Hillary Clinton admitted the possibility to challenge the results of the presidential elections in the United States

Hillary Clinton admitted the possibility to challenge the results of the presidential elections in the United States The ex-Secretary of state said that the United States is not “the appropriate mechanism”. NEW YORK, September 19. /TASS/. Former U.S. Secretary of state Hillary Clinton did not exclude the possibility to challenge the results of last year’s General elections. She stated this Monday on National public radio. “I don’t know if there is a legitimate constitutional way to do so,” said Democrat Clinton lost the election to Republican Donald Trump, responding to a question. Leading Terry Cross repeatedly asked this question, having reformulated it to take account of a hypothetical situation, namely that attributed to Moscow’s involvement in the election campaign in the US will be deeper than thought. No, I wouldn’t rule out [the possibility to challenge results of voting].Hillary Clintonis-U.S. Secretary of state She later referred to the opinion of

The state Department announced the appointment of Lavrov and Tillerson

The state Department announced the appointment of Lavrov and Tillerson WASHINGTON, Sep 19 — RIA Novosti. U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson and Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will hold a Tuesday meeting in new York on the sidelines of the 72nd UN General Assembly, officials said. The meeting is scheduled for 17: 00 (00.00 GMT Wednesday) at the Palace hotel. The previous meeting of foreign Ministers of Russia and the USA took place in new York on Sunday. The parties discussed cooperation in Syria and the implementation of the Minsk agreements on the settlement of the situation in Ukraine, told reporters following the meeting, the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. As the program of the state Department, the upcoming meeting with Lavrov will be the only bilateral to Tillerson on Tuesday, as the rest of the time the Secretary of state will accompany the President of

In the Federation Council noted the improvement of relations with Moldova

Photo: RIA Novosti There is a tendency to improve relations between Russia and Moldova, Russia is not dramatizing the unpleasant situation that occurred recently, and consistently expresses its interest in the development and expansion of economic, cultural and humanitarian ties, said Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko at the meeting with the President of the Republic Igor Dodon. “There is a trend towards improving relations, and this is your great merit as President that strictly fulfils its promises to the people of Moldova: to expand, to establish mutually beneficial cooperation with Russia. You these promises fulfilled. While we understand that the situation is difficult and is developing very difficult. It was a lot of unpleasant events during this time: the ban on entry to Moldova politicians, deputies, at the end, well, absolutely beyond all common sense and international law and international practice, when the co-chair of the intergovernmental Commission,

The Russian foreign Ministry denied publication in the Irish media about

Photo: RIA Novosti Russia is pursuing a consistent policy of suppression of illegal activity on the Internet and has repeatedly said it is ready for broad international cooperation in the fight against cybercrime, said the Russian foreign Ministry, commenting on the publication in the Irish media. In the Irish Times newspaper published an article, where attacks on computer networks of the German Bundestag in the years 2015-2016 is linked to the “Russian hackers”. The author also claims that the Russian-speaking Diaspora in Germany is processed in social networks, to influence the parliamentary elections scheduled for September 24. The Russian Federation has repeatedly refuted the groundless accusations concerning her “interference in elections in different countries”, — stated in the message of the foreign Ministry. “We have repeatedly stated about its readiness for broad international cooperation in the fight against cybercrime as bilateral relations and in the framework of relevant international organizations”,

The first US military base in Israel, opened

The first US military base in Israel, opened In southern Israel on Monday opened the first permanent U.S. base. As the press service of the Israeli army, it will serve American soldiers and officers. “For the first time in the history of the state of Israel, the Israel defense forces, we have created a permanent US military base, over which flies the American flag,” — said at the opening ceremony, the commander of the defense forces of Israel Zvi Haimovich. It is reported that the American base is integrated into the location of one of the Israeli air defense units. U.S. representative major General John Gronski said that the military of the two countries now “will be side by side to live and to serve”. Earlier it was reported that the militants organization “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia) attacked a us base near the village of al-Karaj in

The defense Ministry explained the flight Il-76 across the border of Lithuania “thunderhead”

The defense Ministry explained the flight Il-76 across the border of Lithuania “thunderhead” Fly across the air border of Lithuania Russian Il-76 has deviated from the route due to weather conditions, said the Ministry of defence. Earlier Vilnius in connection with the incident handed Moscow a corresponding note. Statement of the Vilnius about the willful violation by the Russian military transport aircraft Il-76 of air space of Lithuania in the framework of the exercises “West-2017” are “politicized”, said the Ministry of defense of Russia, reports “Interfax”. Planes, as explained in the defense Ministry, has deviated from the route because of the “storm front”, which “directly threatened the security of the” Il-76 “to their crews.” The authorities of Russia, the Ministry added, made a “verbal request zonal center airspace control in the city of Vilnius” in order to make the deviation from the route. After obtaining permission from the Lithuanian side,

Russia is ready to participate in the work on optimization of expenses of the UN

Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Gennady Gatilov © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS UN, September 18. /TASS/. Russia considers it necessary to work on optimization of expenses of the UN and is ready to participate in it. This was stated on Monday, Deputy foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov on the sidelines of the 72nd session of the General Assembly of the organization.

In the state Duma responded to words Poroshenko about nuclear weapons

Photo: Reuters Deputy Chairman of the Russian state Duma Committee on nationalities Ruslan Balbec believes that “tapping a foot in the door of the nuclear club”, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko may provoke retaliatory tough steps. “The statement of the Ukrainian President on nuclear munition is an ultimatum to the Western countries. One nuclear warhead is not a panacea for all the ills of Ukraine. The Ukrainian President apparently thinks that by having the nuclear club, it will begin to swing with impunity and no one is going to knock the weapon out of your hands? This is the biggest misconception,” said he, reports RT. Earlier, Poroshenko said that the world has seen that signature under the Budapest Memorandum gives less security than a nuclear weapon. The President said at the 14th annual meeting of Yalta European strategy in Kiev. “If someone thinks that when finally the war is over

Crazy. Klimkin about the Russian peacekeepers in the Donbass

The Russian side should not have any relation to peacekeeping mission in the Donbass. From such a perspective “tear the roof”, said the Minister of foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin, reports “Interfax-Ukraine”. “We believe that in any case, since Russia as country-aggressor, if it is still present in the peacekeeping mission, then it’s just “crazy”. Seriously, how is Russia, which actually occupied the territory of Donbass and it is just a mixture of classical and hybrid occupation may be in this mission?” — said Klimkin, adding that taking part in it needs only those who trust Kiev and “can trust the international community.” To talk at length about the mission he refused, considering it premature. “The mission will discuss later, there are certain thoughts, but if I’m going to announce, it would not be very ethical towards our partners,” — said the head of the foreign Ministry of Ukraine.

The Russian delegation at the session of the UN Commission on Syria deliberately enters the world in confusion

Funnel from the air strike in Khan Sheyhun © REUTERS/Ammar Abdullah GENEVA, September 18. /TASS/. An independent Commission to investigate human rights violations in Syria is not an independent entity and deliberately enters the world community astray, and its next report is an outright fake. This was stated on Monday at a session of the UN Council on human rights (HRC), the representative of the Russian delegation Alexey Goltyaev. In a report published on 6 September, the Commission accused Damascus in the use of chemical weapons, including in Khan Sheyhun 4 April 2017, and the Russian VKS – in the bombing of medical facilities in Syria.