Poroshenko urged the UN to deploy the mission of peacekeepers in the Donbass

Poroshenko urged the UN to deploy the mission of peacekeepers in the Donbass UN, September 20 — RIA Novosti. Ukraine calls on the UN to rapidly deploy a force of peacekeepers in the Donbass, the Ukrainian President said Petro Poroshenko. “I want to reiterate its request to the Council to deploy peacekeepers in Donbas, the sooner the better,” he said, speaking at the Ministerial meeting on UN peacekeeping. According to Poroshenko, Ukraine is ready to constructively participate in the process of exchange of views on this issue. “The way to effective peacemaking, and to resolve the situation is through the unconditional withdrawal of all foreign military personnel, mercenaries, weapons and funds from Ukraine”, — he said.

The defense Ministry has developed a procedure for conscription in time of war

The defense Ministry has developed a procedure for conscription in time of war The defense Ministry proposed to amend the legislation concerning conscription in time of war. According to the document, the call is carried out throughout wartime on the basis of the decree of the President. The head of state defines “peculiarities of military duty in time of war.” In the state Duma and the Federation Council argue that the initiative does not mean that Russia’s preparations for war. The defense Ministry prepared amendments on conscription in time of war offer a number of amendments to the Federal laws “On defense” and “On military duty and military service”. According to the draft, in wartime, the President issues decrees on conscription of citizens, and the call goes throughout the entire period of martial law. The number of recruits is set by the General staff of the armed forces. “Peculiarities of

Zakharov believes that actor Morgan Freeman framed

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Vyacheslav Prokofyev/TASS MOSCOW, September 20. /TASS/. The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova believes that the famous actor Morgan Freeman, who called the video of Americans to protect themselves from Russia, was framed, and the true initiators of this story will be known soon. This opinion was expressed Wednesday on his page in Facebook. “Morgan Freeman was set up just as in the time framed Colin Powell [U.S. Secretary of state in 2001-2005]. I think this is another story about how a momentary end justifies any means, she said. – But who is behind this story, we learn much faster than they learned about the real contents of the infamous test tube [5 February 2003 at a meeting of the UN security Council by Powell as evidence of the presence in Iraq of weapons of mass destruction showed

The Governor sacked the government of Sverdlovsk region

Photo: RIA Novosti The government of the Sverdlovsk region officially resigned. The resolution of the Governor Yevgeny Kuyvasheva was published in today’s issue of “Regional newspaper”. According to the decree of the head regions, the government will continue to work until the formation of a new Cabinet. The day before, as the press service of the legislative Assembly, it was agreed the appointment of two first deputies of the Governor — they were Alexei Orlov and Vladimir Tungus. So it became known the name of the Minister of Finance is Galina Kulachenko, and Minister of social policy — a post held by Andrey Zlokazov. On the eve of Eugene Kuibyshev has officially entered a post of the Governor. The inauguration ceremony was held in the Ekaterinburg Variety Theatre. Kuyvashev recall, won on September 10 with the election. He scored more than 62 percent of the vote with a turnout of

Putin saw a “necessary opportunity” to raise the minimum wage

Putin saw a “necessary opportunity” to raise the minimum wage The Russian government will raise the minimum wage, promised Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting with the head of public organization “OPORA Russia” Alexander Kalinin. For this, in the opinion of the head of state, “have the necessary resources”. “We definitely still have to do it, — reports TASS the words of the President. It is our task, our obligations to the citizens. But just from a purely moral reasons we humans can’t get paid less than a living wage. It’s just impossible.” According to the head of state, before “it was not possible to solve this problem,” but now, “despite all the difficulties, still the economy is growing”.

The Deputy of the state Duma invited Freeman to Russia

The Deputy of the state Duma invited Freeman to Russia MOSCOW, September 20 — RIA Novosti. A member of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Sergei Zheleznyak (United Russia) was invited to Russia by the American actor Morgan Freeman that he is personally convinced of the absurdity of his words. As previously reported by the media, Freeman appeared in a political video in which he called on U.S. President Donald trump to talk about the alleged Russian interference in presidential elections in 2016. “I would like to hope that the statement of Hollywood actor Morgan Freeman about Russia — its an honest mistake, not a regular paid film role. If this is confusing, but not registered was a farce, Morgan Freeman makes sense to come to Russia and personally to see the absurdity of what he has said about us. I’m sure his journey will change the view of Freeman

The head of Catalonia accused the Spanish authorities of aggression against the autonomy

The head of Catalonia accused the Spanish authorities of aggression against the autonomy The head of Catalonia Carles Pujdeme accused the Central government of Spain in the aggression against the Autonomous community. It is reported by La Vanguardia. “The Spanish government de facto suspended the autonomy of Catalonia”, — said the politician. He also expressed full support to the government and other officials, detained by the Spanish police. It clarifies the issue, now near the building of Generalitat (government) in Barcelona were about four thousand people protesting against the actions of law enforcement. People continue to arrive. Earlier on September 20, police arrested 14 high-ranking officials associated with the preparation of the referendum on the region’s independence from Madrid. In addition, security forces raided the offices of the regional authorities — the tax and financial services, as well as in the premises of the telecommunications company.

Putin said he was pleased with the result of the gubernatorial election

© Alexei Druzhinin/TASS MOSCOW, September 20. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin is satisfied with the results of gubernatorial elections in the polling day on 10 September, during which he won supported the candidates. “I have to say that I was the result of the [gubernatorial elections] pleased, but it’s on you imposes a special responsibility,” he said at a meeting with newly elected regional heads. The head of state added that the vast majority of the winning candidates received more than 60% of the vote. “This is a great level of trust and a lot of expectations from people who came to the polls and voted for you,” said the President. According to him, for development of the regions has already done a lot. “But much more remains to be done: started the reconstruction of the bridge in Yaroslavl, built shelters for victims of wildfires in Buryatia, there is positive

Tillerson refused to “bury” the agreement with Russia on Syria

Photo: Yuri Gripas/Reuters U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson refused to be “dead” channel of communication between the Pentagon and the Ministry of defence, established to prevent conflict in Syria, after the US-backed militants from the SDS suffered from air strike near Deir ez-Zor. The Secretary of state before the Ministerial meeting on Syria on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly disagreed with the statement that “Treaty on the prevention of conflicts is dead after hitting over the weekend,” reports the Telegraph. On Sunday, “Kommersant” reported that on Saturday evening the chief of the General staff of Russia held a hour telephone conversation with the head of the joint chiefs of staff of the armed forces of the United States Joseph Dunford, discussed the situation in Syria and the incident near Deir ez-Zor. Note, the Russian defense Ministry denied the attack on SDS, emphasizing that the American partners are

State Department: U.S. not competing with Russia in the fight against ISIS in Syria

Photo: © REUTERS/Joshua Roberts U.S. not competing with Russia in the fight in Syria with the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia), and interact with it. This was stated on Monday by the acting assistant Secretary of state David Satterfield on the briefing following the Ministerial meeting on Syria held on the sidelines of the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly in new York Palace hotel. “We have been cooperating with Russia in order to defeat ISIS. It’s not a competition and it’s not a competition,” said Satterfield. In his words, “the creation of zones of deconfliction is part of joint efforts with Russia to defeat ISIS”. Acting assistant Secretary of state stressed that the talks in Geneva on Syria — the “where to begin the political process”. “We urge the opposition forces in Syria to form a common position on Syria in Geneva, which would be