Yatsenyuk intends to apply to the ECHR lawsuit against Russia

Yatsenyuk intends to apply to the ECHR lawsuit against Russia Former Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk plans to appeal to the European court of human rights (ECHR) with the request to recognise illegal criminal prosecution on the territory of Russia. About the intentions of the former Prime Minister announced in Facebook by his press Secretary Olga Lappo. She said that by the standards of the ECHR claim, you first need to formally go through all the stages before the national courts. “We intend to prove to the ECHR the absurdity of the Russian krivoulya. We will bring to justice all the so-called Russian “investigators” and “judges” who fabricated “the Chechen business Yatsenyuk”,” said MS Lappo. About the intentions of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) to attract Arseniy Yatsenyuk to criminal liability became known in April. The Agency reported there is evidence of participation of the former Prime Minister

The state Department denied the U.S. involvement in death of Russian General in Syria

The state Department denied the U.S. involvement in death of Russian General in Syria The US is not involved in the death of Russian General in Syria and do not support terrorists in this country. About this in his Twitter said the official representative of US state Department Heather Nauert. She stressed that the statements that “the US supports ISIS (“Islamic state” banned in Russia organization. — RBC) or involved in the death of Russian commander, in fact, are without Foundation”. “The US and coalition have only one goal — the destruction of ISIS,” she said. Claims that US supports ISIS or complicit in death of Russian commander has no basis in fact. US/Coalition has one objective: defeat of ISIS — Heather Nauert (@statedeptspox) September 25, 2017 During the download an error has occurred. At the same time Heather Nauert accused the Russian officials “do not conform to the truth

The candidate for Chancellor of Germany supported the abolition of anti-Russian sanctions

Photo: © AP Photo / Markus Schreiber The candidate in chancellors of Germany from the “Left” Dietmar Bartsch called for the lifting of sanctions against Russia for four years. “I believe that in the next legislative period of the discussion whether to lift the sanctions will go more actively” — he said in an interview with RIA Novosti. Bartsch, in his words, “full of hope that the issue will be resolved during the next legislative period.” “It is a policy of the Left party and other parties want to end it, because this path is incorrect”, — said the Agency interlocutor, adding that the “Left” would be willing to support the initiative of other parties on the abolition of restrictions. The European Union imposed sanctions against Russia in the spring of 2014 in connection with the situation in Ukraine and in the Crimea, and since then regularly extended them. Moscow

In the US, said that Facebook had not believed in the attempts of Russia to influence through social networks to the polls

Photo: TASS NEW YORK, September 24. /TASS/. The American company Facebook, in spite of recent statements, 10 months ago believed the nonsense of the assumptions about Russian efforts using this social network to influence the outcome of last year’s elections in the United States. This detail was disclosed on Sunday in the broadcast of CNN, the co-chair of the ad hoc Committee on intelligence of the Senate mark Warner (Democrat from Virginia). He expressed satisfaction that the operator of the social network has changed its point of view on this issue. “I’m glad that Facebook has finally stepped forward. Ten months ago I started to raise this issue. And ten months ago, Facebook responded that all this madness, they say, there is no intervention of Russia”, — said the Senator, expressing regret that the leadership of the social network waited so long. According to Warner, he personally and his colleagues

Poroshenko signed a law on education reform

Poroshenko signed a law on education reform The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko on Monday signed the law of Ukraine “On education”, which was adopted by the Verkhovna Rada on 5 September. This was reported on the official website of the Ukrainian leader. The adoption of the law will allow to carry out a thorough reform of education, which should improve the quality and competitiveness of the young generation on the labour market, the report said. According to Poroshenko, educational reform is key. “This is one of the main reforms for any other reform, the future of the country depends as educational” — he stressed. The law also specifies that the language of the educational process in educational institutions shall be the state language — Ukrainian. But one or more of the disciplines can be taught in two or more languages — Kazakh, English, other official languages of the European

The White house has denied declaring war on North Korea

The White house has denied declaring war on North Korea Washington did not declare war on North Korea, such statements are absurd. On Monday, September 25, reported the press Secretary of the White house Sarah Sanders, reports Reuters. The representative of the Bureau for East Asia and Pacific region of the U.S. state Department Katina Adams confirmed that Pyongyang’s Declaration about the Declaration of war by the US is not true, but at the same time, Washington will continue to push for the peaceful denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, RIA Novosti reported. Earlier on September 25, foreign Minister of the DPRK ri Yong Ho said that the US President, Donald trump declared war on North Korea. “Since the United States declared war on our country, we will have the full right to take countermeasures, including the right to shoot down U.S. strategic bombers, even if they are not in the

Pass the stadium and to help “AVTOVAZ”: what you have to do the acting head of the Samara region

The construction of the stadium “arena Samara” © Sergey Fadeichev/TASS Make a plan for the preparation of Samara for the 2018 world Cup, to take the time stadium, restore financial order at the enterprises of automobile and aircraft engineering, to bring benefits to pensioners and many other tasks have to solve the newly appointed acting (acting) Governor of the Samara region Dmitry Azarov. This was after his appointment on Monday, told TASS experts associated with the region. To finish the stadium Merkoushkin resignation will not affect the preparation of Samara for the 2018 world Cup, experts say. For Samara the question of the construction of the stadium, as well as overall preparation for the world Cup, exhilarating, as the construction period of the project behind schedule.

Lavrov said that never heard of

Photo: RIA Novosti The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov has declared, that never heard of the existence of the “Lavrov plan” on Syria, RIA “Novosti”. “I never heard. I’m serious, never heard about the “Lavrov plan”, — said diplomat. So he answered a journalist’s question to comment on the Lavrov plan on Syria, which, she said, is to develop agreements on the withdrawal of foreign troops from Syrian territory. Earlier, Lavrov said that the partition of Syria is unacceptable, emphasizing the importance of creating areas of de-escalation.

The Minister told about efforts to return departmenti in USA

Photo: 2017 AFP / Josh Edelson Lavrov said that Russia will not delay lawsuit on departmenet in the United States. Russia will not proceed with the appeal to the court in connection with the selection of its departmenet in the United States. This was stated by Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in the program the End of the week, which was released on 24 September on NTV channel. Yes, we are doing it now. We speak with lawyers, collect information about what law firm what opinion is in the preliminary plan, Lavrov said, responding to a question. The matter is: will not procrastinate, but do not rush, said the head of the Russian foreign Ministry. We will remind, on September 2 this year, the us authorities closed the Consulate General of Russia in San Francisco, a trade delegation in Washington and his office in new York, which Russia leases. The