Putin will instruct the Cabinet to consider the postponement of the introduction of online ticket office

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin will instruct the government to study the question of possible postponement of the compulsory introduction of cash registers (CCP) new format — online box office, reporting to tax authorities. The head of state said during his working meeting with the head of “OPORA Russia” Alexander Kalinin, RIA Novosti reported. The head of the NGO proposed to change the timing of the introduction of the new TCC as “the rate laid down in the law, cannot perform any business, or manufacturers”. “Come on, we both agree — while retailers must pass, as agreed, by the middle of next year. Don’t know whether to move from July 1 to somewhere far away? Work with the government, I instruct the government will formulate”, — said Putin. The head of state added that for other types of activities, the timing of the introduction of new equipment can

The deputies proposed to strengthen the responsibility for the vandalism

Photo: RIA Novosti In the state Duma has drafted the amendments to the article of the Criminal code on vandalism. About it the Deputy Ivan Sukharev told RT, calling the current liability is too soft. “Today the penalty provided for under this article does not have the necessary stopping effect,” said Sukharev. The document suggests increasing the size of the penalty to 80 thousand roubles, and also will increase the term of punishment for vandalism can receive up to 720 hours of compulsory work, up to two years of correctional or up to six months in prison. If the vandals operated group, you can get up to six years of imprisonment.

Zakharov commented on the video with Morgan Freeman about Russia

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said video featuring American actor Morgan Freeman, in which he called U.S. President Donald trump to talk about the “Russian interference in presidential elections.” “Morgan Freeman was set up just as in the time framed Colin Powell. I think this is another story about how a momentary end justifies any means. But who is behind this story, we learn much faster than they learned about the real contents of the infamous test tube,” wrote Zakharova in Facebook. She recalled that during the administration of former President Barack Obama’s secret decision of the court was conducted wiretapping of the head of the electoral headquarters of the trump Paul Manafort. “See, and here Russia? That’s right — legitimization campaign of lawlessness. No external factor all the banal has become was a new Watergate, and with the presence of “foreign interference,” the story develops

Kim Jong-UN considered it trump the UN Declaration of war

Kim Jong-UN considered it trump the UN Declaration of war DPRK leader Kim Jong-UN considered the speech of the President of the United States Donald trump from the podium of the UN General Assembly about the possibility of complete destruction of North Korea Pyongyang Declaration of war. The corresponding statement was circulated by the state news Agency KCNA. On September 21 Minister of foreign Affairs of North Korea Lee Yong-Ho, who arrived in new York to attend the UN General Assembly, called the speech the American President Donald trump’s “the dog barking”. 19 Sep trump from the podium of the UN General Assembly has promised to “completely destroy” North Korea. According to trump, the United States will have no choice, if Pyongyang does not come on. “[Kim Jong UN] behaves and his regime to suicide,” said trump. He urged member States of the United Nations to work together to isolate

Lavrov hopes for constructive dialogue on the placement of the UN mission in the Donbass

The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS UN, September 21. /TASS/. Russia is counting on constructive dialogue on the proposal for the placement of the security of the UN mission in the Donbass, which aims to contribute to the resolution of the crisis. This was stated on Thursday Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov, speaking at the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly. “We hope that the Russian proposal will help resolve the internal Ukrainian crisis, – he said. – We hope for a constructive, no games with zero result of the interaction of these issues with partners in Europe and in the United States.” “Despite efforts in the Normandy format and the contact group of the Kiev authorities are devising new tricks to roll up the implementation of its obligations under the Minsk package of measures,” – said the Minister.

In Novosibirsk, the deputies proposed to prohibit dogs barking

Photo: RIA Novosti Officials in the Novosibirsk region has decided to impose a liability for noise generated by Pets. The relevant amendments to the regional law on silence is published on the website of the regional legislative Assembly. A time when dogs and cats not to bark and howl in the document is strictly regulated: it’s the night hours (from 22:00 to 07:00 PM and until 09:00 at weekends) and afternoon (from 13:00 to 14:00). “The possibility of introducing this norm is derived from requirements for owners of pet dogs and cats to keep the peace, not to break the silence and rest of citizens, to ensure their safety in dogs and cats”, — stated in the explanatory Memorandum. Thus, the parliamentarians decided to equate the noise from the animals repair work. Violators are supposed to be fined three thousand rubles, to officials faces a sentence of five thousand, and

The Russian foreign Ministry expressed protest in connection with acts of vandalism in Poland

Photo: RIA Novosti The Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation expressed “resolute protest” in connection with acts of vandalism against memorials to Soviet soldiers in Poland. This was reported on Smolensk square. The foreign Ministry noted that the demolition of the Soviet and Russian monuments in Poland comes “the explicit connivance of the official Warsaw”, acts of vandalism are carried out “with total impunity of those who commit them, are expanding, acquiring endemic”. So, it was recently destroyed the mausoleum on the site of a mass grave in the business Advisor broken in and stolen a metal plate with names of those buried in Sosnowiec, desecrated places of memory in Olsztyn and Warsaw. “We demand from the Polish authorities eliminate the consequences of sacrilegious vandalism, the cast of the monuments in order to establish and punish those responsible. This oblige existing memorial in the Russian-Polish agreement, the rules

Trump announced new sanctions against North Korea

Trump announced new sanctions against North Korea The US President Donald trump has extended economic sanctions against North Korea. A new wave of restrictions applies to business partners of the DPRK, which will now be forbidden to do business with Korean companies. The President of the United States Donald trump announced new economic sanctions against North Korea and countries that conduct business with the DPRK, he said this during a meeting with South Korean President moon Jae-in, the Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe in new York, according to Bloomberg. “Tolerance to this shameful practice must end now,” said trump, speaking about the nuclear policy of the DPRK. Nuclear weapons of North Korea and its missile program is a serious threat to peace and security.Donald Trepresent USA He also praised the Chinese leader XI Jinping, according to the order which China’s Central Bank banned Chinese credit institutions to do business

Want Catalonia to secede from Spain?

Want Catalonia to secede from Spain? October 1, the Catalan government intends to hold a referendum on secession of the region from Spain, which hoped for independence. However, how much the Catalans aspire to independent status? 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий Spanish authorities have called the vote illegal, the Federal courts have issued orders banning the referendum. On the eve of the Spanish police arrested a number of senior Catalan officials and conducted searches in a number of regional offices. In response, thousands of Catalans took to the streets to participate in protests. What was the way of Catalonia for independence? Catalan nationalism was heavily repressed by the authorities of Spain during the dictatorship of Francisco Franco, however, these trends have increased dramatically after his death in 1975. In 2006, the Spanish authorities and Catalonia signed a Treaty which provided the region with significant administrative and financial independence, but in 2010 Spain’s constitutional court

Lavrov: NATO aims to recreate the climate of the cold war

Lavrov: NATO aims to recreate the climate of the cold war The Russian foreign Minister believes that the Alliance “refuses to implement the enshrined in the 90-ies of the principle of equal and indivisible security on the OSCE space”. UN, September 21. /TASS/. The Alliance aims to recreate the climate of the cold war, refusing to follow the principle of equal and indivisible security on the OSCE space. This was stated on Thursday Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov, speaking at the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly. “Over the past quarter century, our country, despite the challenges, honestly has done its part of the way to eliminate the cold war legacy, — said the Minister. — Did a lot to enhance confidence and mutual understanding in the Euro-Atlantic area and the world at large”. “It is, however, not met with reciprocity from our Western partners,” Lavrov