Began the meeting of Lavrov with UN Secretary General

Photo: Wikipedia Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov meets with UN Secretary-General antónio Guterres. About it informs TASS. The meeting is held in the headquarters of the organization. The parties greeted each other in front of reporters, and further communication has continued without the press. Also States that Lavrov has left record in the book greetings of UN Secretary General.

Tillerson has accused Moscow of violating the INF Treaty

Photo: U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson said Russia was violated the agreement on non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. He said this during a meeting of the UN Security Council, which focused on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, reports RIA Novosti. “In recent years, Russia has sometimes acted in a manner that weakens the global rules and undermines the principle of responsible Nations. Examples of this include the violation of Russia’s own commitments to the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate-range and shorter-range nuclear forces (INF), failure to comply with security assurances that were given at the end of the cold war, impeding efforts to develop the legacy of past efforts on nuclear safety, and attempts to undermine the independence of the IAEA in the investigation of covert nuclear programs,” said Tillerson. He also called on Moscow to explore how best to support efforts to prevent

The first results of elections in the Bundestag of Bavaria

The first results of elections in the Bundestag of Bavaria BERLIN, September 24 — RIA Novosti. More than 40% of voters in the parliamentary elections in Germany, Bavarian voters (41,5%) — voted for party lists, the CSU party, which is party Alliance with the party of Angela Merkel, according to German data of the Central electoral Commission after processing of the protocols from 16 of the 46 constituencies. Bayern in the territory — the largest Federal state of Germany, the number of electoral districts (46) is the second largest. For the party right-wing populists, “Alternative for Germany” according to 21.54 (22.54 GMT) here voted for 13.6% of the electorate. The social Democrats of the SPD in Bavaria is getting a 14.8%, “Green” — 7,7%, the “Left” — 5,5%, the liberal Free democratic party of Germany — 9%. This data is according to party lists, they do not take into account

Germany after the election waiting for “Jamaica”

Germany after the election waiting for “Jamaica” BERLIN, September 24 — RIA Novosti. In Germany have passed elections in the Bundestag, the results of which Angela Merkel promised to stay on a post of the Chancellor, and the only one of the expected variants of the governmental coalition remains the Union party CDU/CSU, the greens and the Free democratic party of Germany — “Jamaica” as it is called this Association by color of the flag of this island nation. According to exit poll TV channel ARD, the party Alliance CDU/CSU led by Chancellor Angela Merkel leads from 32.5% (220 seats in the Bundestag), but the worst since 1949 result. The social democratic party of Germany (SPD) led by Martin Schulz receives 20% (137 seats), achieving the worst result in history. Right “Alternative for Germany” is gaining 13.5% and becoming the third force in Parliament (87 seats). The free democratic party

Russian General killed in Syria

Russian General killed in Syria The commander of the 5th combined arms army, General-Lieutenant Valery Isupov killed in Syria. About it reports RIA Novosti, citing the defense Ministry. In turn, the radio station “Moscow speaking” with reference to a source in the headquarters of the army said that along with Asadovym under the Deir ez-Zor was killed and two colonels. The source said that a mortar shell hit the command post, where officers. He added that because of the precision of attack is a version of betrayal. The Russian defense Ministry said that the attack was carried out by militants of banned terrorist organization “Islamic state”. Usupov was a senior group of military advisors, he helped the Syrian commanders in the management of the operation to liberate the city. General posthumously nominated for the award. Previously on 24 September, the news Agency RIA Novosti reported contact with its correspondent under

In the state Duma said that the laws of the Russian Federation German harder in terms of monitoring violations of the election

© EPA-EFE/OLIVER LANG MOSCOW, September 24. /TASS/. The legislation of the Russian better than German allows to monitor possible violations at the elections. This was stated by TASS, the state Duma Deputy, member of the Committee for security and combating corruption Nikolai Ryzhak, who was an observer from the OSCE parliamentary Assembly held on Sunday parliamentary elections in Germany. Poor control “The people voted rather actively,” – said the politician. “But for one fact: about 30% of voters voted in advance, and in the notification procedure at home,” he stated. “Second, we never saw cameras, which would have fixed the possible violations, although we passed half a dozen sites,” continued the Deputy. “There is no counting of the ballots – they don’t know how much they have newsletters, have the opportunity to throw as many as you want”, he added.

Facebook will give to Congress information about “Russian intervention”

Photo: Reuters The founder of Facebook mark Zuckerberg said that the social network will give the U.S. Congress the data in the case of “Russian intervention”. About this he wrote on his page in Facebook. “Today I have ordered that we transmitted to the Congress is, we discovered,” said Zuckerberg, commenting on earlier information on custom advertising in Facebook who are using fake accounts allegedly arranged with the Russians to influence the course of presidential elections in the United States. He acknowledged that cooperating with the US authorities on charges of “Russian interference” in the American presidential elections in 2016. According to Zuckerberg, his company for many months led the investigation, “the Russian presence”. “I don’t want someone used our tools to undermine democracy,” he said. However, he noted that Facebook failed to find evidence linking fake accounts with the Russian is. “We hope that the government will publish the

Exit polls gave the ultra-right third place in the elections to the Bundestag

Exit polls gave the ultra-right third place in the elections to the Bundestag Angela Merkel and her CDU/CSU would have to form a coalition government — over-year unit of the Chancellor has lost almost 10% of supporters. Moscow. September 24. INTERFAX.RU a far — Right party “Alternative for Germany” (ADH) gaining 13.5% of the votes at the end in German parliamentary elections, according to data ekzit-half-fishing ARD. Give the expected victory of the coalition of the bloc of the Christian democratic Union of Germany (CDU)/Christian social Union in Bavaria (CSU). Candidate for the post of Chancellor of this block is Angela Merkel, who will occupy the post for the fourth time. Second place the party of the Social democratic party of Germany (SPD), headed by Martin Schulz, — 20%. The Free democratic party of Germany (FDP) 10.5% of the vote. “Green”, according to first exit polls, a gain of 9.5%,

The DPRK has destroyed American planes and aircraft carrier

The DPRK has destroyed American planes and aircraft carrier A series of photo – motion collages, showing the destruction of American military aircraft and carrier rockets of the DPRK, appeared in North Korean media. On Sunday, September 24, according to South Korean Agency “Yonhap”. In particular, the published photos, which allegedly depicted the destruction of an American bomber B1-B and F-35. In addition, there was a video on which was a simulated launch of a ballistic missile from a submarine of the DPRK on the U.S. aircraft carrier “Carl Vinson” (USS Carl Vinson) and his bombardment. Collages published shortly after 23 September the US air force bombers B-1B Lancer, escorted by fighters, flew in international airspace near the area of the demilitarized zone separating North Korea from South. As noted in the Pentagon, U.S. aircraft moved North of the demilitarized zone, farther than ever in the twenty-first century.

Lavrov: Russia will not proceed with the appeal in the court because of the selection of its departmenti in USA

© Michael Pochuev/TASS MOSCOW, September 24. /TASS/. Moscow will not proceed with the appeal to the court in connection with the selection of its diplomatic property in the United States. This was stated by Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov in the program “week” with Irada Zeynalova, which was released on Sunday on NTV.