The decision of the Committee of Ministers on the matter of “Kirovles” will be of a recommendatory nature

The decision of the Committee of Ministers on the matter of “Kirovles” will be of a recommendatory nature MOSCOW, 21 sen — news. Vice-speaker of the Federation Council Ilyas Umakhanov in an interview with RIA Novosti said that whatever the decision of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe (CMCE) in the case of “Kirovles”, it still will not be mandatory and have no legal force. “This decision can have only recommendatory character, and one or the other sovereign state has the right to accept or not to accept”, — said Ilyas Umakhanov. He also said that even the decisions of the European court of human rights if they conflict with the Constitution, cannot be enforced in Russia. “Actually, no one would have brought the matter to attention, but around this case once again came up with political environment, political hype, which, of course, is associated with the

Facebook will tell Congress on the procurement of advertising from Russia

Facebook will tell Congress on the procurement of advertising from Russia Suspicion fell three thousand ads, paid for with Russian accounts. Moscow. September 22. INTERFAX.RU Company Facebook will share with the us Congress information on advertising in the social network, which was paid for with Russian accounts, reported CNN. The information they provide to the intelligence committees of both houses of Parliament. On Thursday, CEO mark Zuckerberg held a Facebook Live event, where he spoke about the plan for solving the problem of foreign interference in elections. The plan consists of nine points. Facebook has already passed the information about the ads and the accounts of Robert Mueller, who is investigating the case to intervene in the presidential elections of 2016. Congress does not yet have these data. The source channel said Facebook will share information about three thousands of ads. Zuckerberg announced that over the solution to the problem

Slutsky said the Lavrov speech at UN proper response to Western speakers

The Chairman of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Leonid Slutsky © Anna Isakova/photo Department of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, September 21. /TASS/. The Chairman of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Leonid Slutsky called the speech of the foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov at the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly proper response to Western speakers, including the President of the United States Donald Trump.

Gatilov: zones of de-escalation in Syria in any way will not be a prelude to the dismemberment of the country

Russian Deputy foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS UN, September 22. /TASS/. The creation of zones of de-escalation in Syria is not a prelude to further dismemberment of the country or divide it into zones of influence. This was stated on Thursday, Deputy foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov during the high-level meeting on Syria on the sidelines of the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly.

The head of the Russian foreign Ministry presented the UN Secretary General on the security of the mission in the Donbass

MOSCOW, September 22. /TASS/. The Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov presented the UN Secretary-General antónio Guterres, the essence of the Russian initiative on placing in the Donbass mission of the world organization for the protection of OSCE observers. This was reported in the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation will be held on Thursday on the sidelines of the session of the UN General Assembly meeting.

Lavrov commented on the preservation of

Photo: RIA Novosti The force may be applied by peacekeepers just for the sake of self-defense, while “force mandates” that provide, in some cases, must depend on the specific situation, said Wednesday the Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. “We note with caution to strengthen the mandates of peacekeeping missions. Force may be applied blue helmets only for self-defense and defense of the mandate. Existing experience enable peacekeepers additional force powers, for example, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo or Mali, have not yet convinced us that increased sacrifices to be made, the peacekeepers forced operations achieved justified on the ground results,” Lavrov said at a UN security Council meeting on peacekeeping. “Power mandates if they retain that option should be thoroughly calibrated for a specific situation”, — said the Minister.

Poroshenko and Pens boycotted the speech by Lavrov at the UN

The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko and Vice-President Mike Pence came out of the hall of the Ministerial meeting of the security Council of the United Nations (UN) before the speech, the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov. It is reported by REN TV. Lavrov in his speech emphasized on the Russian initiative on placing in the East of Ukraine peacekeepers. The Minister said that “to evade the implementation of the agreements is not good”. 19 September the Russian delegation left the hall the UN General Assembly before the President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaite. Earlier the politician has called Russian-Belarusian exercises “West-2017” threat to humanity. Place left the first Deputy permanent representative to the UN, Peter Ilichev and the Chairman of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Leonid Slutsky. On 5 September, Russia sent to the UN security Council resolution on sending peacekeepers to the Donbass. According to

North Korea threatened the United States “the most powerful” test of a hydrogen bomb

North Korea threatened the United States “the most powerful” test of a hydrogen bomb Pyongyang may conduct a “most powerful test” of the hydrogen bomb in response to the threat of a trump “completely destroy” the DPRK, said the foreign Minister. Earlier, Kim Jong-UN has promised to consider “over-robust response” against the United States. North Korea may conduct a “powerful” test of a hydrogen bomb in the Pacific in response to the threat of a US President Donald trump “completely destroy” North Korea. This was stated by Minister of foreign Affairs ri Yong Ho, said the Agency Yonhap. A statement of the head of the foreign Ministry of the DPRK made after North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN has promised “to consider the over-robust response” against the United States, the Agency said. This may be the most powerful hydrogen bomb in the Pacific ocean.Lee Yong Hominist of foreign Affairs of North

Nebesa: the US withdrawal from the Iranian nuclear deal will give “the wrong signal” to the DPRK

Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Vasily Nebenzia © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS UN, September 22. /TASS/. The US withdrawal from the agreement on the Iranian nuclear program will give the wrong signal to North Korea. About this said on Thursday, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia at the meeting of the UN Security Council on non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), held at the initiative of the United States.

The advance of the militants in Syria initiated by the US intelligence – General staff of the armed forces

Photo: TC “Star” The attack of militants in the area of Idlib in Syria, initiated by US intelligence, the report said Estaba armed forces. The aim of the new offensive in the area of de-escalation Idlib to stop a successful promotion of the government troops to the East of Deir ez-Zor. The report noted that the main objective of the militants is an attempt to capture the units of the military police at the observation point deployed in the region. Earlier it was reported that the day the terrorists managed vonitsa in the defense of government troops to a depth of 12 km, on the front up to 20 km. During the liquidation of the militants three Russian servicemen were injured.