Lavrov: the enormous potential of relations between Russia and the United States standing idle because of the Russophobic hysteria

The Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS UN, September 22. /TASS/. The decision of the international problems is hampered by the lack of coordination between Russia and the United States due to Russophobic hysteria. This was stated by Russian foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on a press-conferences following the results of participation in the week’s high-level session of the UN General Assembly.

Putin congratulates Armenia on independence Day

Photo: RIA Novosti The President of Russia Vladimir Putin congratulated President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan on the independence Day of the country, noting the effective Armenian-Russian cooperation within the framework of the Eurasian economic Union, CSTO and CIS, the press service of the Kremlin. In a congratulatory telegram Putin noted that this year Armenia and Russia celebrate two significant dates — the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations and the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance. “The President of Russia highly appreciated the successes achieved in the development of the whole complex of bilateral relations, and effective Armenian-Russian cooperation within the framework of the Eurasian economic Union, CSTO and the CIS”, — stated in the message. Putin also expressed confidence in further strengthening of allied relations between Russia and Armenia in the interests of the fraternal peoples of the two

Russia and Japan have agreed to develop cooperation in tourism

Photo: RIA Novosti Russia and Japan signed a number of documents on development of bilateral cooperation in tourism and increase mutual tourist flows in the next two years. “These documents allow us to declare that the cooperation in tourism between Russia and Japan actively developed. We see, in particular, as increasing the mutual tourist flow between the two countries”, — quotes the head of the Federal tourism Agency Oleg Safonov TASS. It is noted that in one of the documents it is told about plans of increasing the mutual tourist flow up to 220 thousand in 2018, which is about 80 thousand more than in recent years. Earlier it became known that on the sidelines of the Eastern economic forum, Russia and Japan signed a Memorandum on joint work to reduce radioactivity of wastes.

Pushkov commented on the care of the Pence with the speech Lavrov

Photo: TASS Russian Senator Alexey Pushkov commented on the departure of us Vice-President Mike Pence during his speech, the foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov at the UN Security Council. As Pushkov wrote in his Twitter, leaving a Penny means lack points of contact between the two countries. “Demonstrative care of the Pence during his speech Lavrov at the UN — a clear signal that we have with the US administration, there are almost no points of contact.” stated Pushkov. “Without illusions,” he concluded. Earlier, the hall of the Ministerial meeting of the UN security Council on peacekeeping before the speech of the foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov left the Vice-President of the United States Michael Pence and the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko.

Lavrov compared the US and the DPRK with children in kindergarten

Lavrov compared the US and the DPRK with children in kindergarten The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov has compared the behavior of the US and the DPRK in the current situation around the North Korean missile and nuclear tests with the behavior of children in kindergarten. “We with China will continue to achieve a reasonable, not an emotional approach, as if the children in kindergarten began to fight each other, and nobody can stop,” — said Lavrov, speaking at a press conference in new York following the UN General Assembly. On Tuesday, trump speaking at the UN General Assembly, said that the US will destroy North Korea if that country would pose a threat to world security. Kim Jong-UN, in turn, on Friday promised to take “the most serious in the history of countermeasures” against the United States.

HA ONN, Prime Minister of Moldova demanded the withdrawal of Russian troops from the country

HA ONN, Prime Minister of Moldova demanded the withdrawal of Russian troops from the country UN, 22 Sep — RIA Novosti. Prime Minister of Moldova Pavel Filip, speaking from the rostrum of the UN General Assembly demanded the withdrawal of Russian troops from Transnistria. On the territory of Transnistria located operative group of Russian troops, which is the successor of the 14th combined arms army which after disintegration of the USSR was transferred under the jurisdiction of Russia. The main objectives of the task force — a peacekeeping mission and the protection of warehouses with ammunition. We repeat the request for complete and unconditional withdrawal of the so-called operational group of Russian military, the successor to the former 14th Soviet army, which is illegally stationed on the territory of the Republic of Moldovawas Filipinler-Minister of Moldova Thus, the Prime Minister raised in the General Assembly theme, which the government expects

Media reported about the resignation of the Governor of Nizhny Novgorod

Photo: RIA Novosti Nizhny Novgorod Governor Valery Shantsev is retiring, according to “Kommersant”. According to the newspaper, the decision to resign was taken at a meeting of the Governor with the administration of the President of Russia. Earlier, sources of Kommersant claimed that this year will be scheduled not less than ten acting governors, including early in the Nizhny Novgorod and Samara regions. Valery Shantsev has headed the Nizhny Novgorod oblast in 2005. The election in 2014, he scored 86% of the vote.

Lavrov called the use of force by UN peacekeepers

Photo: RIA Novosti UN peacekeepers can use force only for self-defense and defense of mandate. This was stated by Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov in his speech at the security Council. According to him, Moscow is opposed to the expansion of the power authority of the “blue helmets”. Moscow opposes the expansion of the power authority of the peacekeepers. This was stated on Wednesday Sergey Lavrov, speaking at a meeting of the UN security Council, reports “TV Center”. It was dedicated to the activities of “blue helmets”. According to the Russian foreign Minister, to resolve conflicts need political methods, involving in dialogue the warring parties. The Minister reminded about the basic principles of peacekeepers. One of them is the fact that all opposition parties have to consent to their placement. It is also unacceptable that peacekeepers stood on the sides. To use force they have only in

In St. Petersburg launched the most powerful icebreaker in the world

In St. Petersburg launched the most powerful icebreaker in the world At the Baltic shipyard in St. Petersburg launched housing the world’s most powerful nuclear-powered icebreaker “Siberia” of project 22220. About it reports “RIA Novosti”. The ceremony was attended by the presidential envoy in the northwestern Federal district, Nikolai Tsukanov, General Director of Rosatom Alexey Likhachev and President of the United shipbuilding Corporation (USC) Alexey Rakhmanov and Chairman of the accounting chamber Tatyana Golikova. She broke the champagne bottle on the hull of the icebreaker. During the download an error has occurred. Earlier it was reported that in late August the company “OKBM Afrikantov”, reported on the status of nuclear power plants for “Siberia”. The vessel will be equipped with two reactor RITM-200. Each has the capacity of 55 MW. The refueling should be conducted every 7-10 years. The lifetime of the reactors is 40 years. From the head of