The Kremlin reminded about the value of sovereignty after threats trump to the DPRK

Photo: RIA Novosti The President of Russia Vladimir Putin talks about the need to respect the sovereignty of other States, reminded the press-Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. His words leads RIA Novosti on Wednesday, September 20. The representative of the Kremlin commented on the words of US President Donald trump, who expressed readiness to “completely destroy” North Korea. “Value and there is no alternative in the modern world sovereignty for each state Vladimir Putin draws constantly and consistently,” — said Peskov. The press Secretary also added that not many countries in the modern world which can afford to be truly sovereign. “Russia is among such countries”, — he said. A day earlier, the us President, speaking from the rostrum of the UN General Assembly, said that Washington will have no choice but to destroy the DPRK, if it threatened the United States. September 17, the U.S. permanent

Poroshenko told about the support of the trump ideas for peacekeepers in the Donbass

Poroshenko told about the support of the trump ideas for peacekeepers in the Donbass Moscow. September 21. INTERFAX.RU President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said that the US fully supported the proposal of Kiev on the introduction of peacekeeping mission in the uncontrolled part of Donbass. “The important position that the United States fully supported Ukraine’s proposals, my proposals, which was announced in 2015, regarding the placement in the East of Ukraine, in occupied territory, peacekeepers with the mandate of the UN Security Council,” — said Poroshenko reporters after meeting with U.S. President Donald trump on Thursday in new York. On the eve of President of Ukraine called on the UN Security Council to deploy peacekeepers in the Donbass in a short time. “I want to reiterate its request to the Council to deploy peacekeepers in the Donbas — the sooner the better,” — said Poroshenko. He recalled that in the

Poklonskaya Bondarev became the Senator from the Kirov region

Photo: TASS The Governor of the Kirov region, Igor Vasiliev signed a decree on the delegation of VKS commander-in-chief Viktor Bondarev powers of the Senator from region to region. About it reports a press-service of the regional government. “To endow with 19.09.2017 Bondarev Viktor Nikolaevich, the powers of the member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation — representative from the Executive body of state power of the Kirov region for the period of execution of my office of Governor of the Kirov region”, — stated in the decree of the head region. Bondarev holds the post of commander of the VKS in 2015. In late July, it was reported that Bondarev has submitted documents to the Federation Council.

The campaign has set a record for the number of candidates

Photo: RIA Novosti The current campaign has set a record for the number of registered candidates, noted in his report to the head of the Central election Commission, Ella Pamfilova. Of the 96 thousand candidates across the country were registered more than 88 thousand, which accounted for almost 92% of the total. Of the 105 candidates on Governor’s posts were 75 registered participants, 28 either did not reach the election commissions with documents, or knowingly provided an insufficient number of signatures in their support, or they themselves refused from the further struggle. Only two were denied for failure to comply the requirements of the municipal filter. “It can be concluded that the election Commission refused registration only in the most extreme cases,” — said Pamfilova. However, the claim to the municipal filter left. In its present form, this procedure led to the fact that “the ballots were not included a

In the state Duma commented on the new lawsuit

Photo: RIA Novosti The claim of “Naftogaz of Ukraine” should not be seen as something that is in dispute, belongs to Crimea and its residents, however, the court of the Hague may take a positive decision due to the fact exactly who filed the suit, said the head of the Duma Committee on CIS Affairs Leonid Kalashnikov. Previously, the company “Naftogaz of Ukraine” has declared that has submitted to the Hague court the claim to Russia with a demand to pay $ 5 billion damages in connection with the loss of assets in Crimea. According to Kalashnikov everything that is “in the country, which suddenly became a country, and then asked to be admitted to another country, belongs to her and the people who live there”. “And in this regard, the claims should not be considered” — he said RIA Novosti. The MP noted that “domestic law should be paramount

Lavrov: Russia suspects the US of violating the INF

Photo: RIA Novosti The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov at the UN said that Moscow has reason to suspect Washington of violating no less than three paragraphs of the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate-range and shorter-range. It is reported by RIA Novosti. “We honestly have these concerns presented,” — said Lavrov after the meeting with the head of the US state Department Rex Tillerson. Lavrov noted that Russia is interested in preserving the INF Treaty without any violations. The Minister said that the US claims Russia delivered consistently, but Washington can’t exactly justify his excitement. The Minister commented on the amendment in the defense budget, the Senate of the United States, which will allow Washington to withdraw from the INF Treaty. Lavrov said that such a step provides for any arrangement. Recall Lavrov and Tillerson met in new York on September 18.

