Putin has replaced the head of the Samara region

Putin has replaced the head of the Samara region Is Nikolay Merkushkin, who retired from his post at his own request, the acting Governor appointed Dmitry Azarov. Moscow. September 25. INTERFAX.RU — Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on early termination of powers of the Governor of the Samara region Nikolay Merkushkin, reported the press service of the Kremlin. “To accept resignation of the Governor of the Samara region Merkushkin at own will”, — stated in the text of the decree of the President. According to the decree, Dmitry Azarov was appointed acting Governor until the inauguration of the person elected the Governor of the Samara region. A separate decree the President of Russia merkoushkin special representative of the President on interaction with the world Congress of Finno-Ugric peoples. On the eve, Russian media reported that in the beginning of the week can be followed for early dismissal of

The state Duma will prepare the rules of human communication with robots

The state Duma will prepare the rules of human communication with robots Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin has declared that in the near future, the deputies will deal with the regulation of human relations with robots. “Questions the relationship between man and artificial intelligence, the relationship human-robot — issues that we in law will have in the near future to describe,” he said. If we fail to do this, we will lag. The tasks outlined by our President at the St. Petersburg economic forum, speaking about the development of the digital economy, of course, must be effectively addressed through legislative regulirovaniia Waltenspiel of the state Duma Vladimir Putin in a June speech at SPIEF spoke of the need “to create a new, flexible regulatory framework for the implementation of digital technologies in all spheres of life.” He added that “the government will support those companies that are carriers

What will change in life of Russians from 1 October

What will change in life of Russians from 1 October Autumn’s call by raising the suspected passenger threshold for debtors, the introduction of tax free and other innovations Oct. October 1, 2017 starts autumn conscription, which will last until 31 December this year. Under its action get young people aged 18 to 27 years — in the first place, fall the army are those who is not enrolled in the institution and not issued a deferment from the army for school. An exception will be made for the residents of some territories of the far North (for which the call will begin in November), residents of rural areas employed in this time of harvest, provided that this fact is documented (for example, in their workbook). In addition, under the autumn conscription does not get young men-teachers due to the fact that the school year starts only a month earlier, the

Kosachev: the thesis about Russian intervention in elections in Germany this time is not needed

The Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev © Anton novoderezhkin/TASS MOSCOW, September 25. /TASS/. The thesis about Russian interference in the elections of Germany came to naught a few months before polling day because the outcome of the vote of the citizens became known in advance. This opinion was expressed on Monday, the head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev. “Wonder why the thesis of “inevitable Russian intervention” in the German elections, actively raskruchivaya in the first phase of the campaign, Berlin and other Western capitals in the past couple months has completely gone from the screen? My answer is because the outcome (the desired system outcome) of these elections was a clear advance,” Kosachev wrote on his page in Facebook.

In the center of Moscow, a monument to Stalin

In the center of Moscow opened an Avenue of rulers, one of the exhibits which was a bust of Joseph Stalin, according to Life. The sculpture was placed on the next September 22, the Avenue of the governors, organized by the Russian military-historical society. Also there appeared busts of Nicholas II, Vladimir Lenin, Nikita Khrushchev, Leonid Brezhnev, Yuri Andropov, Konstantin Chernenko, Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin. Earlier at the Avenue of the rulers has already been installed sculptures by Russian princes and tsars, including Ivan the terrible. “Moskovsky Komsomolets” wrote that the installation of the bust of Stalin criticized the human rights activist Lev Ponomarev. In his words, “too many people died in those years,” when Stalin was in power, “and too many of their relatives are still alive”. Member of the Board of “memorial” Jan Raczynski noted that “history was not more bloody ruler against his own people” than

The defense Ministry told about the number of airstrikes in Syria

Photo: Reuters The Russian defense Ministry announced the details of the actions of Russian troops in Syria. The relevant data leads and the departmental newspaper “Red Star”. As the infographic presented by the publication, from the militants of the “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia) released 87.4 percent of the country. More and more localities join in the cease-fire (February 26 last year — 2235). For all time operation of the Russian VKS made 30650 sorties, the result was affected 96828 terrorist targets. Of them of 8.33 thousand command points and 53.7 per thousand clusters of militants was 6.77 thousands of warehouses of fuel and ammunition, 184 refinery, 134 station fuel transfer and columns of tankers and 212 of the oil fields. Russian sappers cleared almost 5.3 thousand hectares Syrian territory, demolishing more than 60 thousand items of unexploded ordnance and explosive devices. In Syria since 2011, the confrontation

Lavrov called on the youth world festival in Sochi

Photo: RIA Novosti The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov has invited active young people from all countries to participate in the world festival of youth and students in Sochi from 14 to 22 October. The announcement was made during a speech to the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly. “We invite you all to the XIX world festival of youth and students, which is less than a month our country will host in Sochi”, — quotes the Minister TASS. The Russian diplomat noted that today it is important to pay special attention to educating young people to respect cultural and civilizational diversity of the modern world.

Voting began on the independence of Iraqi Kurdistan

Voting began on the independence of Iraqi Kurdistan On the territory of Kurdish autonomy of Iraq has opened the polls for voting on the referendum on independence. On Monday, September 25, according to Reuters. In particular, residents will have to answer the question: You want the Kurdistan region and Kurdish areas outside it become an independent state? As notes TASS, in total for participation in the plebiscite was 5.2 million people. The results of the voting will be announced a day later. Iraqi Kurdistan is the unofficial name of the Kurdish Autonomous region in the North and North-East of Iraq, which has the status of a wide autonomy within the country’s legally enshrined in the Constitution. Included in this region’s province of Dahuk, Sulaymaniyah and Erbil are traditionally the place of residence of Kurds. The authorities in the region is the Democratic party of Kurdistan led by President Massoud Barzani.

Scientologists bring to the presidential level. Vladimir Putin asked to defend their religious beliefs

Scientologists bring to the presidential level. Vladimir Putin asked to defend their religious beliefs As it became known””, group of human rights activists led by Lyudmila Alekseeva sent a letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin with a request to respond to the arrest of the leaders of the Church of Scientology in St. Petersburg. They are accused of illegal business activities and the organization of extremist community. The authors of the letter called the prosecution a violation of the constitutional rights of citizens “to choose and propagate religious beliefs and to act in accordance with them.” Lyudmila Alexeyeva in an interview with “Kommersant” has compared the situation with the persecution of believers in the USSR. In turn, religious scholars point out that in several Western countries to the Scientologists “have a claim from a financial point of view,” but in Russia their activity is recognised by extremist. The appeal of

Old responsibilities can get a new performing. We expect new resignations in the regions

Old responsibilities can get a new performing. We expect new resignations in the regions According to sources, “Kommersant” close to the presidential administration (PA) this week may begin a series of resignations of heads of regions. The total number of entities that are called as candidates for a change of government is approaching ten. Included in the lists of governors and their representatives claim that they are in the workplace and the resignation is not going to. A source close to the AP, did not rule out that already in the beginning of this week can be followed for early dismissal of heads of regions. Among the regions that can fall under the personnel changes, sources, “b” list Ivanovo, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Murmansk, Novosibirsk, Omsk oblast, Nenets Autonomous Okrug (NAO), and Krasnoyarsk and Altai territories, perhaps one or two subjects in the North Caucasus (where governors choose legislative Assembly from