimir Putin. None of the current politicians of the Russian Federation in their representation is not comparable with Vladimir Putin and will not be able to replace him even as a second choice,” the study says. According to Fcsd, 39 percent of respondents were unable to indicate how they would vote if Putin will not be among the candidates, 17 percent said that in this case they would not vote and 12% are ready to spoil the ballot Based on the data of research

In the budget of the United States has provided assistance to Ukraine to $560 million

In the budget of the United States has provided assistance to Ukraine to $560 million Moscow. May 5. INTERFAX.RU — the U.S. Senate on Thursday approved the draft budget 2017, which provides assistance to Ukraine in the amount of at least $560 million, reported the Internet-TV channel “Gromadske”. “The U.S. Senate approved by a majority of votes of the draft consolidated state budget in total of $1.1 trillion in 2017 fiscal year, which ends September 30,” — said in a statement on the website “Public TV” on Thursday evening. The bill was supported by 79 senators, 18 voted against. The document provides for the allocation of at least $560 million to support Ukraine. For the final entry into force of the draft budget requires the signature of the President of the United States Donald trump. Earlier, the US Congress was presented a consolidated law on budget allocations for 2017, in

The United States will take control of the Russian ports in Primorye because of the sanctions against the DPRK

The United States will take control of the Russian ports in Primorye because of the sanctions against the DPRK WASHINGTON, may 4 — RIA Novosti. The US administration can take on special control of the Russian ports of Vladivostok, Nakhodka and Vanino in the context of the implementation of sanctions against the DPRK. Such norm contains in the bill adopted on Thursday by the house of representatives of the Congress of the United States. In accordance with the document, the President of the United States shall, within 180 days after entry into force of the law, and then annually for five years to provide to Congress a report on ports and airports, which violate UN security Council resolution against the DPRK. “…Each report must contain specific findings on the following ports and airports: port of Nakhodka, Vanino and Vladivostok in the Russian Federation”, — stated in the text of the

The US has called for an end to the militarization of the South China sea

The US has called for an end to the militarization of the South China sea WASHINGTON, may 4 — RIA Novosti, Dmitry Zlatarev. The United States insists on the cessation of the militarization of the South China sea, said on Thursday Deputy assistant Secretary Patrick Murphy. He said that this topic was discussed in the meeting with U.S. Secretary Rex Tillerson with the heads of diplomatic missions of ASEAN countries. “The Secretary of state quite clearly stated on the necessity of ending the militarization of the South China sea, yet negotiations go on. This is important in order to give the negotiations the opportunity to succeed,” said Murphy. He stressed that “this was a key signal that the Secretary has written to colleagues”.

Russia and Finland to discuss bilateral relations and the situation in the Baltic sea

Photo: RIA Novosti The Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov on Thursday during a working visit to Finland will hold talks with the foreign Minister of the country Timo Soini. The Ministers will discuss bilateral relations, regional agenda, including security issues in the Baltic and international issues. During the visit, Lavrov also plans to meet with President of Finland Sauli Niinistö. Regular dialogue Sergei Lavrov and Timo Soini maintain regular contact: in 2015 they have already held several meetings, including on the sidelines of 70th anniversary session of the UN General Assembly in new York and the session of the OSCE Ministerial Council in Belgrade. The previous visit of the foreign Minister of the Russian Federation in Finland took place in 2015, his Finnish colleague called for a return visit to Moscow in June 2016. The current Lavrov’s visit to Finland will host nearly a month

The US coast guard concerned about Russia’s military presence in the Arctic

Photo: RIA Novosti The U.S. coast guard are concerned about the increasing military presence of Russia in the Arctic region, said to RIA Novosti, the commander of the service Floor Zukunft. “Now we observe that there takes place a certain scheme. It causes concern because we don’t know what’s the goal,” said Zukunft. In October, US special representative for the Arctic Admiral Robert Papp stated that Russia’s actions in the Arctic are of a defensive nature. In recent years Russia has begun active economic development of its Northern territories, including hydrocarbon production and development of the Northern sea route, which is increasingly becoming an alternative to traditional routes from Europe to Asia. To protect Russian interests in the Arctic sent a package of measures, including military nature, given the increased attention to the region from the countries-members of NATO.

Sands: the question of the supply of Turkish tomatoes primary interests of Russians

Vladimir Putin on the issue of lifting restrictions on supplies to Russia of Turkish tomatoes is guided by the interests of Russian producers. This statement was made by press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov. His words TASS reports. “When it comes to tomatoes (temporarily prohibited to import from Turkey to Russia – approx. Rambler) and visas (if travel of Turkish citizens to Russia – approx. Rambler), here at the forefront for Putin – the interests of our producers and the interests of our citizens in terms of security,” – said Peskov. Such a position Peskov called “completely normal” as “the main argument in establishing good relations is mutual benefit”. A Kremlin spokesman added that the logic of relations of Moscow and Ankara is pushing countries to expand cooperation. On may 3, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia and Turkey have reached an agreement on the lifting

IAEA Director General believes the real threat from North Korea

IAEA Director General believes the real threat from North Korea BERLIN, may 4. /Offset. TASS Anton Dolgunov/. The threat from North Korea in the context of its nuclear program, and the international community concerned about this. This was stated by Director General of the International atomic energy Agency (IAEA) Yukiya Amano in an interview with German newspaper Suddeutsche Zeitung. “They (threats — approx. TASS) real. All the evidence says that North Korea is taking steps forward (in the atomic sphere approx. TASS), and it concerns us. This raises security issues that are relevant not only for this region,” he said. “We have reason to believe that nuclear program develops exactly as they say in North Korea,” — said General Director of IAEA. The situation on the Korean Peninsula flared up again at the beginning of last year, when Pyongyang carried out a nuclear test and later launched a ballistic missile

The house of representatives of the U.S. Congress approved a bill to repeal Obamacare

The house of representatives of the U.S. Congress approved a bill to repeal Obamacare Moscow. May 4. INTERFAX.RU — the House of representatives of the U.S. Congress on Thursday approved a bill to repeal the healthcare program Obamacare and replace it with another program. According to CNN, voted 217 congressmen, only one vote more than the minimum number required for passage of the bill. It is expected that a vote in the Senate on this issue will be held in June, marks the channel. Reform Obamacare (officially called the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the law on patient protection and affordable health care) was implemented in 2010. Medical insurance in the country is mandatory, however, budget expenditures grew substantially. Obamacare repeal was one of the most important points of the electoral program, trump as the Republicans from the outset sharply criticized the reform as too expensive and ineffective. Trump

Putin: renovation of five-story building should work for the benefit, not the detriment

Putin: renovation of five-story building should work for the benefit, not the detriment MOSCOW, may 4 — RIA Novosti. The program of renovation of buildings in Moscow should be translated for the benefit of people, rather than harm, said the President of Russia Vladimir Putin during a joint meeting of the State Council and the presidential Commission on monitoring of achievement of target indicators socially-economic development of the Russian Federation. Putin stressed that everything should be done in the framework of current legislation. “You can not violate the fundamental rights of citizens, including in the area of their property rights. But, of course, the idea is good and promising, and this will need to think,” — said Putin. HelpWhat you need to know about the demolition of pjatietazhkami to important questions: how will resettle the residents and what to do about itread More