For a fictional successor to Putin agreed to vote every fifth Russian

Photo: RIA Novosti Every fifth Russian (18%) expressed readiness to vote on presidential elections for the fictional sociologists candidate Andrei Semenov, who allegedly supported the incumbent head of state Vladimir Putin. This is with reference to the experimental results of “Levada-the centre” the newspaper “Vedomosti” on Wednesday, September 20. 15 percent of respondents were prepared to support this candidate, even despite the fact that you know nothing about it, writes the edition. While 11 percent of respondents assured that they had heard about the support Semenova Putin. The reluctance to vote for an unknown Challenger said two-thirds of citizens. The sociologist “Levada-center” Karina Pipia noted that similar experiments will be conducted in the future. During the actual survey in August revealed that for Putin is ready to vote, 48 per cent of citizens. When it come to the election gathered almost 60 percent of Russians. The approval rating of Putin

The ECHR refused to reconsider the decision in the case of the terrorist act in Beslan

Photo: Dirk Waem / ZUMA Press / The European court of human rights (ECHR) refused to reconsider the decision on the terrorist attack in Beslan, Russia should pay the plaintiffs compensation in the amount of about three million euros. On Tuesday, September 19, reports RIA Novosti referring to the court’s decision. Five ECHR judges refused to send the decision in the case of “tagayeva and others V. Russia” to the Grand chamber, where he waited for a revision. The decision to pay the Committee “Mothers of Beslan” 2 million 955 thousand euros as non-pecuniary damage and EUR 88 thousand representatives of the applicants in compensation costs, which was adopted in April, remained in force. In July 2015, the ECHR found violations of the right to life and to an effective remedy at the suit of the “Mothers of Beslan” to Russia. At the same time, 51 of the complaint

The foreign Ministry of China expressed the support of the government of Myanmar to the situation of Rohingya

The foreign Ministry of China expressed the support of the government of Myanmar to the situation of Rohingya BEIJING, 21 Sep — RIA Novosti, Anna was Raccogli. China opposes taking place in Myanmar, violence and believes that the international community can play a constructive role in its completion, said Thursday the official representative of the Chinese foreign Ministry, Lu Kan, commenting on the US call for the UN security Council to intervene in the settlement of the conflict. “China opposes the brutal attacks in Rakhine state in Myanmar and supports the actions of the national government to ensure national security and stability, the conflict ended as soon as possible… I want to emphasize that the international community can play a constructive role in ending this conflict”, — said the diplomat. The situation in Myanmar’s Western Rakhine state, which is densely populated by Muslim ethnic Rohingya has dramatically escalated on August

The Russian foreign Ministry does not see sense in the UN mission on the Russian-Ukrainian border

The Russian foreign Ministry does not see sense in the UN mission on the Russian-Ukrainian border Moscow sees no sense in the deployment of the UN mission on the Russian-Ukrainian border. This was stated by Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Gennady Gatilov, reports on Thursday, September 21, TASS reported. “They (Ukrainian representatives) want the deployment of UN personnel throughout the territory of Ukraine, including the Russian-Ukrainian border. Russia is not a party in this conflict, so there is no point in deploying peacekeepers on the border,” — he stressed. Gatilov expressed the view that “Ukrainians are put on the head — the first thing they want to close the border between Russia and Ukraine, and then to solve or not to solve the problems associated with other aspects of settlement”. The diplomat also pointed to the fact that this approach contradicts the Minsk agreements and said that “there