The U.S. imposed restrictions on entry for citizens of the DPRK, Iran and Venezuela

The U.S. imposed restrictions on entry for citizens of the DPRK, Iran and Venezuela WASHINGTON, September 25. /TASS/. The U.S. government has decided to expand the list of countries for whose citizens entry into the country will be limited. This is stated in common on Sunday, the press service of the White house proclamation signed by the President of the United States Donald trump. We are talking about the introduction of a set of restrictions against a number of countries, including the resurrection fall under the ban on issuing visas, which expires on Monday. The list of these countries included Chad, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Syria, Venezuela and Yemen. This rule shall come into force on 18 October. According to the text, according to the Ministry of internal security, these States “have mismatched protocols” in terms of the identification of persons and exchange of information, in addition, there are

Gryzlov: the law granting the Donbas special status should be extended

The Plenipotentiary of Russia in the contact group on settlement in the East of Ukraine, Boris Gryzlov © Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, September 25. /TASS/. Russia insists that the law granting the Donbas special status has been renewed and amended by a provision on the entry into effect on a permanent basis. This was announced by the Plenipotentiary of Russia in the contact group on settlement in the East of Ukraine, Boris Gryzlov. In an interview with the newspaper “Izvestia”, he recalled that the law “On special order of local government in certain districts of Donetsk and Lugansk regions” was adopted by the Verkhovna Rada three years ago and it expires in mid-October of this year.

Of the inhabitants of Berlin are urged to choose Putin, Chancellor of Germany

Photo: Zuerst In the centre of Berlin on the eve of elections to the Bundestag were posters with the image of Russian President Vladimir Putin urging them to vote for him. On Thursday, September 21, according to Zuerst. “Select Putin the Chancellor,” reads the inscription on them. Posters made in the style block “Christian democratic Union/Christian social Union” (CDU/CSU), headed by German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Also, the publication presents the results of a survey of the sociological service Forsa, according to which 83 percent of Germans oppose economic sanctions adopted by the Congress of the United States against Russia. More than three quarters of respondents believe that the United States really strengthen the position of its economy through sanctions. On 20 September it was reported that the Federal Prosecutor of Germany started investigation on the fact of sending letters, calling on voters not to go to polling stations on the

The media learned about plans of a North Korean diplomat to visit Moscow

Photo: RIA Novosti Head of Department in the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Korea Cho son Hui next week will arrive in Moscow for talks with the Ambassador for special assignments of the Russian foreign Ministry Vladimir Burmistrov M. V. successfully managed. On Friday, September 22, according to South Korean Agency Yonhap, citing an informed source. The details of the upcoming visit is unknown, but, probably, the parties will discuss ways out of the current situation on the Korean Peninsula in connection with the missile and nuclear tests of Pyongyang. 19 Sep trump from the podium of the UN General Assembly has promised to “completely destroy” North Korea. According to trump, the United States will have no choice, if Pyongyang does not come on. “[Kim Jong UN] behaves and his regime to suicide,” said trump. He urged member States of the United Nations to work together to isolate the authorities

Syrian rebels surrounded the terrorists in the center of Raqqa

Photo: RIA Novosti “The forces of democratic Syria” almost fully control the situation in the city of raqqa, which is 510 km from Damascus. The remnants of the terrorist gangs surrounded in the area of the hospital, “al-Watani”, Rashid Park and city stadium. The militants are hiding in underground bunkers and only occasionally undertake armed attacks. According to TASS, now the men of the coalition sweep the streets, saving people, located in the mined buildings. The fighters of DAISH (the Arabic name banned in Russia ISIL) took local residents hostage and used them as human shields. Recall the assault on Raqqa began on 6 June. Since then it has been eliminated 1206 of mercenaries.

Block Merkel’s lead after counting of votes in 227 districts

Block Merkel’s lead after counting of votes in 227 districts BERLIN, September 24 — RIA Novosti. The Christian democratic Union (CDU) led by Chancellor Angela Merkel gaining 26.5% of votes, its key partner, the Bavarian CSU party, which is 7.9% of the votes, the Social democratic party of Germany — 20.8 percent, according to data of the German Central election Commission on the results of counting of votes in 227 out of 299 constituencies. Right “Alternative for Germany” is gaining 11.9 percent, the Free democratic party — 11%, “Green” — 9,1%, the “Left” is 7.9%.

In Germany, there were demonstrations against the entry right “ADH” in the Bundestag

In Germany, there were demonstrations against the entry right “ADH” in the Bundestag BERLIN, September 25 — RIA Novosti. Demonstrations against the entry to the Bundestag a right-wing party “Alternative for Germany” were held on Sunday in the German cities of Berlin, Cologne, düsseldorf and Frankfurt am main, Munich, Hamburg, police said. About 400 people gathered for a demonstration in Cologne, told the newspaper Rheinische Post. The demonstration was peaceful. In Frankfurt-on-main, to Express their discontent on the streets 300. In Dusseldorf, about 100 people gathered in front of city hall with a banner “will Not succumb to racism,” the newspaper writes. Earlier it was reported that in the centre of Berlin on Alexanderplatz in the campaign opponents of the “Alternative for Germany”. According to estimates of RIA Novosti, it was attended by about thousand people. A police spokesman said that several police officers pelted with bottles, but otherwise the

Iraqi Kurds will hold a referendum on independence

Iraqi Kurds will hold a referendum on independence MOSCOW, September 25. /TASS/. The referendum on the independence of the Kurdish Autonomous region of Iraq will take place on Monday, despite calls by the international community and the Central government in Baghdad to move, or better yet, cancel the plebiscite. At a press conference on Sunday with representatives of a dozen of the world’s media the head of Iraqi Kurdistan Massoud Barzani once again made it clear that the referendum will be held on time. The referendum As stated in the independent electoral Commission for elections and referendum of the Iraqi Kurdistan, polling stations will open on Monday at 08:00 and end at 18:00 (coincides with Moscow). The question posed for the referendum is: “do You want to the Kurdistan region and Kurdish areas outside it become an independent state?”. The Bulletin is presented in four languages: Kurdish, Arabic, Turkmen and

Kosachev: intrigue in the parliamentary elections in Germany did not work

The Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, September 24. /TASS/. Intrigue in the parliamentary elections in Germany did not work; if the exit poll data are confirmed by official figures, that would mean a vote of confidence “bundeskanzlerin”. This opinion was expressed on Sunday, the head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev. “If official data confirm the results of exit polls, as it was expected, the parliamentary elections in Germany were a vote of confidence “bundeskanzlerin”. Intrigue did not work,” Kosachev wrote on his page in Facebook. The Senator added that this intrigue had died immediately after the nomination of the social Democrats Martin Schulz as a rival to Angela Merkel. Kosachev believes that the social Democrats were in principle very difficult task to criticize the government, which they are part, and offer alternatives where the population

Lavrov, speaking at the United Nations, recalled Seneca, and forgot about trump

Photo: © 2017 AFP / Timothy A. Clary The Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, speaking Thursday at the UN General Assembly, called welcome the statement of the President of the United States Donald trump about the importance of respecting the sovereignty of States. In his speech Lavrov made no mention about the size of the military budget of Russia, accuse or threaten any countries and prefer to talk about common to all member States of the UN values: equality, international cooperation against common challenges and threats. At the end of his speech, the Russian foreign Minister recalled the words of Roman philosopher Seneca that “we were born to live together”. Response to Trump and an example of North Korea and Iran Speech of Russian foreign Minister to the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly lasted about 19 minutes, less than half said Tuesday the President of the United States